Saturday 31 January 2015

Monster Slippers

After Christmas Sale impulse purchase, turns out quite nice!  I am considering getting a second pair!

Friday 30 January 2015

Money Watching is like Sheep Counting

I periodically check my accounts, and this time, I found some missing money!  I emailed the relevant people right the way, but it has been missing for 2 months, I am not happy.

Now I understand how farmers feel.  You know you have x number of sheep, but you have to keep counting it, just in case someone stole them or just to know how they are faring.  It is hard work!

English and the Snow

The was a 15-minute blizzard, and everyone panic.  The Scot Rob tried to drive home in the heavy snow, Sarah was about to change all her travel arrangements, Austin was going to take holiday in case he cannot get out of his drive, when I had faith it would stop soon.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Castle Hotels

I have suggested lake-side or Castle hotel, and Carol and Stef bought into the idea.  Besides it is extortionate, and Stef is a bit picky with regards to the authenticity of the 'Castle'.  Tourists...

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Exacting Apparently is Bad

I was talking to one of my subcontractors about something being inaccurate.  We know each other quite well, and he made a remark that being exact, having high expectation is root of disappointment, and Rob nodded.

Then I said if you weren't exact, I would change you as a subcontractor.  I wasn't really joking either.

I haven't grown out of my high expectation, but I have learnt to cope with disappointment.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

European FX

European FX has been on a downhill slope.  Greece maybe shaking this further.  Hopefully it would reach a stable low point soon.  I told Carol to hold of her GBP buying and watch.

It won't be long before the election here, and everything is up in the air.

Monday 26 January 2015

Ocado Challenge

We got this Ocado coupon for 25% off and free delivery, if we spend over 100 pound.  It was a challenge!

I have tried to put 100 pounds worth of product together, and failed.

Sunday 25 January 2015

Another Meaning of Ballast

Meet Britain's longest train - the ballast cleaner

The stone on the rail track has a name, ballast, and has a function.  Quite interesting

Saturday 24 January 2015

More Scotland Trip

Stef has decided to join Carol and come to England.  The first thing she mentioned was car, driving and Scotland.  And I immediately distance myself from those words.

I have drafted some plans for them to consider, but I really do not fancy driving to Scotland.  Been there done that, youthful stupidity.

It really depends on how many touristy spots they would rather go.  I will have a think about my participation.

Friday 23 January 2015

Ice Crystal in Ice-cream

I got some ice-cream a while ago, I just let it in the freezer.  Even though commercial ice-cream has emulsifier, but the ice crystal naturally grow.  So since I have left it in the freeze for a while, it was horrid.

Moral of the story, eat your ice-cream!

Thursday 22 January 2015

Spot the Snowy Difference

A lot of my friends cannot tell the difference between my front and back garden.  It is more noticeable when it is not covered in snow.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Flicked the Flake

Sarah 'donated' a flake from one of her Christmas presents to my cupboard.  Neither of us really cares of a Flake, so we palmed it off to Tony.  Problem solved.

Monday 19 January 2015


So Atkins is half way right, high protein diet is still prescribed today in a different format.  I should reconsider it.

Sunday 18 January 2015


When I take ownership of something, my buildings, my house, my plants, I like things doing my way, precisely.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Smoked Mackerel

Sarah had some smoked mackerel over Christmas, and reckon we should consume more fish.  So we got some smoked mackerel.

I knew I would like smoked mackerel, I quite like smoked haddock.  The only problem with fish is the bones.  I did get some bones from the Aldi mackerel.

I also like the idea to get smokiness from things other than sausage or ham.  I am building mackerel into my menu.  The only problem being 'ready to eat', they tend to disappear very quickly!

Friday 16 January 2015


As seen on 8 out of 10 Cats.


noun \di-ˈjek-shən, dē-\
: sadness that is caused by failure, loss, etc.

