Tuesday 31 March 2015

The Quizeum

The Quizeum producers look away now.

The Quizeum is like University Challenge for professors.  The Quizeum is like a radio show.  The Quizeum is like Antique Roadshow with real antiques.  The Quizeum is trying to make Art History interesting... 

They threw in a few elements of other game shows, like Would I Lie to You.  They are trying too hard, but their panelists can try harder.  A civilised quiz without a buzzer and the panelists are not competitive, it is rather dull to watch.

Monday 30 March 2015


Intelligence opens for options, not restricts options.

Sunday 29 March 2015


Jill, your Ted talk is great, not awesome, great.

Saturday 28 March 2015


Spring is here and I had to do something with my lawn.  I was just going to weed and feed.  I swore not to use manual labour, but there were just too much dandelions!!  I removed many of them few weeks ago, and the closer I look, the whole lawn was covered with them.

I hope I have done enough.

Friday 27 March 2015

Photo Management

Photo management is hard work.  I started this album and maintain it everytime I am in Hong Kong.  There are many online tools to do it, but as I am quite particular about my photos my layouts, it is very time and energy consuming.

In time to come, when I fill up my album, I will just print an photo book.  But how would I sneak in my film photos?

A lot of work.  I would like to think the end result is worth it.

Thursday 26 March 2015


I went to Maintec a few years ago, it was fun.  I suggested to Steve to go, and we went.  It was fun, we caught up with a few suppliers and check out new products.  Great fun.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Unrolling of Strange News

There was an armed robbery in the quaint town of Boston Spa.  Everyone was shocked, and we were more shocked when the news unroll.

There were some burning cars, there were shots fired.  Then it was thought to be women, then they were suspected to be men in women's clothing.  One of them was in a wheel chair.

Very strange!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Democracy and Stability

In a culture where people treasure stability, they would rather give up democracy.  It is naive for people to think democracy and autonomy are paramount, and it would be logical to sacrifice stability to achieve that.

The opposite of democracy is not tyranny.  Autonomy is not synonymous to good governance.

Monday 23 March 2015

Too Windy to Fly

You would think wind is good for paragliding, but it is not.  I have to wait for a calm day.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Recreational Cycling

Sarah took me to cycle on Monsal Trail.  It was full of recreational cyclists.  The rental bikes are never setup right.  It was a fun day, but my butt hurts due to ill-setup bicycle.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Solar Eclipse

So I got up on my birthday and wanting to see the Solar eclipse.

We tried different methods and I was not sure if we actually saw it.  It did go dark.

Then I looked at my photos to see if it captured anything.  The eclipsed sun was still too bright to be captured in a photo.  But the image captured the eclipsed sun image projected onto the camera via its aperture.  If I see it again, I will setup the camera up to film it.

Friday 20 March 2015

Birthday Day Off

Getting old, birthday, not typing today.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Shopping as an Errand

I have to buy train tickets, tennis tickets, paying taxes on my bike.  They are not the leisure type shopping, they are errands!

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Mint Doesn't Pace

As soon as the mint plant is established into the compost, there is a big grow spurt.  Why can't it pace its growth?  In this rate, I will have to change out the compost in a couple week's time.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Don't Complicate It - It is the batteries

A friend of mine's watch stopped, I said it was the battery.  She told it to a commercial chain watch repairs shop, and they said they would have a look as it maybe more than just the battery as there was charge on the battery, and ultimately concluded it was just the battery.

Then one of our change over units did not work, we pointed straight at the battery, but Paul said the voltage was fine.  I asked about the date stamp, and Paul didn't even check.  As expected, it was the battery, the voltage is fine doesn't mean it can supply the essential current.

Don't complicate things, battery operated system faulty always check and replace the battery first!

Monday 16 March 2015

Sheffield Chinese Food

Manchester, Leeds and other big cities offer older fashion Chinese food.  Sheffield caters for a lot of students and with it, a lot of modern Chinese food.

I took Sarah to hot pot at U Buffet, and Sarah later went for some fusion Chinese Crepe at Mrs Bear's Kitchen.

The selection, quality and price are good, lets hope it lasts.

Sunday 15 March 2015

British Science Week Sheffield

Last year, Sarah and I stumbled across the British Science Week in Sheffield.  I made an effort to go again this year.

We went to a natural history museum and a glass works show.  The guides in the museum were second year students, they only knew enough to play with the kids.  I was quite impressed with the glass works.  We got a Rupert's drop and a glass 'fibre', but neither of them lasted.

We went to the science show again, some of the stalls were the same.  There were soft toys in different stall for the 'cute factor'.

Maybe we can check out other seminars and shows next year.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Fisherman's Wife's Fishcake

I had been meaning to try the Fisherman's Wife.  I had the opportunity today and I went in.  After I ascertained they serve normal fishcake, I had one.

The fishcake was good, the mash was creamy and smooth, the batter was thick but not greasy.  But it could have more fish.  Overall good, but Harper's still top the chart.

Friday 13 March 2015

Quotes of the Week

"I am a fifth generation Texan, my family motto is 'Lock and Load'".
- Brené Brown @Ted

"Curiousity kills the cat."
"It also cured polio."
- The Mentalist

Thursday 12 March 2015

Motorcycle Makes Life Better

I wish I can add motorcycle on all aspect of my life, but not everyone likes to spend as much time on a bike as I do.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Hi-tech Computer Sucks

Someone brought along a new laptop, it had no VGA or Ethernet port.  What good does it do?

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Cracking a Nut with Sledge Hammer

When I pay for 60p for marked down bread with a gift card.

Monday 9 March 2015

Travel Pass

I was going to top up my bus pass, then I thought it may be cheaper for the up coming erratic schedule.  I jotted all the costs per day, and it would still be cheaper to buy a pass, so I made a trip to Crossgates to get a pass.  Every since the M-Card is introduced, it is much more hassle to get travel pass!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Great Slow Cooking Oven

There is very few things I could praise about my oven, the only thing I am impressed with this oven is that it is very energy efficient in term of slow cooking.

Saturday 7 March 2015

99p Compost

Last time I was in the discount shop, I did not see any compost, and now Spring is pushing on, I started to see compost and many other gardening items in the discount shops.

I liked the idea of growing some veg, but I simply cannot wait 3 months for an onion or a garlic.  I shall leave those to the professionals.

Lets hope these discount compost do what they are suppose to do.

Friday 6 March 2015

Milano is Better

Milano is like Viennese but better.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Dilbert Cliffhanger!

Can't wait to see what happen next!

Wednesday 4 March 2015


I never knew compost can be very cheap.  Now there is no reason to not feed my plants with better food.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Delayed Spring

I timed my motorcycle service wrong this year, my motorcycle season is significantly delayed.  I have to suffer in misery for a few weeks longer.

Monday 2 March 2015


I have not been to many cities in Lancashire.  I know Rochdale, and a few places, but not the greater Lancashire.  I have recently visited Preston on a train.

Lancashire, makes me feel lucky being in Yorkshire!

Sunday 1 March 2015

Travel Planner turned Wedding Planner

One of my friends was going to Iceland and thinking about getting married there.  I started looking into information for her.

Luckily, Icelanders' English is very good.