Saturday 31 May 2014

Rochdale Dominos

We ordered a pizza for dinner.  Different pizza outlets are providing different offers, and we had a large pizza delivered for a tenner.

Dominos pizza is not fully loaded, and the crust is not very substantial.  I am still a bit hungry.

Friday 30 May 2014

Tax Correction

I have just got my P60, and for the first time ever, I am not getting a cheque from HMRC for overpaid tax.  There went my holiday budget.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Thickest Drinking Chocolate Ever

I gave Sarah a hot chocolate last weekend, which reminded me to use up the really old tin of chocolate.  And since I have some milk, I made some hot chocolate.

The hot chocolate is so thick, it dries my mouth as it goes down.
The hot chocolate is so strong, it hits my head every sip.
The hot chocolate is so thick, it will probably come out the other end smelling the same.

I should really be baking with it.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Free Things Come to Those Who Waits

WhatsApp wanted me to renew and the subscription fee.  I refused to pay Facebook Inc, so I did not renew.  Two months on, I clicked around on the phone, and WhatsApp is letting me use it for another year for free.

If all else fail, I can just use Line and emails.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Coldstones Cut

When Yan was here a few years ago, I took her to Fountains Abbey.  On the way back, we stopped at Pateley Bridge.  The visitor centre was closed but they had a leaflet on the window about The Coldstones Cut, so we went.  My feet were so sore from walking in Fountains all day, somehow Yan still had the energy.  I let her see the site on her own.

Sarah and I went to Fountains, and since the weather held up, we checked out the Coldstones Cut.  It is interesting, but I will only revisit if they sort out their carpark!

Monday 26 May 2014

Aldwark Bridge

Sarah and I were driving to Beningbrough, and the SatNAV mentioned about toll road, which we ignored.  We did come across a toll bridge, Aldwark Bridge, which has its own TripAdvisor page.  It costed us 40p.

It was quite scary, as it is an old wooden bridge.  Little do we know it is 236 years old.  Maybe Sarah and I can aim to cross more of these tiny toll bridges.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Market Everywhere

I was looking up events held in Kirkstall Abbey, and found there are market days in Kirkstall. 

It is good for customers to see market stalls and produces and goods from small producers, but is it good for the traders?

For a few days in a month, the big supermarkets may have a tiny dip in their trade, or alternatively, a few days later, families has more food waste.  For a trader to see good trade for the odd weekend, it may give them false sense of their trade, who may then mistakenly embark on a permanent shop.

I am mostly a browser, so all these markets are very entertaining for me.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Elizabeth Shaw 85% Cocoa

Some Sainsbury carry Elizabeth Shaw, and I took the offer and got a couple of these dark chocolate bars.  I got some of the cocoa nibs bars before, and it is of reasonable quality.

This bar is smooth, dark and fairly good quality.  This is as good as if not better than Lindt.  The only problem with this bar is the lack of character, very 'dark chocolate' flavour, and no after taste.

Friday 23 May 2014

Magnum Champagne

I was a bit skeptical after the pistachio Magnum turned out to be horrible.  Sarah was skeptical about its colour.

The chocolate case tastes like M&M, chocolate with a sugar-type coat.  Then the ice cream tastes a bit liqueur chocolate centre.  So this ice cream bar is much like a chocolate liqueur truffles.

I like this more than the pistachio ones.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Keep Helmet Away from Any Hard Surfaces

Jerry asked if I could move my helmet to the hall.  I dutifully obliged and moved my gear.  I thought it was an idea to stack the helmet on his, but as soon as I lay the helmet in the corner, the helmet touched the brick wall and scratched it!  I am never putting helmet anywhere without the bag!  And definitely keep it away from any hard surfaces!

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Magnum Pistahio

I am a Magnum fan, and I got these on offer.  As soon as I tried it, I regretted it.  It tastes very artificial.  I think Magnum should stick with what they know, chocolate.  Now I am dreading the other box of Magnum Champagne.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Brü Ice-cream

When Brü website could not be bothered to put the umlaut on the Bru, it is blatant laziness.

The ice cream is acceptable, but for the same price or less, I can get better ice cream locally made than their Leicestershire made ice cream just a few minutes walk away.

I don't really believe in paying for the atmosphere.

Monday 19 May 2014

Yee Kwan Ice-cream

In the Derbyshire food festival, we saw this Sheffield based ice-cream maker Yee Kwan. We were immediately drawn to her black sesame ice cream and motcha ice cream.

