Wednesday 31 December 2014

Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Winter

There were lots of snow in the area, the park was nice.  But due to the short days, we opted for a 2-hours parking ticket only.

It is near impossible to explore the park in 2 hours, and the snow trekking does not help.  From now on, I would only go to YSP for a full day.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

National Coal Mining Museum

NCM is another museum we have been wanting to go.  The underground tour was quite an interesting and extensive.  It would be great if we could take pictures.  Since it is 'free', it can definitely go on the re-visit list.

Monday 29 December 2014

Leeds Attractions - Armley Mills

I know Leeds has a lot of offer, and every time I have visitors, I have an excuse and opportunity to explore them.  I have learnt about the Thwaite Mills Watermill, and had been wanting to go.

This time, I took Hedy and Sarah to Kirkstall Abbey, as it turns out, Armley Mills is just around the corner, so we went.  The exhibits in Armley Mills are quite impressive, so I forwent the idea of going to Thwaite Mills.

We need to look at their demonstration schedule, as Sarah would love to see these machineries driven.  We will be back.

Sunday 28 December 2014

Dough Boy @ Belgrave Music Hall

I asked Hedy what she would like to eat more while traveling in England, and she mentioned pizza.  Normally I would take visit visitors to Da Mario, but it has been going downhill.  Then I did something I don't normally do, using trip advisor.

Dough Boy, the pizza place in Belgrave is meant to be good.  So we went.  It was especially attractive when they do half price slices!  So we had 3 slices between us.  Each slice is a quarter of a pizza, and the pizza were well crafted, and cooked with care.  I am actually quite impressed.  I will certainly go back for more pizza.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Short Scottish Trips

Every time I go to Scotland, I somewhat feel like I am wasting traveling time.  My trips were often short and cover a lot of mileage.  I am often rushed around in Scotland.  I saw many new things this time, the Borders, Ben Nevis, Glencoe.  There is much to explore.  I could do with a long relaxing trip in Scotland.

Friday 26 December 2014

Scottish Chinese Christmas

This year I went to Scotland to catch up with Yan, and spent time with her Chinese friends.  There turned out to be a massive hotpot party.  It has been a while since I had hot pot.

It was fun, and there was loads of food.  It was an interesting experience.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Invisible Broadband Man

I took a whole day off to wait for the broadband man.  I was informed it was an "appointment" with the engineer, and the appointment is in the morning.  I have also got a number of "reminder/progress texts" that the internet is activated, etc.

So I waited till midday, and I really had to catch the train to Scotland.  So I setup the router, in anticipation of the engineer's attendance.  It was right down the wire, we had to make a decision on how and when to leave, I checked the phone line again, it was already connected!

I was quite annoyed I waited for all morning only to work out it was all connected.  It could well have been connected at 8am.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Delayed Winter Solstice Dinner

Hedy likes the idea of the Winter Solstice dinner, so I cooked a simple Chinese dinner.  The Solstice dinner was late as I could not find pork for the soup prior to the Solstice, and it is not complete without a soup.

It was a good dinner.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Manchester Christmas Market

Grew up in a city, I understand the idea of busy and chaos.  And my best strategy is to avoid them.

I understand the peak hours, and avoid them, and go only when it is quiet.

So this year, I had the opportunity to go to the Manchester Christmas Market in a non-peak hours.  It was fairly civilised and peaceful.

I highly recommend dodging rush hours.

Monday 22 December 2014

(Nearly) Short Changed

I was desperate for the heating plumbers to install the cooker and service my boiler.  I also took the opportunity to flush the system.

The plumbers arrived in my absence and Sarah was there to facilitate, but there is only so much she knows about the works required.

The plumbers just did the flush and didn't do the individual radiator as said on the website, so I was glad I spoke to them, and they spoke to the office before they ran off.

If all they did was to drop the water and refill, I could have done that myself, in my sleep!

Sunday 21 December 2014

The Marketing Guy

My sentiment exactly.  It tells you something when you work in a city and a marketing guy makes more than the engineer.

Saturday 20 December 2014

"My Policy"

I heard someone saying, it is "My Policy" that why should I pay anything if I already got break down cover.  These are the people who like to make everyone's life miserable.

Friday 19 December 2014

Slow News Day is a Good News Day

This week has been full of 'exciting' news.  No news is good news.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Guests are Like Fish

  Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days. - Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday 17 December 2014


Fritillaria is one of the more famous Chinese Herbal medicine.  It has many documented benefits.  I should try to find some.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Washing Machine Initiation

As soon as I installed the washing machine, I had to clear my back log washing.  Also as a precaution, I washed everything from the bed to remove any suspected allegens.

So far no leaks yet!

Monday 15 December 2014

Christmas Shopping in a Car

I started to feel the stress Sarah feels.  I drove into a shopping centre Saturday afternoon.  I went at 5pm, thinking most of the people would started to go home, but they had not quite started leaving.

I had difficulty finding and parking the vehicle.  I miss having little Rome.  And it was stressful.  It was so stressful that I had to turn the music off to concentrate to park.

It was stressful, I regretted it, but I probably would regret more if I had not sorted out what I needed to sort out.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Washing Machine Installation

I thought my pipework was a bit complicated and behind the unit, so I purchased the unit with the installation.  The delivery came, looked at my space, and said he would not install it, as he is not happy with the pipework.  That was the whole idea to ask for the installation.

So I had to ring for the refund and I hooked it up myself.  Fingers crossed.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Party Time

I organised the 3rd party in Leeds in a row.  This year's turn out is a bit disappointing as the guys are upset with the management, and even Steve dropped out last minute.

The ten of us had a good time.  The food was quite good, but not quite enough.  But since we had 5 extra dinners booked, I told them to bring the dinner out anyway, and we would deal with them.  So I had a few starters and dinners, and Ian had two desserts.

Even though Steve did not join us, he made sure we had enough cash to keep the drinks going.  By the end of the night, Rob could not comprehend the bill.  A good sign of a good night out, some might say.

I suspect we would go to Hartlepool next year.

Friday 12 December 2014


Shaun was going to show me the 'man' in management, but he didn't quite do it that time.

Allan does seem to engage the team and not afraid to speak to the guys.  I have much to learn.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Day Light in the Study

The study is now fully painted in a light colour.  It is perfect for the white light.  In order to put the LED in the room, I had to change the dimmer switch to the normal switch which is one of the cheapest thing you can get for FYI.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Warm White for the Blemish

Once I started touching up the hall, it shows up in the day light I so love.  So I had to change them to warm white to mask the blemish.  The same reason I am keeping the warm white for the lounge, especially I could not be asked to decorate the lounge.  I think I have given up on ever using day light in those rooms.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Domestic Hazards

Painting ceiling is very hazardous, painting bathroom ceiling is even more hazardous!  Now it is done, I don't need to do that for a while...

Monday 8 December 2014

Memory Foam Warehouse is SHIT

I ordered my bed from the Memory Foam Warehouse on 28/Nov.  I requested them to be delivered on the Wednesday 3/Dec, but instead they delivered the bed on Monday anyway.  My neighbour kindly took it in in my absence.

Then there were no sign of my mattress.  I finally had to ring them every day, and I was promised the mattress everyday, and ultimately.  I was promised it will be delivered on Saturday, and I cancelled my Saturday plan for that.

I contacted them again, and they could not do special delivery in the evening.  I had enough of these people.  I requested the refund.  And when is the money coming back?  Three-five days.  Much like their delivery policy then.  The money certainly left my bank a lot quicker than that.

What a complete waste of my time.  I am so frustrated because of these idiots. Stress is the last thing I need now!

Sunday 7 December 2014

Transporting Paint

I got a tub of paint at the beginning of the day, as I spend all day in time with friends, I would not have time at the end of the day to get it.  And with a slight knock, the lid is open and the paint went all over.  It was a disaster.

Everyone else was trying to wipe away the paint, and I ran around to ask for a bag from Next.  Thanks Next.

I poured out the paint from the bag and had to start painting.  It was stressful.

I must remember never to transport paint in backpack ever again.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Microwave, Toaster, Slowcooker

I am still waiting on my hob.  Before I get the proper hob, I must survive with only microwave, toaster, slower and possibly kettle.

My ramen is depleting quick!

Friday 5 December 2014

Painting Takes Forever

Steve said the preparation to paint takes most of the time, but painting takes just as long!

On the plus side, I am getting better and better at it...

Thursday 4 December 2014

Paddock Stand as Exercise Equipment

Sarah thought the paddock stand is some kind of ad cruncher type equipment, as she had not seen it being used.  And I demonstrated to her how to pack up little Rome for Winter.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

LED Bulbs

The first thing I did was to replace most of the lights to LED bulbs.  The whole house is wired with spot lights, and halogen lamp is just too expensive to run, albeit provide supplementary heating to the room.

I like white lights, and as soon as I replaced them, they reminded me how much I love them.  Besides the white light is revealing all the blemish on the walls!

So some area are going to get 'warm white' bulbs instead.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Kitchen Extractor

The previously owner mustn't have cleaned the extractor hood for 7 years he has been living there.  it was dripping oil, and it took a whole bottle of oven cleaner before it return to a normal state!

I must put this down as my 6-monthly cleaning regime.

Monday 1 December 2014

Cashtration II

Buying a  house is only the beginning of the cashtration...  Now I need to furnish the house and bills coming in.  I will be cashtrated for some time!