Thursday 15 January 2015


Horizon has gone another dieting related programme.  I am definitely a feaster, and also a constant craver.  Double whammy.  I haven't got a new year strategy.  When I am a bit freer, I need to have a think about it.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

First Gritting in the Winter

We are a bit short of staff at work lately.  And today, as soon as I got to work, I knew I had to get my hand dirty gritting.

I sent a couple guys on a gritter, and I was hand gritting with another guy and boss.  That's my exercise of the day.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

January Planning

More often than not, I do a lot of planning in January.  I finally got confirmation from Carol, and she is coming in June.  A lot of planning has started.  Although I am very busy at work, I already have an outline, and the framework.

Planning doesn't take up a lot of my time, but it does distract from my work, and other engagement.

There will be more planning later in the month when I am freer.

Monday 12 January 2015

Yorkshire Fish Cake

I have finally tried the Frying Pan in Wetherby.  I was in a hurry, and they had not fried any fish, so I took one of their fish cakes.  It is also a Yorkshire fish cake.

I call them Yorkshire fish cake, but I am not sure if it is their official name.  They consist of two slices of potato, and some fish in the middle.

The frying and the batter was okay.  Judging from the residue in the box, they added beef drippings.  I have concluded I dislike Yorkshire fish cake.  What is the point?

I will probably go back to try Frying Pan again for their fish.

Sunday 11 January 2015


Stupid people gossip because they want confirmation and concurrence from others.  Smart people gossip because they want to manipulate others.

I hate all gossipers.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Mattress Protector Does Protect Mattress

I was not a big believer of mattress protector, but now I am fully converted.

Friday 9 January 2015

Domestic Heating Strategy

I reckon domestic heating strategy is much complicated than their commercial counter parts.  Domestic system could not utilize external heating and cooling without someone monitoring, and we would not leave the windows open unattended.  At the same time, keeping the house at constant temperature during unoccupied hours is wasteful.  It should take some trial and error to find the best strategy.  Between now and then, I would accidentally freeze myself.

Thursday 8 January 2015


I love venting my house, but it is usually difficult in winter that I have to balance the heating bill and fresh air.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Winter Motorcycling

I gave little Rome a little run.  She struggled, but the spare battery has helped.

Two young bikers stopped by, they heard little Rome's roar and stopped to check out.  They liked the sound and liked her look, but I mentioned to them, they are pennies these days, they can get themselves one.  They wondered if I was hopping out, but I said due to the salted road, little Rome would not go anywhere until it clears up.

I thanked them for stopping by and I am sure little Rome loves the attention.  I hope this winter will be mild and short, can't wait to get little Rome out!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Easter Already

Out the Christmas merchandise, in the Easter merchandise.  No kidding Tesco.

Monday 5 January 2015

Plant Feeding

Sarah is convinced my plants won't be very healthy as I don't feed them.  I have now decided to feed them scraps much like how I fed my hamster.  They are really not picky.

Sunday 4 January 2015

It's Never Curtain and Pole

Wouldn't life be easier if it is just curtain and pole?  But apparently there is curtain, pole, rings, hooks, why does fitting a bit of cloth over the window so complicated.

Saturday 3 January 2015

Gas is Now Sold in kWh

I always knew gas came in cubic meter.  But as I am reading the bill, all tariffs are listed with kWh.  Then I googled it, it is a stick-a-thumb-in-air conversion, using calorific value, "correction factor".  Why can't they just use the unit on the meter?!

Friday 2 January 2015

Imitation Game

Imitation Game turned out to be a good movie as expected.

I wish I had spent more time on logic when I was in university.

Thursday 1 January 2015

City Centre New Years Eve Evacuation

We decided to finally watch Imitation Game.  We already knew the shops will shut early, but I did not know everything will be shut earlier and all buses stopped by 8pm.  By then we already got the tickets, so we had to drive into town.

I have convinced Sarah it is not a bad idea, as the town being evacuated, there will not be many people or cars on the road, and the time of our movie is sufficiently early to avoid the New Year's day celebration crowd.

I have not driven into such quiet city centre.