I was not in a mood for ice cream, so we did not end up buying any.  But they tasted nice and I am glad to have a tiny taste of the orient.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Impressive - Motorway

I was minding my business on the motorway, and I saw a BMW went from the right hand lane to left hand lane, undertook everyone in excess of 95mph, and went back to right hand lane.  Impressive.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Survival of Mankind

It was not long ago when mankind has to hunt and kill animal to protect of lives, farm lives and in general making our space more habitable.

These days, we wishfully think we can share our spaces with animals without phasing them out, without killing and removing hazards from our spaces.  And it is a surprise or it is justified when we are mauled to death, kicked to death or stung to death.

Human can either be the top predator or a prey.

Friday 16 May 2014

Banana and Coconut

Obviously banana is yellow on the outside and white in the inside.  Apparently there is coconut, brown on the outside and white in the inside.  From Life: An Idiot's Guide.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Cats are Better Friends

All I can remember of dogs are all these unprovoked attacks.  Just the thought of being in close proximity of a dog makes me sick.  Sometimes even the thought of dogs make me sick.  People who has never been attacked by dogs will never understand.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Carte D'Or Caffe Latte

I got two of these from Fulton.  They are okay.  The tub is so light, it must be full of air.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Distracted Driver is the Worst Driver

The idiot(s) who tried to kill me were all distracted drivers.  Most people only considers electronic devices as the common distraction, but I think by far the worst distraction is people: crying baby, screaming kids or chatty relatives.

I really need to watch out those people carriers.

Monday 12 May 2014

Another Near Miss

The first memorable near miss was on M60 in Manchester.  This on city loop Leeds.  Both were family car, people carrier.

I saw the driver saw me, and he still tried to pull out in front of me.

Sunday 11 May 2014


re'new is being moved, and the existing location demolished.  Everywhere you look in Leeds is construction.  It does not feel good.

Saturday 10 May 2014

British Washboard Road

Unlike American washboards, which are very much like a washboard, the British washboard roads are more like a wavy bumpy road, and more prominently shown with the hardened road paint.  In American, it vibrates everything out of the bike; here, it is like horseback riding.

Friday 9 May 2014

Carte D'Or Gelateria Chocolate Inspiration

I was looking forward to try the new Carte D'Or Gelateria.  I was meaning to try the coffee version, but as Mr M does not carry that flavour, I settled with the chocolate inspiration.

It is not very inspiring.  I did not realise the galateria series is the sundae type product with which I disagree.  I am not so keen on trying the coffee version.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Stewed Rabbit

Sarah had the stewed rabbit at the Scotsman Pack.  I had tried rabbit the first time.  It is very lean.  The leg is very gamey, and the breast is a bit like chicken.

I had not fallen in love with rabbit, but I wouldn't mind a rabbit pie now and then.

Wednesday 7 May 2014


Sarah was hard-selling Bradwell's.  When we finally had some ice-cream, I was not impressed with the ice-laced ice-cream and the limited selection.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Wetwang II

Sarah asked why had I not googled Wetwang, so here it goes.

It is recorded in the Domesday Book as Wetuuangha. There are two interpretations of this. One is that it probably comes from the Old Norse vaett-vangr, 'field for the trial of a legal action'. Another theory is that it was the "Wet Field" compared to the nearby dry field at Driffield. It has been hypothesised that the unlocated Romano-British town of Delgovicia is located at Wetwang.

Monday 5 May 2014

Cat and Fiddle Road A537

I took the opportunity to ride on the 'dangerous side' of Cat and Fiddle Road the first time.  Seriously, only proper idiots will find the road dangerous.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Tales of Two Romulus

Russ and I both have a 1999 GSXR 600, two bikes have very different lives.

Russ has his since new, well garage kept, and nearly strictly summer dry mileages, 23k on the clock.  Mine was 4th hand bike, well used, all season riding, 61k on the clock. 

The only thing in common between two bikes is both Russ and I love our bikes.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Desirable Side Effects

Alcohol has the desirable side effect to reduce stress and anxiety.

Coffee has the desirable side effect to mask tiredness.

There are reasons why we drink these beverages.

Friday 2 May 2014

Cherry Blossom Confetti

After a rainy windy night, all the cars were confittied with cherry blossom.  It is rather distracting to see them swirl around on the road.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Magic of Mushrooms

The recent BBC programme is quite interesting.  The most interesting parts are the technological development harnessing mushrooms' power.  Using fungi as glue, use fungi to biodegrade inorganic waste, cancer treatments, etc.  Quite interesting.