Friday 31 October 2014

Fujifilm Makes Drugs

I didn't know Fujifilm also makes medicine.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Beware of Moist Instant Coffee

Freeze dried instant coffee shrinks overtime with the absorption of moisture.  They shrink in size, as a result, it is easy to add too much into the drink.

My coffee was very strong this afternoon!

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Sugar Makes Cardboard Tastes Better

Occasionally, I eat bran flakes.  Sometimes they taste like cardboard.  This time, I crunched up some granola and added to the bran flake mixes, they instantly taste better!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Conflicting Signs on Cars

Yesterday, I was driving behind a car with a 'Think Bike, Think Biker' sign.  Then the driver started cleaning his windscreen and sprayed everywhere.  They need to think more about bikes!

Today, I was driving behind a heating installer van, with 'fuel safe' on the panel.  The van is either very ill maintained or it has a faulty exhaust catalyser; it was chucking out incompletely combusted diesel.  Judging by their van, they are not very safe.

Monday 27 October 2014

Freecycle Knicker

A lot of time, you get something from freecycle, you are not 100% sure what you are getting until you see the object.

I was getting this 'leather bag', then it turns out to be a leather handbag and it had a pair of knickers inside!

Sunday 26 October 2014

Cantonese App

I have been teaching Sarah basic Cantonese.  Then she asked where she can find jyutping conversions.  We looked around and found some apps.  The most promising app cannot be transferred to the SD card and it is simply too big to run.  The other apps are quite basic, but I suppose it will do for now.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Smell of Neighbourhood

Some areas, esp areas full of restaurants, are quite smelly.  Then Saturday morning, I was driving through residential Manchester, I smelt pancakes, bacons, and biscuit, then I saw the McVities factory.

I much prefer neighbourhood that is well ventilated and I am not able to smell anything.

Friday 24 October 2014

Sale Progressor

What does a 'sale progressor' do?  If he or she cannot progress anything and nothing is down to him / her to progress?

Thursday 23 October 2014

Canadian Horrific News

When you read the international news, only the worst news come through the international section.

Just about every time I hear news from Canada, it is either about their bitter cold arctic winter or something truly horrific.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookies

We were having my walnut chocolate chunks cookies.  There were loads of chocolate, and they were great.  Eating a chocolate-filled cookies, somehow feel less guilty than a bar of chocolate on its own.

I have got to make more of these cookies.  They got oatmeal, they are healthy!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Cost of Health

What is the cost for health?  Not only does it cost the cost to the gym or to the pool, also the cost to go to these locations, the time spend in these location and having to give up overtime.

I cannot wait till I live near a tennis court.

Monday 20 October 2014

Can I Eat Crabzilla?

When I saw this picture, I just thought of all the lovely white meat in the massive craws.  Only to learn the picture was a fake minutes later!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Teaching Cantonese

It never occurred to me that Sarah might like to learn Cantonese.  Sarah is not a language person.  But as she is stressed, learning something new might just be the distraction needed.

Cantonese is difficult to teach.  Not only the tones that is impossible to learn, the language itself, the concept of different words is also difficult to teach..

I think it is an achievement when Sarah can count from 0 - 999 within 1 day.

But between now and then, I have to put up with weird Cantonese!

Saturday 18 October 2014

Giant Eggs

I have always get the cheap caged hen eggs from the supermarket, they are usually 'medium', so I kind of forget what 'large eggs' were like.

I got some large free range eggs from the market, they were absolutely massive.  I swear they are bigger and those large eggs from the supermarket.  There were even extra-large eggs, but I opted for the large eggs.

I put the eggs next to the 'medium' eggs, it dwarfed them.  I will probably buy them again, from the market.

Friday 17 October 2014

Touristy Browse

I was browsing Britrail website to see if the guest pass would be a cheap option for my travel.  Sarah commented how that was a website for tourists, and it was strange for me to be browsing.

In order for me to give the best travel advise, I should be up to date with these websites.  I have got to be thrifty for them too.