Sunday 30 November 2014

Non-stop Argos-ing

There are so many things to buy to fill the new house, so I have been shopping all day.  It can be very exhausting!

I did not know the details of the sale, and hence I did not fully utilize the discounts, I could have save another £25 quid!

Saturday 29 November 2014

Black Friday

Most people in the UK won't even know why it is called Black Friday.  It is an established sale date in the USA, the day after Thanksgiving.  The Christmas preparation does not officially start till after Thanksgiving.  And the sale day bring the book into black, ie profit, hence Black Friday.

What is the point?

Friday 28 November 2014

Home Owner

The house purchase successfully concluded, I am now a home owner.  There are so much to be done!  Is it too early to regret about it?!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Bits for Little Rome

I got the full left foot rest assembly, it all fitted okay, I still need to test ride her properly before I give it an all okay.

Now I have a different foot peg left and right...

Wednesday 26 November 2014


When the morale is low or when you dislike work, it does not take much to feel unwell to carry out work.  When someone has little work ethics, it also happens.  It is sometimes hard to determine they are one or the other.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Feast India

Sarah finally took me to Feast India.  We went for Sunday lunch.  The selection in lunch menu is not particularly big, I saw less food than I expected.

I even had a plate of fried noodle.  I was watching him as he fry the vegetable and noodle, but I was a bit disappointed he did not know the basic vegetable-frying skill.  He keep adding more oil, rather than water.  Is that how Indian fry their vegetable?

I tried different things, and they were okay, they were all rather salty.  The ice-cream was advertised as homemade vanilla, but it was a bit disappointing.  I should have never had expectation on buffet ice-cream.

I was "stuffed to the gill" as Sarah called it.

It is okay, but it is not really that special.

Monday 24 November 2014

Are You There Vodka, It's Francis

It has been stressful lately, I think I may just catch up with my old friend vodka...

Sunday 23 November 2014

Romanising Cantonese

Only after I have been teaching Sarah Cantonese, I learnt there are many ways to Romanising Cantonese.  And intuitively use the government style, as it is what we grew up with. 

Sarah has been putting words in her own letters.  We tried Jyutping and Yale, and Sarah finds Yale more intuitive.  Sarah is going to get a book for that.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Limitation on Coach

A while ago, I told a friend about coach travel in the USA.  I told her to avoid coach over 5 hours, both for the comfort and the possibility of weirdo.

This also applied in the UK.  I was on a coach for 4+ hours, and it was pushing my limit.

Friday 21 November 2014

A Very Bad Day

I have not been sleeping well for the last two days.

I still have no completion date.  Then I got on the phone, the horrible vendor decided he can no longer complete in Nov, even though he said he could complete in Nov on Monday.  I was furious, I was visibly shaking.

I worked through lunch, as we were in training today.  Then the scissor lift ran out of battery.

I went to swim anyway, when I came out, little Rome was on her side.  I was crossed, same kids came to help me lift.  My foot peg has been snapped off and I could not use the gear.  I had to call RAC out.

I thought I would take little Rome to Gary, and he can weld it tomorrow, and she could run tomorrow.  But RAC wanted to charge a fortune to tow it over there, so I asked for it to tow to Harrogate instead.

Then I popped into the pool again, as the kids suggested, to ask for CCTV, then as it turned out, the lady reversed to my bike left her number, so I rang her.  As soon as she picked up the phone, she said, "I couldn't see the bike, neither could my two companion."  The bike was parked next to a street light!  With a silver cover! "Did you not see it when you walk to the car?"  "No".  I was not going to insist on a helmet, and I told her functionally, it should only be 1 thing, and it shouldn't be a fortune.

I have to reschedule my engagement in the pub.

RAC told me it would take 2 hours, so I was going to sit down to have some dinner, but as soon as I got to the pub, tow bed had arrived, so I walked back.

I checked over little Rome again once I got home, the crash bobbin took most of the hit.  There are scuffs on the tail fairing and the grab bar.  I won't be insisting on a fairing paint.

On the other hand, I will probably get the bit test ride little Rome to make sure there is nothing else outstanding before confirming the cost.

One very bad day.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Crackling Bread

We got some half-baked bread from the supermarket.  I got them out of the oven, and I could hear it crackling!  I am not exactly sure why the crust crackles.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Excuses for Losers

There are people who find excuses for failures are accomplice to the failure.  This really infuriates me.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Sunk Cost Effect Affected Judgment

Suck cost effect maybe closely related to us human have the loss-aversion tendencies.  Often this tendencies will lead to further loss, so it is important to remember sunk cost is sunk cost.

Monday 17 November 2014


Lymelife is practically the same as American Beauty.  Dysfunctional suburbia family, involving a real estate agent, adultery, underage sex, and ultimately death by gun shot.  I liked neither.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Love Feist

I am patiently waiting for her next album, and I wish I could get hold of Monarch.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Fresh Biscuits

McVities is probably one of the best things coming out of Britian.  I saw a new flavour, I was curious, so I bought it.  They are so lovely, fresh and crispy.  Winter is coming, roll on the biscuits!

Friday 14 November 2014

Napping and Snacking

The two ways to combat exhaustion and hunger.  I must nap and snack more.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Minimalist Human Interaction

As an all around minimalist, I minimalise many things in life.  I must also minimalise human interaction, the source of stress.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Exhaustion and Hunger

Exhaustion and hunger together is damaging.  So I need to remember to eliminate one of those at any given one time.  Do not work overtime when on diet, or work hard and keep up the feeding.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Tour of Scotland

Yan came up with an idea to hire a coach tour on Christmas day.  I very much doubt anything will be open at all but the alternative is sitting home all day, which was my initial intension.

So I narrowed it to three small trips, as the tour operator said, there is limited day light this time of the year.  Option one is northwest bound passing Loch Lomond.  I have been to Loch Lomond in early Spring, bad idea.  Option two is northeast bound, going to St Andrews and Fife via Forth Bridge.  They are bigger names in Scotland, so there are plenty of opportunity to go.  Option three border towns, somewhere we have not heard of and probably won't go or can't go without a car.

I think I have convinced Yan about the border towns.  Hedy doesn't want to have to think.  Let see where we end up going.

Monday 10 November 2014

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift was on Chatty Man, and I looked her up.

Modern songs are just not for me...

Sunday 9 November 2014

Washing Rice

The modern rice processing plants are much cleaner, some say we don't need to wash rice anymore.  Some said we are washing off the remaining nutrients in the rice.

Apparently rice is good at retaining the naturally occurring arsenic in the soil and the water.  So, we have got to wash them afterall.

It is another reason to eat polished white rice!

Saturday 8 November 2014

Comedy Shuffled

After Craig and Chelsea, Stephen Colbert is also moving on from the Colbert Report.  So many personnel changes this year.

Friday 7 November 2014

Baldy Tyre

There is illegal, there is dangerous.  I have not seen tyre so balded on the road before.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Thr British are born to be miserable

Sarah's first question was, "How about the Chinese?"
I am pretty sure Chinese are also quite miserable.

My first question was, "Where can I see the paper?"

These days, researches like this is headline-grabbing, but something without an ounce of truth.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Waitrose Experience - Waitrose Questions

Often when you go to a supermarket and some product is out of stock, you just get the a substitute.  A lot of time I will ask the staff, they could say they won't restock till tomorrow or they might check at the store.

We expect nothing less from Waitrose staff, I expected them to check.  And of course, only the Waitrose style questions come out.

"Do you have any frozen oven-ready croissant?"
"Where are your falafels selections?"

The whole idea to shop at this shop is its experience, it is fun.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Leicester Market

Leeds Market is just much better than Leicester Market.  This time, I am not even comparing Leicester Market to any markets, they are worse than supermarkets.

Why would I buy produce from the market, when the supermarket ones are nicer and cheaper?  In the market, it was 88p/kg onion and carrots, and even Waitrose was doing 80p/kg.  And also, we never actually see the scales on the veg stall, they could easily given us less.

Either the stall holders are making a huge margin or as far as I am concern, they bought a bulk from the supermarket, and sell us the ugly ones.

Other than eggs, I have yet to find something 'must buy' from the Leicester Market.

Monday 3 November 2014

Taste of China

Taste of China is meant to be a Hong Kong style diner, it even says it on the window.  The menu is quite Hong Kong style, but I have been recently, the food is definitely not cooked the say it is at home.  I ordered a beef fried rice, it should have been beef mince, but it came out with undercooked sliced beef instead, and it was wet!  Of course, it came with a few peas, the English touch.  The waitress and chef all speaks mandarins.

The new influx of customers and staff are all from China, and this has happened to many restaurant in Leeds too.  I must need to choose carefully from the menu, choose something that they cannot screw up.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Heavenly Desserts

Heavenly Dessert is near where Sarah lives.  When it opens, Sarah worries about its competition with her beloved Madisons.

There is often a queue outside and since we went early, we were seated right the way.

Most of the patrons are Asians, and some Caribbean-descent British, there are very few White British or Oriental customers.  The staff are a little rude, and the different patrons were looking at us.

Everything was expensive on the menu.  In hindsight, why would a slice of cheesecake with a scoop of icecream be £5.6?  In hindsight, I could probably get that from the Old Horse for £3.5.

The icecream is at best on par with Madisons.  And of course, it is more expensive than Madisons.  Gelato Village is still the best yet.

In short, I am not going there again.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Egg Man

We went to Leicester Market today, and I was looking for the egg man.  The egg man was not there, so I had to get my eggs in the indoor market.  Compare to egg man's eggs, these are much smaller.

