Sunday 31 August 2014

Picnic and Knife

Knife is essential for a picnic.  I am glad I brought my Swiss knife, at the same time, I wish I didn't, it for used and dirty!

Saturday 30 August 2014

Legitimate Concerns with Legitimate Explainations

I have to put my detective hat when I am viewing houses.  There were a lot of things I noted, and with the vendor present, a lot of the concerns for a legitimate explanations.  Things look better with a proper explanation.

Friday 29 August 2014

Cost of Relationship

It is sad to see people being together because of money, and stay together because of money.

This house has been on the market for 2 years, while this couple has been trying to split up.  Then another house in Ilkley has been for sale for months, and they could not move out due to cost.

Monetary loss and gain should be the least of concern when the price to pay is mental wellness.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Fortress v Prison

Steve said grills are like prison, whereas I think grills are like fortress.

I don't want to protect my house, I want my house to protect me and protect itself.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Tim is Turning American

One of the biggest Canadian icon, Tim Horton is bought out by Burger King.
It may never be the same.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Pessimists are Great

Pessimists make sense.  Pessimists force some sense into the dreamers.  Pessimists point the right direction with good estimations.

Monday 25 August 2014

Glenfield Caravan Park

Sarah and I were looking for a decent campsite near here.  I clicked around and found Glenfield.

It is a nice site.  The site keeper is very enthusiastic, we notice the nice touches around the site, and the effort she puts in.

We may use the site again.

Toasting croissants on kettle.

 Drying the bottom side of the tent by holding it into the wind.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Leeds Festival

I always reminded myself to escape Leeds around August bank holiday during Leeds festival, but I got caught up twice.

I remember seeing loads of the festival goers in Harrogate and Leeds.  This year we stopped at Seacroft, and it was packed full of these youngsters.  Everything in the cafe sold out and I ended up eating expensive chicken nuggets and chips.

I will try harder to escape next year!

Saturday 23 August 2014

Part of the Job

Now that I got a Blackberry, I starting to get more calls out of hours.  I suppose it is all part of the job.

Friday 22 August 2014

Simple Food is the Best Food

Tom got us posh soup for dinner, and all of us passed.  Hanna and I had some bread, and Tom said he will just get pizza for next time. That would be the best idea!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Maybe It's Time to Focus on Money

Y said that.  Perhaps Y has always been like that.  I used to think Y wanted money due to necessity, Y probably got into teaching because of money. And Y is a Leo, so she is always right.

I have always been carefree, and now I am wanting to make a big decision of buying a property, I will be tied down financially for the foreseeable future.  Maybe it's time to focus on money, but I am not sure I am capable as such.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

High Street Computer Shop

PAT's laptop is not that old, but because they did not opt for a RAM upgrade when they got it, they only had 1G RAM for Win 7, albeit Win 7 Starter.

I always wonder how Andrew survives with the small computer shop.  Obviously with government's tax allowance, many things are survivable here in England.  Now I know what's his market.

When I told them to go to a computer shop and ask for a RAM upgrade, they went to PC World.  As suspected, they do not have 1G RAM in stock, as that's quite old.  And they want to charge 20 quid to fit a strip of RAM.  When asked if they can fit it at home, the assistant gave them loads of bollocks about anti-static workstation and braclets.

Then I said try the small local shop, they tend to have a lot of older parts lying around.  As expected, they had 1G RAM in stock, and fitted the RAM.  All is well.

The big shops are for people who knows what to do and can DIY, but the small shops tend to be more accommodating.  Or rather, we need to know what to do, and seek service or parts from where it's suitable.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Hipster Town

Alvaro is now our local host and took us to new bits in Leeds.  I also put in my 2p, the Belgrave Music Hall.

There were these hipster places I hated to go, and I went.  I suppose I take the opportunity to see this side of Leeds, I would otherwise ignored.

Monday 18 August 2014

Where to get Condoms

F:  You should have told me, I could get you some.
D: I need to go to Wilko.
M & A: Home Bargain will be cheaper.
F: Why don't you just get the free ones?
D: The free one are quite good.
F: They are made in Britain ya know.
M & A: (chuckles)
F: Seriously.

(in Home Bargain)
F: (pointing) There, there!
D:  Stop doing that!
F:  It is a normal merchandise.
(the brand is 'Mates')
M & A: Mates!

D:  Now I need some lube.
F:  Should have got the free ones!
F:  The condom section is right between all the baby stuff to remind you what might happen.
M & A:  Not D.
D:  I think these is it.
M & A:  They all say vaginal.
D:  I think they are the right ones.
F:  They are the same.
M & A & D:  Looking around the shelf.
F:  You guys are officially creepy.

D:  Can I just really take the free ones?
F:  Yes, that's why we pack them!
D:  Where are they?  They are in the usual clubs, near the bathrooms.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Lost and Found

When I got home from York, I looked into my bag and found I have lost the blue Ricoh pouch for my phone.  I was a bit gutted, as it was a perfect fit for my phone, and I wouldn't know what else to use.