I have concluded the guest pass would not be beneficial, as I do not travel on all days and Hedy would lose the low season discount.  Maybe next time.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Warranty is not Free

I have been around a few discount furniture shops.  I was repeatedly told to watch out for defects, as they don't come with warranty.  But the alternative is much more expensive.  I could wait for sale, but I might end up going to the discounted shops afterall.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Wars in Middle East

It is not a exactly war between nations.  It is not exactly a war between parties.  It is more like a war between tribes, between civilians.  It is very primal, and it is very messy.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Bombs on TV

I was watching Mythbuster, which would have been played on paid channel in the States, it blanked out everything related to bomb, eg fire cotton, making.

Then recently I watched BBC documentary related to bombs, and it was showing a lot of details of making such elements of bombs.  Is it wise?

Monday 13 October 2014

Walking Shoes

I have not been very picky with my shoes, and maybe that is why my feet and my back hurts all the time.

I remember my best shoes were my K-Swiss Tennis shoes.  They were quite expensive, but they hugged my feet very well, and I was sad to have to retire them.  Maybe I should consider investing into some good shoes.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Belgrave Music Hall Street Feast

We were going to try out Belgrave Music Hall Street Feast last month, we have finally tried out this weekend.

The food hall turned very smoky, and very crowded.  Luckily we were quite early, and we got a table on the roof.  I think it is slightly busier than normal, as it is advertised as kids and dogs welcome.

The food were okay.  Ox tongue, fusion food, fried bacon steak, etc.  I opted for a burger from the permanent stall instead.

The burger was okay, I have had better and bigger.

All in all, it was good atmosphere.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Clue is in Its Name

Coal in Whinmoor?  No way, it is so close to city centre.  Wait a minute, the main road through Whinmoor is called Coal Road!  Duh!

Friday 10 October 2014

Wifi Printer and Wireless Router

I was called to sort out Denise's new printer.

It is a new Wifi printer, and it did not come with a lead.

I was struggling to install the printer.  It does not help when the company laptop that does not have a CD ROM and refuse to download .exe.

We use WPS connection, but on the BT router, the WPS connection button looks awfully like the reset button!

All in all, stay away from these wireless gadgets!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Answering a Question with a Question

Only if I know this before!  I always overthink their meanings, but there really isn't difficult!

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Lost in Translation

I have been trying to explain some expressions in Cantonese to Sarah, but something is lost in translation.

"Rushing Towards Reincarnation"
"Bashing Dog to Death"

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Goji Berries

I was wondering what is this special goji berry.  Then I googled it, we have tons of them at home.  And people are snack on them?  That is weird.

Maybe next time I will buy some from the Chinese shop and out them in my soup.

Monday 6 October 2014

Chopstick Rest

The crockery set came with matching chopstick rests.

Chopstick rests, seriously?  I have never seen chopstick rest in anyone's home.  I don't even see chopstick rests in the restaurant these days unless I was in a banquet.

Chopstick is as useful as a napkin ring.  Anywho, isn't life all about showing off unnecessary items?

Sunday 5 October 2014

LOROS Outlet

Apparently, outlets is not limited to commercial shops, LOROS has recently opened a LOROS outlet shop.

I am not into charity shop shopping, but I tag along.  I did not find any clothes for myself, but I found a set of nice Japanese style crockery.  That will do nicely in my new house.

I shall check out LOROS Outlet again when I am next around.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Legal Career Mentoring

How time flies, Peter's son is in his graduating year in law school.  And Ulric has no idea how to pursue a career in law.

Peter put me up with Ulric, and I quickly tasked him to look up information essential to his career.

Peter seems to think Ulric is a good son, but I am not sure he is cut out to be a solicitor.

Friday 3 October 2014

Catching Up with the Past Life

Most of the time, we are so busy looking ahead and had not got time to look around.

I have the last few Fridays off and caught up with chores and checked out my old friends.

There have been a lot of changed to my friends' lives, but I only just noticed.  Obviously, I am more up-to-date with my better friends, but I should try to keep up with the rest of the friends.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Jack Chain starts with C

If sweetcorn starts with an S, why isn't jack chain starts with a J?

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Chaotic National Day

Hong Kong is not short of demonstration and protest.  It doesn't usually turn violent.  This time around, a little force was used.

I wonder why HKD doesn't dive?  If HKD dives, then GBP x HKD will go up, which is what I want.