I miss the egg man!

Friday 31 October 2014

Fujifilm Makes Drugs

I didn't know Fujifilm also makes medicine.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Beware of Moist Instant Coffee

Freeze dried instant coffee shrinks overtime with the absorption of moisture.  They shrink in size, as a result, it is easy to add too much into the drink.

My coffee was very strong this afternoon!

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Sugar Makes Cardboard Tastes Better

Occasionally, I eat bran flakes.  Sometimes they taste like cardboard.  This time, I crunched up some granola and added to the bran flake mixes, they instantly taste better!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Conflicting Signs on Cars

Yesterday, I was driving behind a car with a 'Think Bike, Think Biker' sign.  Then the driver started cleaning his windscreen and sprayed everywhere.  They need to think more about bikes!

Today, I was driving behind a heating installer van, with 'fuel safe' on the panel.  The van is either very ill maintained or it has a faulty exhaust catalyser; it was chucking out incompletely combusted diesel.  Judging by their van, they are not very safe.

Monday 27 October 2014

Freecycle Knicker

A lot of time, you get something from freecycle, you are not 100% sure what you are getting until you see the object.

I was getting this 'leather bag', then it turns out to be a leather handbag and it had a pair of knickers inside!

Sunday 26 October 2014

Cantonese App

I have been teaching Sarah basic Cantonese.  Then she asked where she can find jyutping conversions.  We looked around and found some apps.  The most promising app cannot be transferred to the SD card and it is simply too big to run.  The other apps are quite basic, but I suppose it will do for now.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Smell of Neighbourhood

Some areas, esp areas full of restaurants, are quite smelly.  Then Saturday morning, I was driving through residential Manchester, I smelt pancakes, bacons, and biscuit, then I saw the McVities factory.

I much prefer neighbourhood that is well ventilated and I am not able to smell anything.

Friday 24 October 2014

Sale Progressor

What does a 'sale progressor' do?  If he or she cannot progress anything and nothing is down to him / her to progress?

Thursday 23 October 2014

Canadian Horrific News

When you read the international news, only the worst news come through the international section.

Just about every time I hear news from Canada, it is either about their bitter cold arctic winter or something truly horrific.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookies

We were having my walnut chocolate chunks cookies.  There were loads of chocolate, and they were great.  Eating a chocolate-filled cookies, somehow feel less guilty than a bar of chocolate on its own.

I have got to make more of these cookies.  They got oatmeal, they are healthy!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Cost of Health

What is the cost for health?  Not only does it cost the cost to the gym or to the pool, also the cost to go to these locations, the time spend in these location and having to give up overtime.

I cannot wait till I live near a tennis court.

Monday 20 October 2014

Can I Eat Crabzilla?

When I saw this picture, I just thought of all the lovely white meat in the massive craws.  Only to learn the picture was a fake minutes later!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Teaching Cantonese

It never occurred to me that Sarah might like to learn Cantonese.  Sarah is not a language person.  But as she is stressed, learning something new might just be the distraction needed.

Cantonese is difficult to teach.  Not only the tones that is impossible to learn, the language itself, the concept of different words is also difficult to teach..

I think it is an achievement when Sarah can count from 0 - 999 within 1 day.

But between now and then, I have to put up with weird Cantonese!

Saturday 18 October 2014

Giant Eggs

I have always get the cheap caged hen eggs from the supermarket, they are usually 'medium', so I kind of forget what 'large eggs' were like.

I got some large free range eggs from the market, they were absolutely massive.  I swear they are bigger and those large eggs from the supermarket.  There were even extra-large eggs, but I opted for the large eggs.

I put the eggs next to the 'medium' eggs, it dwarfed them.  I will probably buy them again, from the market.

Friday 17 October 2014

Touristy Browse

I was browsing Britrail website to see if the guest pass would be a cheap option for my travel.  Sarah commented how that was a website for tourists, and it was strange for me to be browsing.

In order for me to give the best travel advise, I should be up to date with these websites.  I have got to be thrifty for them too.

I have concluded the guest pass would not be beneficial, as I do not travel on all days and Hedy would lose the low season discount.  Maybe next time.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Warranty is not Free

I have been around a few discount furniture shops.  I was repeatedly told to watch out for defects, as they don't come with warranty.  But the alternative is much more expensive.  I could wait for sale, but I might end up going to the discounted shops afterall.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Wars in Middle East

It is not a exactly war between nations.  It is not exactly a war between parties.  It is more like a war between tribes, between civilians.  It is very primal, and it is very messy.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Bombs on TV

I was watching Mythbuster, which would have been played on paid channel in the States, it blanked out everything related to bomb, eg fire cotton, making.

Then recently I watched BBC documentary related to bombs, and it was showing a lot of details of making such elements of bombs.  Is it wise?

Monday 13 October 2014

Walking Shoes

I have not been very picky with my shoes, and maybe that is why my feet and my back hurts all the time.

I remember my best shoes were my K-Swiss Tennis shoes.  They were quite expensive, but they hugged my feet very well, and I was sad to have to retire them.  Maybe I should consider investing into some good shoes.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Belgrave Music Hall Street Feast

We were going to try out Belgrave Music Hall Street Feast last month, we have finally tried out this weekend.

The food hall turned very smoky, and very crowded.  Luckily we were quite early, and we got a table on the roof.  I think it is slightly busier than normal, as it is advertised as kids and dogs welcome.

The food were okay.  Ox tongue, fusion food, fried bacon steak, etc.  I opted for a burger from the permanent stall instead.

The burger was okay, I have had better and bigger.

All in all, it was good atmosphere.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Clue is in Its Name

Coal in Whinmoor?  No way, it is so close to city centre.  Wait a minute, the main road through Whinmoor is called Coal Road!  Duh!

Friday 10 October 2014

Wifi Printer and Wireless Router

I was called to sort out Denise's new printer.

It is a new Wifi printer, and it did not come with a lead.

I was struggling to install the printer.  It does not help when the company laptop that does not have a CD ROM and refuse to download .exe.

We use WPS connection, but on the BT router, the WPS connection button looks awfully like the reset button!

All in all, stay away from these wireless gadgets!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Answering a Question with a Question

Only if I know this before!  I always overthink their meanings, but there really isn't difficult!

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Lost in Translation

I have been trying to explain some expressions in Cantonese to Sarah, but something is lost in translation.

"Rushing Towards Reincarnation"
"Bashing Dog to Death"

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Goji Berries

I was wondering what is this special goji berry.  Then I googled it, we have tons of them at home.  And people are snack on them?  That is weird.

Maybe next time I will buy some from the Chinese shop and out them in my soup.

Monday 6 October 2014

Chopstick Rest

The crockery set came with matching chopstick rests.

Chopstick rests, seriously?  I have never seen chopstick rest in anyone's home.  I don't even see chopstick rests in the restaurant these days unless I was in a banquet.

Chopstick is as useful as a napkin ring.  Anywho, isn't life all about showing off unnecessary items?

Sunday 5 October 2014

LOROS Outlet

Apparently, outlets is not limited to commercial shops, LOROS has recently opened a LOROS outlet shop.

I am not into charity shop shopping, but I tag along.  I did not find any clothes for myself, but I found a set of nice Japanese style crockery.  That will do nicely in my new house.

I shall check out LOROS Outlet again when I am next around.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Legal Career Mentoring

How time flies, Peter's son is in his graduating year in law school.  And Ulric has no idea how to pursue a career in law.

Peter put me up with Ulric, and I quickly tasked him to look up information essential to his career.

Peter seems to think Ulric is a good son, but I am not sure he is cut out to be a solicitor.

Friday 3 October 2014

Catching Up with the Past Life

Most of the time, we are so busy looking ahead and had not got time to look around.

I have the last few Fridays off and caught up with chores and checked out my old friends.

There have been a lot of changed to my friends' lives, but I only just noticed.  Obviously, I am more up-to-date with my better friends, but I should try to keep up with the rest of the friends.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Jack Chain starts with C

If sweetcorn starts with an S, why isn't jack chain starts with a J?

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Chaotic National Day

Hong Kong is not short of demonstration and protest.  It doesn't usually turn violent.  This time around, a little force was used.

I wonder why HKD doesn't dive?  If HKD dives, then GBP x HKD will go up, which is what I want.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Corn Starts with an S

I got some corn and I was doing self-checkout.  I keyed in produce, C.  I could not find corn!

The assistant came along, exited C and entered S.  S for Sweetcorn.  Why...

Monday 29 September 2014

Noble Freegle

I always think Freegle is one of the best community bonding events, one of the most noble/communist causes.

I am sad to see people abusing Freegle, especially trying to con money out of the unsuspecting Freeglers.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Damaged Plastic Tank

Some thief has been operating in Sarah's car park.  Some horrible thief had drilled into a few cars in the carpark to steal petrol.  The victims all had plastic fuel tanks.  It was quite distressing.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Plastic Tank

I always think metal tank on a motorcycle is a nuisance.  I have known many tanks with holes as it corrodes away.

Then there is apparently a different problem with plastic tank, easily damaged.

Friday 26 September 2014

Compression Joints

These days a lot of plumbing are done in compression joints.  It actually takes a lot of compression to make it water tight.  Maybe I should learn bracing from Luke.