Then I retraced my steps, it must have dropped off when I was buying the coke.  And since I was returning to York, I dropped into the shop and asked.

They did pick it up!  They returned to me, and I am glad to see it again.

Saturday 16 August 2014

The Price of Coke

After I dropped off little Rome, I was foolish enough to talk from Huntington to York, and by the end of the walk, I was low on sugar and dehydrated.

I looked up and down the train station, all the soft drinks were expensive!  A bottle of coke was 1.75, it was about the same price between all the shops.  I never knew soft drinks in fast food chain are so expensive if purchased outside the meal.

I really need to be well equipped when I take on the next city hike.

Friday 15 August 2014

Exercises and Expenditure

Sometimes I consider walking in town, walking between places exercises, and walking between places save bus fare.  But almost everytime, I had to spend the same amount of money to buy food and drink after such activities.  I have lost time, and money, was the exercises really justify these?

Thursday 14 August 2014

Remote IT support

Carol once tried to remote my computer from a very different network, and it did not work.  I just help Sarah with some computer problem using Skype.  I do understand how the IT operators feel.  It is so much easier if we were there, and talking over the phone will always be difficult.

Wednesday 13 August 2014


I went to see Gary, he had an endoscope camera to look into the tank.  He was convinced it was water in tank.  It was not something he could do as I wait, so I have to find a day to drop little Rome off.

I have many viewings scheduled, and I need to use my bike all week, neither does Genspeed provide a courtesy bike, so I was stuck.

So I will be dropping off the bike after a viewing on Friday.  Then after speaking to YBS in Leeds on Saturday morning, I will need to find my way to York, then drive back to Leeds to meet David.

It is simply inoptimizable!

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Mounted Police

I came across some mounted police on the day when Leeds United was playing.

I knew mounted police has goggles, but without looking close up, I did not know they have a face guard and knee and shin guards!

Then there was a mounted policewoman.  Her horse was significantly smaller than her male counterpart's.

Monday 11 August 2014

Rain Aftermath

After the severe rain, little Rome started to misfire.  I first thought it was my battery, then after I ruled out the battery as a problem, I thought it was water in the tank.

I had a chat with Gary and Matt.  Gary also agreed in water in the tank, and Matt suggested aged spark leads were to blame.

I will let Gary check little Rome out when I find a break from all the house viewings.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Downpour in England

Most of the time, I tease the rain in England lacking in strength.  This weekend, we have rain that reassembles those in Hong Kong. 

I was soaked thorough within 10 minutes, and roads turned into river, very low visibility.  It was pretty bad.

I am a all season rider, but I would not normally ride in this weather if I had a choice.  I made it to destination without much mishap.

I must make some smarter decision when traveling in severe weather.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Coping Mechanism

Most of us live in a less than ideal situation, different has different method to cope.  Shopaholic, cat lovers, party animals.

It is tragic to feel you must be happy because many are at worst position than you are.

Friday 8 August 2014

Waitrose Rainbox Cake

I stopped by Waitrose on my way home.  They had a rainbox cake on offer, and I thought I would try it.  It was quite colourful, even the icing were coloured.

Sometimes cake like this tastes horrible, so I expected the worst, then it turned out quite edible.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Late Late Show Replacement

James Corden is replacing Craig Ferguson.  There are some big shoes to fill, but luckily I don't be watching it.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Why Did Hedgehog Cross the Road?

On the way home from the supermarket, I saw a hedgehog on the road.  There was a turning car, and the wheel just narrowly missed the hedgehog!

I was trying to pick it up and bring it back to safety, but it was too prickly!  So I used my backpack as a pad, picked it up.  But because the backpack was quite slippery for this purpose, I dropped the hedgehog from height, of about 1 foot on the grass.  The hedgehog was a bit scared, but it went back into the hedge.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Serial House Viewing

Once I set the ball rolling, clicked around on real estate websites, the agents are setting up the viewings.  I would have viewed 10 houses by the end of the week.

Monday 4 August 2014

Super Hot Radiator

As I pull into Whitby slowly, the radiator temperature went up and up.  I was waiting for the fan to start, but it failed.  By the time I turned off the engine, it was 113C, it was the highest I have seen.  Maybe I need to ask Gavin if he still have the thermostat and the fan from my old radiator...

I tested the fan before I give it to Gavin, and I remember it ran once...  What went wrong...

Sunday 3 August 2014

House Hunting

I have resume my house hunt from last year.  And in summer, it is the peak season.  I have also kicked up my house search a gear, I have also broaden the search, also narrowing down areas.

I hope the mortgage application will go smoothly, so I can focus on the house hunting!

Saturday 2 August 2014

Yorkshire Medieval Festival

They could have easily called it York Medieval Festival.

York really knows how to make tourists' and kids' money.

Friday 1 August 2014

Yorkshire Day

It is Yorkshire Day, my Yorkshire colleagues could not shut up about it.

Apparently celebration including Yorkshire Pudding Eating Competition, ferret racing and the annual reading of the Yorkshire Declaration of Integrity.
The Guardian quizzes were very difficult.