Friday 31 July 2015


I always wondered what the white noodles were called. Thanks food unwrapped!

Thursday 30 July 2015

Modern Rejection

With all communications being instantaneous, so is rejection. And with some much rejection, you become numbed.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Fictions make Humans

Interesting idea, but this is a sad truth about human?

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Windows 10

Sarah's computer has Win 8.1, and free Windows 10 is coming out for computer with Windows 7 and Windows 8.  I don't even know what Windows would be like  Lets hope it is good.

Monday 27 July 2015


A short cut should ideally be both shorter and faster.  A short cut also implies higher risk in some aspects.  The idea of short cut is provide gain with a small increase of risks. 

What is the point of a shortcut, that has a much higher risks, and definitely not faster.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Near Miss Caused by Weather

On the road, even if you do not make a mistake, you would sometimes get near miss.  For a motorcycle, in bad weather, that often happens.

I really hate it, especially when I did not make a mistake.  On the other hand, it is my experience and calmness that saves a near miss becoming an accident.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Extreme Wuss

Why do things get cancelled for a few drops of rain?

Friday 24 July 2015

Old Rom

Old Rom now has 70500 on her clock.  That is very old for a little bike.  I hope she is still happy that she is now semi-retired.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Weight Management

As a carb addict, sometimes I am chunkier than I would like.  I need some assistance.

Wednesday 22 July 2015


Sketchorama is quite funny.  They mentioned Sinead O'Connor, she much has been on the news lately.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Den Building Festival

Tetley is putting out a Den Building Festival.  So much fun in city centre Leeds, and I am unavailable that weekend, what a shame.

Monday 20 July 2015

Meatless Barbeque

Sarah took me to her friend's BBQ Party.  I instantly knew there would not be meat.  The party goers were happy with bread, dips and roasted veg.

Sunday 19 July 2015


: to think carefully and deeply about something

Saturday 18 July 2015

Traffic Condition II

This is exactly what I meant.

Friday 17 July 2015

Traffic Condition

I turn on my radio, I check before I set off, but we still occasionally get stuck behind road works.  That is just part of road user's life.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Spontaneous Weeks

My forthcoming weeks will be down to the completion of my paragliding.  I am not a spontaneous person by choice!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Boredom Vs Frustration

Boredom and frustration, which one is worse?  I think technically frustration is worse, it kills you from outside, whereas boredom kills you from within.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Ghost Drawn Voodoo Symbols

Cantonese would say, "ghost drawn voodoo symbols".

Sunday 12 July 2015

Interest Free Money

One of my cards has decided to increase my credit limit.  I will use it as it is interest free for another 10 months.  Are we getting back to the days when banks are giving our free credits to encourage spending?

Saturday 11 July 2015

Solar Panel

I am not a believer of household solar panel, but after I read about it in Yorkshire Reporter, I browsed.

It really is not worth it.  With my south facing tiny roof, with the current feed in tariff, it would bring in maximum £2 a day, and the payback would be over 20 years.  With the clouds, winter and the aging of the panel, it will probably never be paid back.

The feed in tariff has dropped so low, it only attracts those middle class household who loves the idea to claim to have zero-carbon foot print.  They also usually have 2 gas guzzling cars, kids and pets.

Friday 10 July 2015

Gardening Exercises

All the squatting, lifting in the sun is very tiring!  I am counting them as exercises.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Women's World Cup

I saw the catchup on the BBC, so I clicked into it.  I normally fast forward, and was shock to see 2:0 in 4 minutes.  So I rewind and saw the first two goals, then did the same.  I could not believe it was 4:0 by 19th minutes, so I rewind again.  By the time I saw 4:1, I already lost interest. 

I am sure it would have been a very interesting game live, but I feel a little sorry for Japan.  THe game finished at 5:2.  I suppose, you could always expect the American Women to score!

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Lawn Care

On my way back to Leeds, I stopped by a garden centre.  I was looking around the lawn products, and a member of staff came to help me.  We talked about sowing amongst other things.  She asked if I put compost down along with the seeds, and I proudly said yes, as Sarah thought it was some weird practice I invented.

At the end, I got the product on the internet instead.  But she was definitely helpful, I may go to pick their brains again.

Tuesday 7 July 2015


Dave took us to Flamborough Head.  It was quite nice, the light house was impressively close and large.  The cafe was very busy and it took them nearly an hour to prepare our food.  I sent for the larger haddock when Dave got the regular.  The fish turned out, I was satisfy that the fish is sufficient large rendering the extra pound.

On the way back, we were met with some rain.  I opted for a motorway route back, where Dave chose a smaller road.

I would certainly consider taking Sarah to Flamborough.

Monday 6 July 2015

Sat Nav Withdrawal

We were using a Sat Nav for two weeks, and I am still feeling the effect of the Sat Nav withdrawal.  Laziness does brew very quickly!

Sunday 5 July 2015

Short Changed

When you keep a hen, you can never guarantee their production.  So you go to the shop, and when you open a box of egg, you were sold a dozen, you got 11.  Why is it okay?  Fxxking idiots!

Saturday 4 July 2015

Need for Speed

When I am down, upset or frustrated, I like to be on my bike.  Today, I would have a passenger, so that should slow me down.

Friday 3 July 2015

Mowing in the Rain

The grass grows fast in summer, and within 4 weeks, they were in need of a trim.  I had a rather busy schedule this week, and the only day I can get to it was today.  I also thought the other days were too hot to cut the grass. 

So as soon as I finished the back lawn, it started raining.  I thought I would do the front lawn another day, but there were enough sunlight after the rain stopped, so I finished it off.

The grass clipping were quite wet, and there were 4 carrier bags worth of them.  I really wish the lawn mower had come with a grass box.  It may just be easier to buy a new mower!

Thursday 2 July 2015

Authentic Thai Experience

Thai A Roy Dee has reopened, and we went on the hottest day in 2015.  Thai A Roy Dee has a very simple décor, along with the heat, it was quite a Thai experience.  I had to explain to the fellow eaters that the sticky rice is a different type of rice, it was not the cooking method rendering them sticky, and pad Thai are rice noodles.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Despicable Tesco

The Tesco credit card managed to let me go over the credit limit, then Tesco charge me the over limit charge.  In the letter stating the charge, they mentioned about the over credit would be interest-free for 28 days but they conveniently forgot to say the over credit charge will be applied every 12 days, luckily I called and inquired.

I cannot wait to close this account out.