Thursday 25 September 2014


I have heard this word twice this week.  I find this word quite aggressive.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

News on Hong Kong

The recently news from Hong Kong is increasingly like those from Ukraine, Middle East, territorial, cultural identity type news minus the violence.  It is sad to see how this unfolds.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Coupon Terms

We picked up a The City is Talking from Neon Cactus.  It has a coupon from Oriental City.  I convinced Sarah to go to Oriental City for dinner with me to utilize the coupon. 

We soon as we presented the coupon, the waiter had to ask.  I don't even think the supervisor has seen the ad.  Unsurprisingly, the waiter came back and claimed the ad is only for student, when I disputed that as one coupon states 'student 20% off everything' and '30% off dinner menu'.  They conceded, and ripped a whole page out of the paper.  I think they kept it to show their manager and possibly pulling the ad next.

The chicken is not as good as I imagine it to be, the rice was good as always.  It was a good dinner, I did leave a good tip.

Monday 22 September 2014

Another Reason to Wear Perfume

My bottle of Dark Blue has been on my shelf for 10 years, I really need to wear it more often.

I was on the bus the other night, and the odour in the bus was horrible.  I suppose Dark Blue will be just like Pak Fah Yeow, besides more pleasant.  It is definitely another reason to wear perfume.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Neon Cactus

Neon Cactus turned out as nice as we expected.  I was a bit burnt with the fiery hot quesadilla.  I could not taste the cheese.

I will certainly take Sarah back to Neon Cactus.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Cider Friday

Emma has been doing Cider Friday, and I was offered a cider today.

Due to the stress this morning, I took the drink on the empty stomach.  Then I went to heat up my lunch, ie pie.  I was mildly influenced all afternoon!

Friday 19 September 2014

Scotland's Choice

Scotland has failed to break off from the UK.  It is the right choice, and hopefully the aftermath will be controllable.  Meanwhile I am hopeful that the pounds will come up a bit, and I could make some money from the FX.

Thursday 18 September 2014


As a minimalist, I also believe in minimalist DIY.  I am anticipating some DIY with the house, I am not looking forward to it.

On the other hand, the tradesman here is picky, so it is much easier if I just do it myself...

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Night Driving

The days is already getting darker earlier.  And the evening shift is not helping with the driving in the dark.  I have lost the screw on my glasses again!  I may have to get a new pair of glasses...

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Insurance Sale

I am just shopping around for insurance for the house, and as soon as I close the window on the internet, my phone started ringing.  These days, they smell money and they will track you down!

Monday 15 September 2014

Running with the Rolling Ball

Everything is in motion with the house purchase.  But the problem with getting the ball rolling is that I have to keep up with the balls as they roll!  Once all the balls stop, there are lots of filing to do!

Sunday 14 September 2014

Ceramic Pan

I got a new non-stick ceramic pan as seen on TV.  It works as it should, but it is hard to keep it pristine and maintain its non-stickiness.  After this pan, I will probably go back to traditional Tefal.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Rush Hour School Run Traffic

This is the first time I actually encounter school run traffic.  It was horrible and I hated it.  I must avoid school areas!

Then the rush hour city driving reminded me of home, but it really affect my driving.

Friday 12 September 2014

The Noise of Tiredness

I made a lot of audible grunt and yarns.  This only happens when I am very tired!

Thursday 11 September 2014

British Mac and Cheese

Morgan gave me these pasta and sauce things.

I had a chicken and mushroom flavour yesterday, it was horrible, tasted and smelled like a stock cube.

I had not got high hope for the macaroni and cheese, and I was not disappointed.  I did not expected it to be half as good as the Kraft stuff.  To be fair, it was nicer than the chicken and mushroom crap.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

When Plan A Works

When plan A works, even with slight hitch.  Everything falls into place, everything is like clockwork, I am happy.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

When Plan A Fails

When plan A fails, it is very frustrating.  Some may wonder what we could have done more, I look forward to find something better than plan A.

Monday 8 September 2014

Basic Motorcycle Maintenance

Morgan has been lagging behind, and I feel a bit sorry for Nim.  I took Nim to Aldi, and 20 yards down the road, I heard a horrible noise, so I stopped and check.  It was the chain, sagging badly.  I was starving, so I went to Aldi anyway.

After I come back, I got on with the chain.  Nim has a centre stand, it makes everything so much easier.  The neighbour came and asked a few maintenance questions.  I tightened the chain, it has very little adjustment left, so it won't be long when Morgan has to have the chain replaced.

Morgan also commented about gear being funny.  I asked, "What is your oil level like?".  He smiled guiltily.  Lucky for him, I have some oil at the garage.  The oil was not even on the low mark, I put about 0.5L in that little bike.

These days, Morgan rides on 60mph A-roads, so oil does tend to burnt out on these little bikes.  Also the actual mileage being piled on doesn't help the chain.

Then I helped the neighbour to find the battery.  It is a Taiwanese bike with things in fully position.  We found the battery, but inadvertently snapped a chunk of the fairing.

Morgan really needs to look after his bike better.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Emergency Poncho

We got some emergency poncho from Leeds during Leeds Festival time.  On Saturday, it was the right opportunity to use it.  It was raining quite hard and I found some motivation to get out of the door.

I remember stuffy Poncho really is.  It 'worked'.  I was fairly dry, but maybe I should get an umbrella.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Wolf of Wall Street

Gerry got the movie, and I thought I would watch it over this weekend.  I started the movie about 22:30, I thought surely I would be in bed by midnight, it went on and on.  I did not know it was 3 hours, and it was nearly 2am when I finished with it.

Why does DiCaprio like to make extra long movie?

Friday 5 September 2014

New Meaning of BMW

I was just reading the news, and found out the new meaning of BMW - Blame My Wife.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Chelsea Lately Gone

Chelsea Lately has also ended.  It was a good show, and I have lost another source of comedy!

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Graduation Goggle of Harrogate

We had never been too keen on Harrogate, and with the sight of moving out of Harrogate, we made the effort to visit Harrogate.

I was going to take Sarah to THE Betty's, but instead, we took the advantage of Filmore and Union coupon, we had lunch in Harrogate.  Then we picked up a fat rascals from Betty's before heading to Valley Gardens.

Harrogate bandstand hosts stranger music than the normal bandstand.  We dropped by to find some African drumming.

Harrogate Valley Gardens

I wish I had got my small camera with me, with proper super macro.  This evil ladybug is no lady, and bit Sarah, and Sarah was kind enough to spare its life.
Harrogate Valley Gardens

Valley Gardens even has a model boat pond...

Sarah and I were both knackered, so we only spent a few hours in town, and went home.  There is only a few things worthy of our special trip to Harrogate.  I can move without feeling I missed out what Harrogate has to offer.

Tuesday 2 September 2014


I was tired. I drove up the road, and thought I was stopping at the Sainsbury junction, then I saw the BT, I was only stopping at the Woodland junction.

My motorcycle auto-drive is good, but this trance state, deja vu is definitely not good!

Monday 1 September 2014

Kirkstall Abbey Deli Market

I took AVEN to Kirkstall Abbey for a picnic.  I chose the day to coincide with the Kirkstall Abbey Deli Market.  I was surprise the Deli Market was inside the Abbey.

It was a brilliant day for a picnic, and the deli market provided the essentials.

I hope Leeds will keep the market going, and we can have more picnics in Kirkstall.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Picnic and Knife

Knife is essential for a picnic.  I am glad I brought my Swiss knife, at the same time, I wish I didn't, it for used and dirty!

Saturday 30 August 2014

Legitimate Concerns with Legitimate Explainations

I have to put my detective hat when I am viewing houses.  There were a lot of things I noted, and with the vendor present, a lot of the concerns for a legitimate explanations.  Things look better with a proper explanation.

Friday 29 August 2014

Cost of Relationship

It is sad to see people being together because of money, and stay together because of money.

This house has been on the market for 2 years, while this couple has been trying to split up.  Then another house in Ilkley has been for sale for months, and they could not move out due to cost.

Monetary loss and gain should be the least of concern when the price to pay is mental wellness.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Fortress v Prison

Steve said grills are like prison, whereas I think grills are like fortress.

I don't want to protect my house, I want my house to protect me and protect itself.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Tim is Turning American

One of the biggest Canadian icon, Tim Horton is bought out by Burger King.
It may never be the same.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Pessimists are Great

Pessimists make sense.  Pessimists force some sense into the dreamers.  Pessimists point the right direction with good estimations.

Monday 25 August 2014

Glenfield Caravan Park

Sarah and I were looking for a decent campsite near here.  I clicked around and found Glenfield.

It is a nice site.  The site keeper is very enthusiastic, we notice the nice touches around the site, and the effort she puts in.

We may use the site again.

Toasting croissants on kettle.

 Drying the bottom side of the tent by holding it into the wind.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Leeds Festival

I always reminded myself to escape Leeds around August bank holiday during Leeds festival, but I got caught up twice.

I remember seeing loads of the festival goers in Harrogate and Leeds.  This year we stopped at Seacroft, and it was packed full of these youngsters.  Everything in the cafe sold out and I ended up eating expensive chicken nuggets and chips.

I will try harder to escape next year!

Saturday 23 August 2014

Part of the Job

Now that I got a Blackberry, I starting to get more calls out of hours.  I suppose it is all part of the job.

Friday 22 August 2014

Simple Food is the Best Food

Tom got us posh soup for dinner, and all of us passed.  Hanna and I had some bread, and Tom said he will just get pizza for next time. That would be the best idea!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Maybe It's Time to Focus on Money

Y said that.  Perhaps Y has always been like that.  I used to think Y wanted money due to necessity, Y probably got into teaching because of money. And Y is a Leo, so she is always right.

