Wednesday 30 October 2013

Sochi 2014: Putin declares gay athletes welcome

Russia has been very anti-gay, and Mr Putin now comes out the reassure visitors and athletes.  Strange.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Why is broadband more expensive in the US?

Why is broadband more expensive in the US?  Alternatively, why I use dialed up in 2001?

I remember when I was a senior in 2001, I moved off-campus.  Once I looked at the cost of broadband, $50/month, I opted to use Vanderbilt dial up instead.  Yes, it was slow, yes, it cuts out every hour, but it was free.

Monday 28 October 2013

Who Needs Gyms

Who needs gym when you have to do loads of lifting at work!

Sunday 27 October 2013

Just Upgrade It!

Mark asked if he should upgrade an aged computer onto Win 7.  It was a 2-in-1 upgrade.  So I told him how Win 7 may not have the drivers for the mother board, etc etc.  Just put more RAM and HHD on the computer, and restore to factory setting!

Saturday 26 October 2013

Dominant Ear

I have been putting music into my dominant ear at work, I could hardly hear anything else!  I suppose I could hear it, but I could not process the content.  I have got to change my habit, putting music into the other ear, to enhance my multi-tasking ability.

Friday 25 October 2013

Stress Induced Blindness

I was looking for these drawings at work, and I looked everywhere, asked everyone.  Then only to realise, it was in the first folder I looked, that I have looked over 3 times.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Correct Duvet Gives Good Night Sleep

Warm duvet in a cool night, sounds perfect.  But a hot duvet in a cold night, not so.  I must overcome my laziness and move onto the right duvet.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Ten to Twelve

Matt said he needed to take Luke to dentist, "Ten to Twelve".  Of course, if I take into account his travel time, it surely adds up to 3 hours of working time, I am not dawned with such discretionary power.

We later discussed his plan again, he planned to leave about 11am, and back by 1pm.  "Oh, I thought you meant 10am to 12pm!"  "Oh no, I meant 11:50."

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Monday 21 October 2013

High Vis Vest

I have started wearing the high visibility vest on my motorcycle.  And from time to time, the velcro comes undone, and the vest would start flapping in the wind. 
Having wind through the clothes is one of the joy of motorcycling, but not when it affect visibility.  It affected my rear-view visibility, especially in the dark, when I need it most.  So then the vest flapped, I thought the cars behind were flashing at me.
I must remember to fasten my clothing up properly!

Sunday 20 October 2013

Sarotti No. 1 Santo Domingo 85%

We finally get around to trying the other Saritti bar.  The bar is very aromatic.  When we taste it, it is very hard, and bitter.  I was reviewing what I thought on the other bar, Sarotti No. 1 Ecuador 72%, that reminds me on how cheap they were.  For a chocolate bar that is cheaper than the Lindt 85%, and to be fair, from what I could remember, I was not a big fan of Lindt 85% either, so I would say this bar meets its expectations.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Junk Food

It has been a while since I had KFC.  I did not have a corn on cob this time, but I had some Original Recipe. 

I had my favourite French Fries Float!!

Just a reminder, never give Sarah sugary drinks.

Friday 18 October 2013

Naked Nuts

I like my nuts either roasted plain or sugar coated, and nothing in between.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Here Comes the Rains and the Winds

It is this time of the year, here comes the rains and the winds.  Poor Little Rome!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Ninja Turtle

Ninja Turtle is still on TV, unbelievable!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Special Loving

Special loving sounds like something you tell a kid where babies come from.

Monday 14 October 2013

Charity Shop Shopping

Superdry teeshirt for 2 quid!  Can't go wrong with that!

Sunday 13 October 2013


It has been a while since I last been in a Gym, and it was a good feeling.  I need to be more motivated!

Saturday 12 October 2013

Can't Trust a Greedy Man

It is very hard to trust a greedy man.  Greedy and selfish man are keen on money and shy on serving.

Friday 11 October 2013

Lets the Autumn Tantrum begins

It is this time of the year.  Lets the Autumn tantrum begins.

Thursday 10 October 2013

UHT with Expiry Date

I thought UHT implied lasting forever.  It is counter intuitive, there is expiry date on UHT milk!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Beef Shin Stew

I got some beef shin from Leeds Market and made stew using the same Hairy Biker Oxtail Stew recipe.  It turns out very nice.  I am looking forward to make more British and Chinese beef stew, with the combination of shin and brisket.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Cat Midwifery

The kittens came when I was at Verity's alone.  Alexis was meowing and sorting out her nest, but I didn't think twice.  When I went back upstairs, the kittens had arrived.  I did a quick head count, popped up to the attic to find a box, put all the cats in, and rang Verity at work, "There are kittens."  

Verity could not ditch work early, so I was given instruction to check for contraction and keep the room warm.

There was a dead kitten, and it was full to term.  The kitten seemed to have a deformed foot, and died of injuries.  Perhaps Alexis killed him at birth to spare him from further misery.  We would never know if he was born alive.

Four healthy kittens, two boys and two girls, what more do you want?

Monday 7 October 2013

Savory and Sweet Snacks

Tesco is doing a Happy Diwali sale, I got a massive bag of cashew.
Then a trip to Leeds Market, I got a massive bag of strawberry spaghetti.  I am all sorted for the next weeks!

Sunday 6 October 2013

Google Forms

GBMCC has been using Google forms.  I was tasked to organise this year's Christmas party, and it is the opportunity to experiment Google forms.  Everyone thought I was a wizard, and Mark is wanting to tryout Google forms with his club.

Saturday 5 October 2013


Rumour has it, USD should be dropping because of the budget crisis.  And since HKD x USD is fixed, everything x HKD should be rising.  Much to my surprise GBP has dropped slightly instead.  What does the future holds for GBP and USD?

Friday 4 October 2013


Binge is a common method to de-stress.  I felt like binging, let hope my self-restrain is stronger than the urge to binge.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Internet Withdrawal

Someone didn't pay the internet bill, and we are left without internet for the rest of the week.  Let's watch more TV and read some books.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

I Need A Drink

I walked into the house and said I needed a drink.  Ruth turned around as I was opening a bottle of cider.  Ruth said, you meant you need an actual drink.

It doesn't happen very often, lets hope it won't happen very often.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Scrabble App

The Scrabble App has just been upgraded.  Now it has an option to play with computer.

Many people complained about the need of network before one can play Scrabble on the Scrabble App.  As it turns out, the App only needs network, but not necessarily internet.  Without internet, I am playing without the interruption of advertisement.  One lovely flaw of the App!