Monday 29 February 2016


Me: I got told to smile, and I 'smiled'
Sarah: why wouldn't you just think happy thoughts?
Me: I probably didn't know what is happiness when I was small.

Me having a cold, lost my taste: is this what is like when I get old, have illness and loses my tastes?

Sunday 28 February 2016

Fishy Week

I was on mackerels early in the week, fish pie midweek, salmons in evenings, and fish and chips on weekend.  I like fish, I should try to eat more.

Friday 26 February 2016

Old Computer Reloading

If in doubt, always reload the OS before buying a new computer.  So I wiped the old laptop, it will buy me months.

Thursday 25 February 2016

European Uncertainty

The race has started.  The public general ignorance will be the deciding factor of the referendum.  What an inconvenience of being in a democracy!

Wednesday 24 February 2016

First Cold of the Year

Getting a cold is not nice.  I need to recover as soon as possible.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Maneuver Space

There are all sort of crazy road users.  But then the hazard came, it is always good to have good manoeuvrability, which include agility and space.  Some idiot was overtaking on the opposite lane, and I had to move off to the shoulder.  I would have more space if I was on a motorcycle.

Monday 22 February 2016

No Offence

I finished watching the first series of No Offence.  It is a good cop drama, but it is quite dark.  It is actually a little sickening.  I am relatively easy to get grossed out.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines' fare is very cheap, I wonder why!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Straight Croissant

The British is ditching the traditional croissants.  Yet another culinary insult to someone else's national dish.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Weaning Off Sugar

There is no surprise the syrup coffee is packed full of sugar.  The coffee shops committed a very long time line to reduce sugar, as it will take years to wean off the sugar addicts!

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Surplus Chocolate

As the indulgent baking and gifting season ends, I am stuck with a surplus of chocolate.  Could they last for a year or I will have to try to use them up?

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Temple Newsam House

Sarah took Amy and Louisa to Temple Newsam.  I particularly like the farm, but disappointingly the animals are away in Winter.  We went into the house, it is similar to how I remember it.  They were surprised by the value for money.

Maybe we can take them to Lotherton Hall next time.

Monday 15 February 2016

Food Hygiene 362 Days a Year

Apparently food hygiene is only required 362 days in a year, and for three days in a year, we love to risk food poisoning, and stop police and government from enforcing the law.

Sunday 14 February 2016

St Valentine's Feast Day

St Valentine's feast day is a Catholic feast day.  Noone seems to care about history nowadays.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Oceans Fish and Chip

I have been meaning to go to Oceans since I moved into the area.  I finally had the opportunity.  The fish and chips were both very nice.  The fish was tiny bit under and I hope I won't die of food poisoning.  Their fish cake appears to be a Yorkshire fish cake, I was a bit disappointed.  I will definite visit again.

Friday 12 February 2016

Commuter's Blues

The roads have been severely affected by the Tadcaster bridge.  I have started taking a different route, but the route is not ideal.  This morning, there was a lorry, collision and irated drivers.  It is so much easier when I am on little Rome.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Basa Fish

I bought some frozen Basa fillet.  It was cheap and I wanted to try some new fish.  What a tasteless fish.  I can tolerate blend food, but it is extremely tasteless!  I will not buy them again..

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Chinese Lardy New Year Snacks

Saw the Chinese New Year snack on Queenie's blog reminds me on the lardy snacks we used to make when we were small.  So much lard!  James Martin would love it.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Chinese New Year Monkey

I have no idea what year of monkey means.  I only know my sister is turning 36, and my cousin's kid is turning 24.

Monday 8 February 2016

First Ride of 2016

The first ride came earlier this year for the mild winter.  Little Rome has been in the garage for too long and she needs a run, so do I.  I sorted her out on Saturday, and I rode out on Sunday. 

The new boots I got from Leeds Freegle is quite good.  The ride out was blustery but dry.   But on the way back, it was one of the worse condition I have driven in.  The wind was still bad and the rain was non-stop.  I had to deal with spray, surface water and the downpour itself.

I made it home, but I really should avoid windy rides.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Wood Carving

I have always liked knives.  I have asked Sarah for some carving knives so I can take up wood carving.

I remember we has some wood carving knives when I was small, and I stabbed myself with it.  That shows how much adult supervisor we had growing up.

So I brought a stick to Mesmac and carved.  Pat had a go, but he had no patience.  I carved a lot of grooves.  There will be a lot of grooves before I am competent to do any designs.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Bike Repair

I finally get around to look at Rachel's old bike.  It needs a few things, including the crank bearing.  I haven't got the right tool, I didn't go very far.  Matt said he may have a spanner and if he doesn't, I probably couldn't be bothered and take it to shop.

Friday 5 February 2016



noun spur·tle \ˈspər-təl\

Definition of spurtle

Popularity: Bottom 20% of words
chiefly Scottish
  1. :  a wooden stick for stirring porridge

Thursday 4 February 2016


The design operation of a helpdesk is making them extremely unhelpful.  All they cared is to transfer or complete a call, and that is their job regardless of your satisfaction or outcome.  What a complete waste of time!

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Jaw Training

To tone up the jaw, chewing gum works, linseeds work even better.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

PlayCatan Closed

PlayCatan closed down!  PlayCatan closed down!  What am I going to do?!!

Monday 1 February 2016

Moka Pot II

We bought a bog standard Moka pot.  It works like a treat.  We can definitely get more flavour out of the coffee using Moka pot than a cafetiere.  Let see if I can keep the pot pristine.  I may look for an upgrade for the next one.