I have always been carefree, and now I am wanting to make a big decision of buying a property, I will be tied down financially for the foreseeable future.  Maybe it's time to focus on money, but I am not sure I am capable as such.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

High Street Computer Shop

PAT's laptop is not that old, but because they did not opt for a RAM upgrade when they got it, they only had 1G RAM for Win 7, albeit Win 7 Starter.

I always wonder how Andrew survives with the small computer shop.  Obviously with government's tax allowance, many things are survivable here in England.  Now I know what's his market.

When I told them to go to a computer shop and ask for a RAM upgrade, they went to PC World.  As suspected, they do not have 1G RAM in stock, as that's quite old.  And they want to charge 20 quid to fit a strip of RAM.  When asked if they can fit it at home, the assistant gave them loads of bollocks about anti-static workstation and braclets.

Then I said try the small local shop, they tend to have a lot of older parts lying around.  As expected, they had 1G RAM in stock, and fitted the RAM.  All is well.

The big shops are for people who knows what to do and can DIY, but the small shops tend to be more accommodating.  Or rather, we need to know what to do, and seek service or parts from where it's suitable.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Hipster Town

Alvaro is now our local host and took us to new bits in Leeds.  I also put in my 2p, the Belgrave Music Hall.

There were these hipster places I hated to go, and I went.  I suppose I take the opportunity to see this side of Leeds, I would otherwise ignored.

Monday 18 August 2014

Where to get Condoms

F:  You should have told me, I could get you some.
D: I need to go to Wilko.
M & A: Home Bargain will be cheaper.
F: Why don't you just get the free ones?
D: The free one are quite good.
F: They are made in Britain ya know.
M & A: (chuckles)
F: Seriously.

(in Home Bargain)
F: (pointing) There, there!
D:  Stop doing that!
F:  It is a normal merchandise.
(the brand is 'Mates')
M & A: Mates!

D:  Now I need some lube.
F:  Should have got the free ones!
F:  The condom section is right between all the baby stuff to remind you what might happen.
M & A:  Not D.
D:  I think these is it.
M & A:  They all say vaginal.
D:  I think they are the right ones.
F:  They are the same.
M & A & D:  Looking around the shelf.
F:  You guys are officially creepy.

D:  Can I just really take the free ones?
F:  Yes, that's why we pack them!
D:  Where are they?  They are in the usual clubs, near the bathrooms.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Lost and Found

When I got home from York, I looked into my bag and found I have lost the blue Ricoh pouch for my phone.  I was a bit gutted, as it was a perfect fit for my phone, and I wouldn't know what else to use.

Then I retraced my steps, it must have dropped off when I was buying the coke.  And since I was returning to York, I dropped into the shop and asked.

They did pick it up!  They returned to me, and I am glad to see it again.

Saturday 16 August 2014

The Price of Coke

After I dropped off little Rome, I was foolish enough to talk from Huntington to York, and by the end of the walk, I was low on sugar and dehydrated.

I looked up and down the train station, all the soft drinks were expensive!  A bottle of coke was 1.75, it was about the same price between all the shops.  I never knew soft drinks in fast food chain are so expensive if purchased outside the meal.

I really need to be well equipped when I take on the next city hike.

Friday 15 August 2014

Exercises and Expenditure

Sometimes I consider walking in town, walking between places exercises, and walking between places save bus fare.  But almost everytime, I had to spend the same amount of money to buy food and drink after such activities.  I have lost time, and money, was the exercises really justify these?

Thursday 14 August 2014

Remote IT support

Carol once tried to remote my computer from a very different network, and it did not work.  I just help Sarah with some computer problem using Skype.  I do understand how the IT operators feel.  It is so much easier if we were there, and talking over the phone will always be difficult.

Wednesday 13 August 2014


I went to see Gary, he had an endoscope camera to look into the tank.  He was convinced it was water in tank.  It was not something he could do as I wait, so I have to find a day to drop little Rome off.

I have many viewings scheduled, and I need to use my bike all week, neither does Genspeed provide a courtesy bike, so I was stuck.

So I will be dropping off the bike after a viewing on Friday.  Then after speaking to YBS in Leeds on Saturday morning, I will need to find my way to York, then drive back to Leeds to meet David.

It is simply inoptimizable!

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Mounted Police

I came across some mounted police on the day when Leeds United was playing.

I knew mounted police has goggles, but without looking close up, I did not know they have a face guard and knee and shin guards!

Then there was a mounted policewoman.  Her horse was significantly smaller than her male counterpart's.

Monday 11 August 2014

Rain Aftermath

After the severe rain, little Rome started to misfire.  I first thought it was my battery, then after I ruled out the battery as a problem, I thought it was water in the tank.

I had a chat with Gary and Matt.  Gary also agreed in water in the tank, and Matt suggested aged spark leads were to blame.

I will let Gary check little Rome out when I find a break from all the house viewings.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Downpour in England

Most of the time, I tease the rain in England lacking in strength.  This weekend, we have rain that reassembles those in Hong Kong. 

I was soaked thorough within 10 minutes, and roads turned into river, very low visibility.  It was pretty bad.

I am a all season rider, but I would not normally ride in this weather if I had a choice.  I made it to destination without much mishap.

I must make some smarter decision when traveling in severe weather.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Coping Mechanism

Most of us live in a less than ideal situation, different has different method to cope.  Shopaholic, cat lovers, party animals.

It is tragic to feel you must be happy because many are at worst position than you are.

Friday 8 August 2014

Waitrose Rainbox Cake

I stopped by Waitrose on my way home.  They had a rainbox cake on offer, and I thought I would try it.  It was quite colourful, even the icing were coloured.

Sometimes cake like this tastes horrible, so I expected the worst, then it turned out quite edible.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Late Late Show Replacement

James Corden is replacing Craig Ferguson.  There are some big shoes to fill, but luckily I don't be watching it.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Why Did Hedgehog Cross the Road?

On the way home from the supermarket, I saw a hedgehog on the road.  There was a turning car, and the wheel just narrowly missed the hedgehog!

I was trying to pick it up and bring it back to safety, but it was too prickly!  So I used my backpack as a pad, picked it up.  But because the backpack was quite slippery for this purpose, I dropped the hedgehog from height, of about 1 foot on the grass.  The hedgehog was a bit scared, but it went back into the hedge.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Serial House Viewing

Once I set the ball rolling, clicked around on real estate websites, the agents are setting up the viewings.  I would have viewed 10 houses by the end of the week.

Monday 4 August 2014

Super Hot Radiator

As I pull into Whitby slowly, the radiator temperature went up and up.  I was waiting for the fan to start, but it failed.  By the time I turned off the engine, it was 113C, it was the highest I have seen.  Maybe I need to ask Gavin if he still have the thermostat and the fan from my old radiator...

I tested the fan before I give it to Gavin, and I remember it ran once...  What went wrong...

Sunday 3 August 2014

House Hunting

I have resume my house hunt from last year.  And in summer, it is the peak season.  I have also kicked up my house search a gear, I have also broaden the search, also narrowing down areas.

I hope the mortgage application will go smoothly, so I can focus on the house hunting!

Saturday 2 August 2014

Yorkshire Medieval Festival

They could have easily called it York Medieval Festival.

York really knows how to make tourists' and kids' money.

Friday 1 August 2014

Yorkshire Day

It is Yorkshire Day, my Yorkshire colleagues could not shut up about it.

Apparently celebration including Yorkshire Pudding Eating Competition, ferret racing and the annual reading of the Yorkshire Declaration of Integrity.
The Guardian quizzes were very difficult.

Thursday 31 July 2014


Warm summer sleeping with the window open invites a lot of insects, and it is another reason I emigrated.

I cannot wait till the temperature coming down a bit, and the insect starting to hibernate again.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Holiday Planning

I take a lot of effort in planning my holidays.  I am planning on going home in Spring and I may take Sarah.

At first, I thought I would carry on as a normal visit, but then, I must take Sarah to do all touristy things.  To be fair, I have not been to many of these places for many years, it would be a good opportunity for me to look around.

It was not long before I came up with a short list, and I already got a good frame work.  We just need to decide on the flights.  It is only 7 months away!

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Digital Cameras II

I have two very cheap cameras, and they do what I needed, mostly.

My Fuji Finepix E500 has a good wide lens, good low ISO, decent aperture, super macro, perfect for landscape, and portraits and objects.  It is old model with only 400M pixel, but it is more than sufficient.

My GE X500 has a good lens range, good zoom, panorama mode, albeit slow and poor colour, it does most of everything I need including sports, animal and most importantly it was very cheap.

Monday 28 July 2014

Digital Cameras

Many of my friends has got DSLR, and many of them has grown out of using DSLR, particularly those beginners.  Yan is the latest victim of the marketing ploy.

Yan asked if she should get a DSLR, a tiny frame DSLR.  I again advised against it.  I suggested high-end prosumer instead, as always.

Most people don't evaluate their usage, and just wanted a quick fix-all camera.  Why would Yan need a high aperture when she is mostly taking picture of landscape.  Why would Carol need a wide angle when she does mostly take sports and portraits.  Why do people buy expensive camera that are not good for either.

Sunday 27 July 2014


We went to Kro Bar for lunch.  Kro Bar is meant to be a Danish restaurant, and it serves Gravlax.

Sarah wanted Gravlax, but I mentioned how Gravlax was originally part-fermented, so Sarah opted for smoked salmon instead.

