Saturday 31 December 2016

Discount Hunting

I have been watching out for extra discounts past the boxing day and waiting for the January sale, but it doesn't appear to be any more discount.  Some discount has disappeared between boxing day and now.  I will wait out a little longer and finalise my purchases in the new year!

Friday 30 December 2016

Museum of Climate Change

There were lots of poster boards about the Museum of Climate Change on the commuter train, so I paid a visit.  At first, I thought I would finish it in 15 minutes, but as it turns out, there were loads of interactive activities, loads of educational cartoon, eg Low Carbon Mcdull, which was lots of fun.  Highly recommended.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Cost Breakdown

Peter pointed out that rent is sky high and making the overhead cost extortionate, which explains why everything is so expensive.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Different (Cost) Prospectives

My sister said, "everything is so cheap here."  And I say, "everything is so expensive!"

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Tennis Inferno

I was melting as I played tennis.  This is meant to be winter!  The poor air quality did not help.

Monday 26 December 2016

Multi-lingual Rudeness

My sister thinks it is acceptable speak in a language whereby not all audience can understand, for the reason to talk behind them in front of them, very rude indeed.

Sunday 25 December 2016

Holiday Gathering

We went to our friend's for a Christmas party.  It was a 'big eat party' and we played old fashion games like Jenga and Big 2.  Such fun.

Saturday 24 December 2016

Family Grind

In a way, family is similar to the endless grind at work except most people see family more.  Endless, grind.  When can I hole up?!

Friday 23 December 2016

Holiday Relamping

Property management is very much like computer maintenance, there is always something to do, and there is always someone wanted something doing.  I ended up relamping most of the flat!

Thursday 22 December 2016

Seaweed Dishwater

My sister was struggling to make food the kids will eat, and said they do not eat seaweed.  I took the opportunity of winter solstice to make a simple seaweed soup.  It went down well.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Recycling Incentive

I took down an old pile of paperwork and I was rewarded for some money. Enough for a can of coke.  Next time I shall bring my recycling here!

Now I think about it. I shall recycle all my old letters rather than burning them!

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Unleashed Past

On an unseasonable day, I broke into my drawer and released the past.  Scary!  I should burn them, without looking at them one last time.  I cringed at every glance, every touch made my heart skip a beat, in a mortal and disgusting way.  I should have worn gloves!!!

Monday 19 December 2016

Car Yoga

On the Why factor, it mentions car yoga.  Classic FM is my car yoga.

Sunday 18 December 2016

European Strike Season

Let's hope I can manage to avoid all the fall out of this European strike season.

Saturday 17 December 2016

Pre-Christmas Lull

Pre-Christmas office lull, everyone is so unmotivated.  Why?

Friday 16 December 2016

Awesome Shredder

I got a Leeds Freegle shredder, it is a cross shred and works brilliantly.  This is the best shredder I ever got!

Thursday 15 December 2016

Chestnut Time

I have become a chestnut fan.  And as the winter comes, it is chestnuts time!  Gourmet Merchant is going ready to eat chestnut, and when it is on offer, it is cheaper than fresh chestnuts, no brainer!

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Disabling Headache

I don't get headaches much, and I swear by Saridon.  I had a sharp disabling headache yesterday, I wish I had my pills with me.  Maybe as I get older, I should keep my medicine box on standby!

Tuesday 13 December 2016

New Parking Slots

I found our new favourite parking spot, on the south side of the train station.  Free on Sunday, cheap on Saturday!

Monday 12 December 2016

Sucky Vacuum

My vacuum suction has been dropping until it was completely clogged.  I cracked open the filter compartment and was shocked how choked it was.  I cleaned and washed the filter.  Now the vacuum is extra sucky!  I must keep on top of the cleaning procedure!

Sunday 11 December 2016

Gluttonous Carnivorous Weekend

Christmas do, Groupon deal.  One big gluttonous, carnivorous weekend!

Saturday 10 December 2016

Red's True BBQ

We went to Red's for Christmas do on everyone's recommendation.  Even Ruth the vegetarian had heard of Red's being good.  It is acceptable.

Friday 9 December 2016

Charity Shop DVDs

We popped in the local Sue Ryder for a walk around.  I came away with 5 DVDs.  The assistant mentioned how I missed out a buy one get one free deal!  Sarah also came away with good children's books.  Great result, we should walk around it more often.

Thursday 8 December 2016

School Dinners

The training centre has a canteen.  Now I fully understand what kind of "school dinners" the British experience when they were growing up, quite horrid!

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Telecommunication Companies are All Crows

All crows are black.  They are all determined to make our life difficult to setup what we want.  It is a modern pain that we much endure.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

City Exploring Gone Wrong

Tired, hungry, lost in a strange city, with no juice on phone, all I had was a vague direction.  I asked for direction from a shop, and the shop owner's broken English was not very helpful.

I was contemplating taking a bus and a taxi!

Monday 5 December 2016

Glutinous Rice Recipes

I fancied some glutinous rice winter dish, and there isn't very many.  Southeast Asians use them as normal rice, but we don't.

I made some coconut rice with the curry.  Then I made some steamed rice parcel with grease proof paper instead of lotus leave.  I think I will attempt that again with a foil container.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Useless Jumper Pack

When I used an American branded jumper pack on Endee, it worked well.  Then I got this for Little Rome from England.  Absolutely useless, useless on Kendrew, useless on Little Rome.  The only thing it was good for was the compressor, and even that fails rather quickly.  Now that I have a second vehicle, I will always live jump each other.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Funny Green Tea

I got this very tasty green tea from my Taiwanese friend.  It is very good, besides it disagrees with my body.  I am not sure what causes the discomfort, caffeine or other flavonoid, but I am often lightheaded as soon as I start drinking them.  Maybe I should pass it onto someone else.

Friday 2 December 2016

Fundamentalist Atheist

Jimmy Carr said he is becoming fundamentalist atheist.  What a great denomination of Atheist!  Too bad I don't believe in propagating any religion, nor any organised religion, otherwise it will be my denomination.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Short December

This December, I have 7 working days, 5 training days only. Counting down!