When I looked up Gravlax again, apparently, modern Graxlav is no longer fermented.  Sara

Saturday 26 July 2014

Hardcastle Crags

I previously refused to drive up to Heptenstall due to the gradient and cobble stones.  We parked up at Heptenstall, had a look at the quaint village.  While we were in Heptenstall, I saw many cars, vans few up the hill and the cobbles.

Sarah got a nice quiche for lunch, and we walked to Hardcastle Crags.  The Hardcastle Crags is much bigger than Creswell Crags.  We took an off track path down the crags, and I insisted on taking a proper path and road on the ways back.
If we go again, we will park closer to the Crags.

Friday 25 July 2014


There is Todmorden, then there is Todmorden.  Just like when I took Verity to Todmorden to pick up Ash, I did not expect there was a Todmorden over the Todmorden at the fog-covered Todmorden.

So Sarah and I went to Todmorden, and had a walk by the Bridestones.  It was only a few minutes from civilization and looks very rural.

It does look nice on a nice day.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Summer is a Great Driving Season Besides ... III

Summer is a great driving besides all the learning are jamming up the road.

Learners start in Spring, and by Summer, they are absolutely everywhere.  With all the cars already on the road and all the road works, the learners are really not helping.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Summer is a Great Driving Season Besides ... II

Summer is a great driving season besides all the road works spoiling it.  The workmen take advantage of the dry weather, road works are absolutely everywhere.  You take a detour, but you are met with more road works.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Summer is a Great Driving Season Besides ...

Summer is a great driving season, besides it is spoilt by all those tractors on the road.  They are large, they are slow, they are a hazard on the road, yet, they sometimes drive in the busy hours.

Monday 21 July 2014

Tan Hill

I joined GBMCC to Tan Hill.  This was the second time I had been to Tan Hill.  The first time Dave led us to Tan Hill, I was entertaining Carol, so I was not able to join the group.  But I got the direction from Dave, Carol and I went on our bike the first time.

Dave's direction sent us on a difficult track, with a pillion, it was not pleasant!  Apparently after that, we go to Tan Hill every year, and Dave takes us on the easy road instead.

The weather held up, so it was more pleasant that I remembered.  We came across a tractor rally and a Porsche group.  The tractors were big and bouncing all over the narrow road, we overtook them all, it was actually quite dangerous.

The pub was heaving.  We ate at the pub.  I found a hair in my Sunday roast...  I was not impressed.

On the way down, the road was very twisty.

Tan Hill is more or less a touristy novelty place.  I probably won't go again unless I am taking visitors.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Spontaneity cannot be Optimised

Spontaneity by definition cannot be optimised.  One can only optimise on existing procedures and plans.

I had a last minute weekend plan, I could not have optimised, it was not complete disaster, but it could have been better if it has been planned...

Saturday 19 July 2014

Newcastle Chinese Food

I remember when Suki, Karen, Hedy and Yan were in Newcastle, they complaint about Chinese food in Newcastle were expensive.  Last time I was in Newcastle, it saw still the same.

This time Sarah and I walked up and down the Chinatown and ate at Wingkee, it was quite good quality, and very reasonable price.  The two minor flaws were the lack of bamboo shoot in the shrimp dumplings, and a touch too much pepper on the sweet corn fish.  It made up with the crab roe on the pork dumplings and good jasmine rice.

I will definitely go again.

Friday 18 July 2014

Malaysian Air

Malaysian Air has not had the best of luck.  Losing one plane and crashed another.

I feel sorry to the lost souls.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Fire Rating

Learning something everyday, there are different rating on fire equipments, type of materials, etc.  It really is as dull as it sounds.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Head Bearing

I asked Gavin to have a look at the front wheel bearing, the alternator, and have a think on the undue vibration.

I was told today the bad news, the head bearing is going.  It will be a time-consuming, aka expensive job.

I will probably do it when Little Rome is in for a major service next spring.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Radiator Crackling Noise

Little Rome has now got a new radiator that does not leak.  The radiator cooling down crackling noise is quite disconcerting.

Monday 14 July 2014

Wetherby Food Fair

Before we went to Wetherby Food Fair, I was half thinking it maybe disappointing.  But turned out to be a fairly good day out.

The weather was sunny, but not as stuffy as the previous days.  There was a wide variety of offerings.  The entertainment including Man v Food was acceptable.

If there is a 2nd annual Wetherby Food Fair next year, I may return.

Sunday 13 July 2014


Harehill is a few minutes walks from Roundhay, but it is a world away.

Sarah and I were in the area, and we made the mistake to walk down towards Harehill to the bus stop, rather than walking up towards Roundhay to the bus stop.

There were some characters around, they may not be friendly.

Saturday 12 July 2014


It has been very hot.  Especially after I dropped off my bike, I had to get home in my bike gear, which was very unbearable.

I had to take a cool shower when I get home.  And I had a headache the rest of the night.

There is more of this weather to come.  I hate it!

Friday 11 July 2014

The Horror of Radiator Failure

Ruth's alternator failed when she was on the motorway, and they were lucky that they were on the near lane with a shoulder, where they could wait for help.

My electrics has been playing up, as it is intermittent, I have regularly charged up the battery, and hope for the best.  It maybe caused by the same problem.

While I have little Rome in the shop, I will ask Gavin to have a quick check.

Rob said it with a certainty that it would be the alternator, never the rectifier.  It would not be too pricy, just the hassle.

Thursday 10 July 2014

The Best Way of Dieting

Feeling angry with some idiots and lose appetite.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

The Ghost of Armstrong

The memory of Armstrong should be consigned to the dust bin, but yet he is still lurking and probably making money.

Is he going to come up in the media every year during Tour De France?

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Great Yorkshire Traffic Nightmare

After the Tour de France, there are more road diversion and closure in Harrogate for the Great Yorkshire Show.

The Great Yorkshire Show is probably great if you are there, but it is not great to anyone else.

Monday 7 July 2014

Soporific on Bikes

Driving at 50mph on a motorway is very soporific.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Windows 8.1

Sarah finally upgraded Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

There are only few changes that we can see, it might have a few more changes at the back.  Now there is a power off button!

Saturday 5 July 2014

Canadians in Wimbledon

It has been a good year for Canadians in Wimbledon.  Bouchard, Raonic, Pospisil.

I am glad to see Stosur is still in play, albeit in mixed double, and hopefully Federer will win.

Friday 4 July 2014

Back Wheel Bearings

Many weeks ago, I felt a funny bump at the back wheel.  Then I started hearing funny squeals.  Then the squeals became more frequent.  Then it became apparently it has become urgent.  I had been driving very carefully.  If the bearing completely collapse, my wheel could have caught into the chassis or the hugger, along the way, damage all the chain, sprocket and brake disc.

All the bike shops are busy, I rang around to see who can squeeze me in.  It is only a quick job.  I was going to go to RaceHQ, then Genspeed could squeeze me in and change bearings while I wait.

Disaster averted.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Bad Players

Sportmanship is often overlooked.  Not only on professional field, just common games, there are bad players.

I have been playing Catan online, and there are a lot of bad players, and a lot of players without sportmanship, and a lot of players with big mouth.  It takes the joy away from the game.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Planned Obsolescence

Planned obsolescence is a real thing.  I cannot believe it originated from Germany.

Monday 30 June 2014

Danger of cul-de-sac

I was the cul-de-sac, and this little IQ pulled out.  The IQ has a small turning circle, the driver just swing it around.  I stopped for the maneuver, but I was sure she did not see me, and did not care for taking up the whole road.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Alison Riske

Carol and I first saw Riske in Birmingham AGEON Classic.  She was playing mostly ITF, but trying out some WTA matches.

Riske was going to Vanderbilt like her sister Sarah, but she went pro instead.  I remember taking some yearbook pictures from the teams, including tennis team with Sarah.  So I am probably 2 or 3 degree separated from Alison.

I remember commented about how she had the shadow of Dementieva.  I thought about getting a picture with her, but one way or the other, we didn't get it.

A few years on, she made into 3rd round in the Wimbledon.  I am very happy for her.  She played some nice shots, but I wonder if she is suitable to play full western style.

If Carol is coming to England as planned, we hope to see her in either Birmingham or Eastbourne.  We will definitely try to catch her this time.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Posh Carrot

Verity asked if I can pick up some carrots from the market, not the normal carrots, the carrots still with the green attached.

Usually it takes me 10 minutes in the market, and I would have done the price check and bought everything.  I checked out all the vegetable stalls outside, and all the stall inside, only one stall sell it.

Those carrots was 5 times the normal carrots.  I refuse to buy them, I got Verity some mushrooms instead.

Friday 27 June 2014

Language Training

I haven't been listening to my old songs.  Then I started, I remember why I can speak properly over these times being abroad.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Red Hot Phones

I don't usually use data on the phone, and even if I do, I don't use it for long.

Whilst I was in the course, I was logging on work email, and it did not take long to heat up the Blackberry.  And it also drains the battery very quickly.

I wonder why do people keep their data on on their phone.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Shoulder of Mutton

Shoulder of Mutton is a very nice pub in Kirby Overblow.  What a funny named town.

I don't often advertise, but it is a very nice pub.  Very nice decor, very nice atmosphere and a little over the top with the sleep decor.

But the most interesting thing is that, shoulder of mutton is on the menu.  I have not seen shoulder of mutton in the other Shoulder of Muttons I previously visited.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Electrical Regs

After much persuasion, my boss let me sign up o 17th Edition Elec Regs Course. 

I found very useful, and many things fall into places.  A lot of phenomena makes sense.

When I get back, I need to do some managing!

Monday 23 June 2014

Continuous Mistakes

I was baking one of the cookies from my bible.  I have baked this cookies so many times, I cannot believe I am till making small mistakes.

I salvaged the dough, but I can taste my mistake!  I have to pay more attention when I bake.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Rating Culture

Sarah insists on reading TripAdvisor on everything before we try out hotels or restaurants.  So we ended up with this small curry house, listed as number 1 on TripAdvisor.

The curry house was tiny without sufficient ventilation, and with all the hot plates in the house, it was quite smoky.  The food was edible, the portion size of sundries were tiny.  There was a foreign object in one of the curry.  The food by no means good, even the waiter said it himself, how the service was their selling point.

I had to remind Sarah about this fake seafood restaurant in Devon made to the top of TripAdvisor list.

First of all, I am not keen on trying out new restaurant.  Secondly, why can't we just try something ourselves rather than having to read up and research about it.

For the rating to be truly representative, one of us should bash the restaurant on the website, but since I could not care less about this rating culture, and the others possess British pleasantry are not going to write up this restaurant, so the rating will forever be skewed.  So why so we bother?

Saturday 21 June 2014

Window 8 Split Screen

Sarah and I were ranting about Window 8.  Becky told us you can setup split screen on the apps and use other apps.  Now I have tried it out, Window 8 is much more acceptable.

Friday 20 June 2014

World Cup Disappointment All Round

Disappointing result all round.  I cannot believe Japan lost of Greece.  And a lot of disappointed English fans.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Motorcycle Cleaning

Little Rome is very dirty, and I was considering for a full valet and a ACF treatment.  But there is no provider in nearby area, so I washed her instead.

While I was washing her, I spotted a loose part.  It was a crucial part, and I am glad I spotted it in time.

I really should pay more attention to little Rome.  I need to clean the air filter and air box next time I am at Verity's and I have her booked in for the radiator and forks mid July.  I hope she will be happier...

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Roadshow Freebies

In the olden days, road shows gave freebies away like they were free.  These days, there isn't as much freebies.  But after I mentioned about business opportunities, the freebies came out of the bag.  How realistic.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Recycling Roadshow

The cleaning company has put up a recycling road show on site.  The waste and recycling company informs us on the recycling policy on site.  The modern recycling facilities can process composite waste, meaning we can recycling just about everything.  And with the modern recycled products, such as recycled plastic fence post, there are many ways for the waste to go rather than landfill.  Last of all, the company has a waste incinerator power plant, we can squeeze the last bit of the energy out of the waste before the ashes go into ground.  The modern catalysts can remove all noxious gases.  It is great to see technology has moved on since I last learnt about them.

Monday 16 June 2014

Optimists Die Younger

No wonder there are so many grumpy OAP.

Dilbert is visionary.  Maybe I should be more optimistic too?

Sunday 15 June 2014

World Cup

World Cup 2014 is underway.  I cannot believe England lost the first game.  Or I can't believe England supporters are bigging England up.

It would be disappointing if Brazil does not win the whole thing, with the home court advantage and everything.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Radiator Close Up

Looking at the radiator close up, there are tiny fins in the radiators.  Interesting.

Friday 13 June 2014

Measurement of Time

Certain people do certain things in hours.  Certain people do certain things in days.  Certain people do certain things in weeks.  Certain people do certain things in months.  It is very draining dealing with people working in a different time frame.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Traveling without Passport

There is a passport backlog in the passport office here.  What kind of people book their holiday before having a valid passport in their hands?

Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Pie Town

I stopped at Wetherby for some onions after work.  It was not even 6pm, the pies were already at rock bottom prices.  I could not refuse!  I have a 'healthy' stash of pies in my freezer for my English diet.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Radiator Cleaning

The radiator has arrived.  It is in a very poor shape.  But on first inspection, it is not leaking.  I have started cleaning the radiator, but it will be a long battle.  Everything this age has corrode, there is only so much I could do.  I just need to try my best, and apply corrosion inhibitor, and stick it on.

Monday 9 June 2014

Airline Industry

BBC has put up a programme on an airline.  I remember I used to know a lot of these information.  I remember I used to like this stuff.  I remember I used to like the idea of having a career in this industry.  I remember I tried, and failed, and given up.  There really isn't any point for me to watch this programme.  I am either bored of it of angry with life.  So I rather watch something else.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Yorkshire Wildlife Park has turned out to be better than expected.  Too bad Flickr has acted up, so I cannot easily post static pictures.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Motorcycle Accident

When I was driving down to Doncaster, there was an accident.  It was a motorcycle accident.  It does not look like there was a car, or the car had moved on, only the bike on its side, an ambulance on the scene.  I wondered what happen, I can learn a lesson from it.

Friday 6 June 2014

SRAD Radiator

These days, a lot of bikers are breaking down SRAD, so SRAD radiator is easier to find.  I have bought one online, I hope it turns out okay, and little Rome will be happier.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Crack Propagation

Crack propagation is commonly seen in metal, ceramic and polymers.  Crack propagates better in a uniform structure.  On the other hand, cracks can hardly grow on composites.  Chaotic structure dissipates stresses and stops cracks.

We can either be plain or composites.  We can either discover cracks early and manage the crack, or become composite and let chaos run out lives.

Lets get the ultra sound out, and inspect all areas to find and deal with all the nano cracks before they become problematic.

Wednesday 4 June 2014


How is Episode getting these big American (former) stars on their show?  Is our license fee and tax month paying for their appearance or these (former) stars are glad to cameo on anyone who asks?

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Time is Priceless

Sometime in hind sight, I should have spent the money I could afford, to get what I want immediately.  Especially in situations that time injects uncertainty exponentially.  I must think better in the future.

Monday 2 June 2014

Maple Syrup

Pancake for me means spongy sweet pancake with butter.  I always skip the syrup, because they are sweet enough.

My maple syrup, curtsey of my Vancouverian cousin, has ran out.  Sarah urged me to replenish the maple syrup to we can continue to enjoy pancakes.

Sarah got this idea about American always eat pancakes with maple syrup, and I have tried to convince her otherwise, syrup perhaps, but definitely not maple syrup.  She doubted me authority on the Americanism.  So I just double checked with Phil, and he confirmed my view, "it's extremely expensive and used nearly only by the higher echelons of the house wife type strata of society."

I probably don't replenish my maple syrup supplies, I don't usually keep food I don't eat in my cupboard.  If Sarah pass off pancakes due to lack of maple syrup, the more for me.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Airflow Jacket

I got this airflow jacket for the hot summer days.  I can hear many of the UK laugh as I type.  And every year in early summer, I put on the jacket and remember how airy this jacket is!

Saturday 31 May 2014

Rochdale Dominos

We ordered a pizza for dinner.  Different pizza outlets are providing different offers, and we had a large pizza delivered for a tenner.

Dominos pizza is not fully loaded, and the crust is not very substantial.  I am still a bit hungry.

Friday 30 May 2014

Tax Correction

I have just got my P60, and for the first time ever, I am not getting a cheque from HMRC for overpaid tax.  There went my holiday budget.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Thickest Drinking Chocolate Ever

I gave Sarah a hot chocolate last weekend, which reminded me to use up the really old tin of chocolate.  And since I have some milk, I made some hot chocolate.

The hot chocolate is so thick, it dries my mouth as it goes down.
The hot chocolate is so strong, it hits my head every sip.
The hot chocolate is so thick, it will probably come out the other end smelling the same.

I should really be baking with it.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Free Things Come to Those Who Waits

WhatsApp wanted me to renew and the subscription fee.  I refused to pay Facebook Inc, so I did not renew.  Two months on, I clicked around on the phone, and WhatsApp is letting me use it for another year for free.

If all else fail, I can just use Line and emails.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Coldstones Cut

When Yan was here a few years ago, I took her to Fountains Abbey.  On the way back, we stopped at Pateley Bridge.  The visitor centre was closed but they had a leaflet on the window about The Coldstones Cut, so we went.  My feet were so sore from walking in Fountains all day, somehow Yan still had the energy.  I let her see the site on her own.

Sarah and I went to Fountains, and since the weather held up, we checked out the Coldstones Cut.  It is interesting, but I will only revisit if they sort out their carpark!

Monday 26 May 2014

Aldwark Bridge

Sarah and I were driving to Beningbrough, and the SatNAV mentioned about toll road, which we ignored.  We did come across a toll bridge, Aldwark Bridge, which has its own TripAdvisor page.  It costed us 40p.

It was quite scary, as it is an old wooden bridge.  Little do we know it is 236 years old.  Maybe Sarah and I can aim to cross more of these tiny toll bridges.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Market Everywhere

I was looking up events held in Kirkstall Abbey, and found there are market days in Kirkstall. 

It is good for customers to see market stalls and produces and goods from small producers, but is it good for the traders?

For a few days in a month, the big supermarkets may have a tiny dip in their trade, or alternatively, a few days later, families has more food waste.  For a trader to see good trade for the odd weekend, it may give them false sense of their trade, who may then mistakenly embark on a permanent shop.

I am mostly a browser, so all these markets are very entertaining for me.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Elizabeth Shaw 85% Cocoa

Some Sainsbury carry Elizabeth Shaw, and I took the offer and got a couple of these dark chocolate bars.  I got some of the cocoa nibs bars before, and it is of reasonable quality.

This bar is smooth, dark and fairly good quality.  This is as good as if not better than Lindt.  The only problem with this bar is the lack of character, very 'dark chocolate' flavour, and no after taste.

Friday 23 May 2014

Magnum Champagne

I was a bit skeptical after the pistachio Magnum turned out to be horrible.  Sarah was skeptical about its colour.

The chocolate case tastes like M&M, chocolate with a sugar-type coat.  Then the ice cream tastes a bit liqueur chocolate centre.  So this ice cream bar is much like a chocolate liqueur truffles.

I like this more than the pistachio ones.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Keep Helmet Away from Any Hard Surfaces

Jerry asked if I could move my helmet to the hall.  I dutifully obliged and moved my gear.  I thought it was an idea to stack the helmet on his, but as soon as I lay the helmet in the corner, the helmet touched the brick wall and scratched it!  I am never putting helmet anywhere without the bag!  And definitely keep it away from any hard surfaces!

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Magnum Pistahio

I am a Magnum fan, and I got these on offer.  As soon as I tried it, I regretted it.  It tastes very artificial.  I think Magnum should stick with what they know, chocolate.  Now I am dreading the other box of Magnum Champagne.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Brü Ice-cream

When Brü website could not be bothered to put the umlaut on the Bru, it is blatant laziness.

The ice cream is acceptable, but for the same price or less, I can get better ice cream locally made than their Leicestershire made ice cream just a few minutes walk away.

I don't really believe in paying for the atmosphere.

Monday 19 May 2014

Yee Kwan Ice-cream

In the Derbyshire food festival, we saw this Sheffield based ice-cream maker Yee Kwan. We were immediately drawn to her black sesame ice cream and motcha ice cream.

I was not in a mood for ice cream, so we did not end up buying any.  But they tasted nice and I am glad to have a tiny taste of the orient.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Impressive - Motorway

I was minding my business on the motorway, and I saw a BMW went from the right hand lane to left hand lane, undertook everyone in excess of 95mph, and went back to right hand lane.  Impressive.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Survival of Mankind

It was not long ago when mankind has to hunt and kill animal to protect of lives, farm lives and in general making our space more habitable.

These days, we wishfully think we can share our spaces with animals without phasing them out, without killing and removing hazards from our spaces.  And it is a surprise or it is justified when we are mauled to death, kicked to death or stung to death.

Human can either be the top predator or a prey.

Friday 16 May 2014

Banana and Coconut

Obviously banana is yellow on the outside and white in the inside.  Apparently there is coconut, brown on the outside and white in the inside.  From Life: An Idiot's Guide.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Cats are Better Friends

All I can remember of dogs are all these unprovoked attacks.  Just the thought of being in close proximity of a dog makes me sick.  Sometimes even the thought of dogs make me sick.  People who has never been attacked by dogs will never understand.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Carte D'Or Caffe Latte

I got two of these from Fulton.  They are okay.  The tub is so light, it must be full of air.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Distracted Driver is the Worst Driver

The idiot(s) who tried to kill me were all distracted drivers.  Most people only considers electronic devices as the common distraction, but I think by far the worst distraction is people: crying baby, screaming kids or chatty relatives.

I really need to watch out those people carriers.

Monday 12 May 2014

Another Near Miss

The first memorable near miss was on M60 in Manchester.  This on city loop Leeds.  Both were family car, people carrier.

I saw the driver saw me, and he still tried to pull out in front of me.

Sunday 11 May 2014


re'new is being moved, and the existing location demolished.  Everywhere you look in Leeds is construction.  It does not feel good.

Saturday 10 May 2014

British Washboard Road

Unlike American washboards, which are very much like a washboard, the British washboard roads are more like a wavy bumpy road, and more prominently shown with the hardened road paint.  In American, it vibrates everything out of the bike; here, it is like horseback riding.

Friday 9 May 2014

Carte D'Or Gelateria Chocolate Inspiration

I was looking forward to try the new Carte D'Or Gelateria.  I was meaning to try the coffee version, but as Mr M does not carry that flavour, I settled with the chocolate inspiration.

It is not very inspiring.  I did not realise the galateria series is the sundae type product with which I disagree.  I am not so keen on trying the coffee version.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Stewed Rabbit

Sarah had the stewed rabbit at the Scotsman Pack.  I had tried rabbit the first time.  It is very lean.  The leg is very gamey, and the breast is a bit like chicken.

I had not fallen in love with rabbit, but I wouldn't mind a rabbit pie now and then.

Wednesday 7 May 2014


Sarah was hard-selling Bradwell's.  When we finally had some ice-cream, I was not impressed with the ice-laced ice-cream and the limited selection.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Wetwang II

Sarah asked why had I not googled Wetwang, so here it goes.

It is recorded in the Domesday Book as Wetuuangha. There are two interpretations of this. One is that it probably comes from the Old Norse vaett-vangr, 'field for the trial of a legal action'. Another theory is that it was the "Wet Field" compared to the nearby dry field at Driffield. It has been hypothesised that the unlocated Romano-British town of Delgovicia is located at Wetwang.

Monday 5 May 2014

Cat and Fiddle Road A537

I took the opportunity to ride on the 'dangerous side' of Cat and Fiddle Road the first time.  Seriously, only proper idiots will find the road dangerous.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Tales of Two Romulus

Russ and I both have a 1999 GSXR 600, two bikes have very different lives.

Russ has his since new, well garage kept, and nearly strictly summer dry mileages, 23k on the clock.  Mine was 4th hand bike, well used, all season riding, 61k on the clock. 

The only thing in common between two bikes is both Russ and I love our bikes.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Desirable Side Effects

Alcohol has the desirable side effect to reduce stress and anxiety.

Coffee has the desirable side effect to mask tiredness.

There are reasons why we drink these beverages.

Friday 2 May 2014

Cherry Blossom Confetti

After a rainy windy night, all the cars were confittied with cherry blossom.  It is rather distracting to see them swirl around on the road.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Magic of Mushrooms

The recent BBC programme is quite interesting.  The most interesting parts are the technological development harnessing mushrooms' power.  Using fungi as glue, use fungi to biodegrade inorganic waste, cancer treatments, etc.  Quite interesting.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Harpers Fish and Chips

I have been to Harpers' once went I was riding with Bikesafe Yorkshire.  I remember the fishcake was nice, but I never remember where I was.  When we stopped at Wetwang (I kid you not), I recalled the location, and I opted for the homemade fishcakes again.  The fishcake is as nice as I remember it.  A great chippy, I will keep it in mind and possible visit other locations too.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

First Ride of the Season

Obviously I have been riding, I met up with the guys last ride, but I opted to do shopping in Leeds instead, due to high wind.

The weather held up, and we rode to Stamford Bridge, Malton, Fimber, Wetwang (a real town name!), Beverley, and back to Squires.  The guys are all very progressive, but I am very much a leisure rider.  I could keep up the pace if I incline to, but it is rather tiring.

A lot of bikes are out.  Then I saw some idiots.  Is that always the case at the beginning of the season, and the natural selection will weed some of them out over the coming months?

Monday 28 April 2014

Leeds Traffic Gridlock

The closure of the Market carpark is proving to be a nightmare.  There are very limited spaces near the market, and everyone does their shopping on the Saturday.

Why do we need any other mall anyway!

Sunday 27 April 2014

Weekend Nap

It is nice to have a weekend mid-morning nap.  I was napping with the blinds up.  I felt the warmth through blanket, "oh, nice warmth from the Sun coming through" I thought.  Then as I got up, the radiator was hot, it must have been the radiator.

Saturday 26 April 2014

TGI Friday

I have not felt like this for a while.  TGI Friday!

Friday 25 April 2014

Old Fashion Office Works

Without electricity, I could only do filing and contacting using telephone.  It is lovely to have the silence from the computer fans and buzz from the lights.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Jodie got Hitched

Congratulation to Jodie Foster!

Wednesday 23 April 2014


Southland is one of the few cops show I watch.  I was sad to learn that was the end of Southland.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Unexpected Food Porn

In one of the latest episode of Dispatches, The Truth about Low Fat Food, they investigated how the food labelling can be very misleading and products can test up to 30% over the listed value on the label, and it is still considered acceptable variation.

Then unexpectedly, the show finished off with some food porn, the naughty type of food porn.

Monday 21 April 2014

Internet Withdrawal

Every long holiday, especially when I am travelling, I often have limited access to internet.  Who needs internet when you can lounge and sleep all day long.

Sunday 20 April 2014


I have been meaning to try out abseiling, but I never had a chance.  We could potentially abseil with the milan kit at work, besides it maybe seen as misuse of equipment.

While we were in Edale, they offered abseiling as an activity, I convinced Sarah to join together.

It was fun.

Saturday 19 April 2014


Sarah acquired some quinoa from Zoe's cupboard clear out.  Sarah was going to give it away, but I was quite interested in trying.  We ended up having some with our chickpea stew.

It does not particularly taste pleasant, but everything gets covered up by the strong chick pea stew.  As far as I am concerned, it is no different from other carbs, so I probably won't pay >£2 a packet for them.  Meanwhile we will keep this pack and have them with stews.

Friday 18 April 2014

Scandinavia and the World

I remember seeing Scandinavia and the World for the first time at Verity's, then Kish mentioned about it, so I read up on it.  It is very funny, although long text made my tired.  So within 1 week, I caught up with all the comic.