Tuesday 28 February 2017

Modern POS

We were shopping at Junction 32, the sale assistant has a hand held POS unit complete with card reader.  Then at a cafe, then are using iPad POS.  The new POS system is easily replacing with is stationary systems!

Monday 27 February 2017

Spring Sundays

I was expecting the town to be full of shopper being payday weekend.  It was not as busy as I thought, but the council waste centre was heaving!  Spring clear out, spring gardening waste, I should just go during the week.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Chocolate Alchemy 70% Dark

I finally got around too easy the chocolate I got from Christmas.  This Chocolate Alchemy dark chocolate is very smooth.  The flavour is very 'classic'.

Saturday 25 February 2017

Spring Germination

The seeds from the tree outside my house is germinating all over my lawn!  I am catching them early, so they are not yet rooted in.  I must rake more in Winter!

Friday 24 February 2017

Aldi App

My phone does not like to go to Aldi website for some reason.  It make checking on Super 6 difficult.  Then I found out Aldi has an App, perfect!

Thursday 23 February 2017

Plasticky Bread

I got some cheap bread by mistake, and they were absolutely plasticky.  I should have just converted them all to breadcrumbs.  I don't understand how can this "bread" has less gluten then cake?  I must remember not to get them again.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Nerves Electrical Resistance

After a little chat with a Chiropractor, I can equate the nerve system like electrical system.  If message is free flowing, there is no issues, when it is inhibited or damaged, it can be pain, tender, sensitive.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Good Marketing

Sometimes "Good" marketing is disproportionately inflating, magnifying certain properties of the item being marketed, it can be very misleading.

Monday 20 February 2017

Slippery Exposure

It is not some breaking news, it is a walk in Peak District!  Wind swept, exhausted, and I had a headache the rest of the day.  Horrible.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Lindt Lime Intense Dark

I got this for Sarah.  I had a try.  The chocolate quality is good, but I do not like the lime element.  It is like a worse version of a Terry's orange.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Rediscovering Granary

I have been eating a lot of seedy bread.  I recently got a loaf of marked down granary bread.  It reminds me how much I like granary more!  Forget the seedy bread!

Friday 17 February 2017

Tragic News Confined Space Deaths

Tragic News is more tragic when you know the cause was confined spaces, intricate details and how to prevent it.

Thursday 16 February 2017

New Vanderbilt Coach

In anticipation of March Madness, there were news flash on best college coaches.  I was just clicking around to see the Basketball results, and found Vanderbilt for new coaches for both women's and men's basketball.

Stephanie White, why was the name so familiar, was that Stephanie White-McCarty?  It was a big news flash when White married high school sweetheart across the collegiate athletics world.  I was watching a lot of college basketball, and reporting on Vanderbilt basketball.  Stephanie was hot in Purdue.  They all moved onto WNBA, and I didn't follow after I left the States.

So what happened to McCarty?  What happened to White?  After pouring over some old news, they divorces in 2003.  And then I read the Wiki page again, did it say partner Michelle?  Oh, the plot thickens!  So Vanderbilt just hired an openly gay basketball coach.

Welcome to the team, White.  Welcome to Vanderbilt!

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Different Shoppers Collide

Tesco was full of Valentine shoppers, then because they were there past 7pm, they witnessed the discount shoppers. 

The discount shoppers can be quite aggressive.  I heard some said, "I hope I am not turning into like them."

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Ripley Castle

I have been meaning to go to Ripley Castle for the last 9 years.  Phil bashed it for having some modern steps outside the castle, not a real castle.  I know it is free entry for Winter, but I still had not got around visiting.

We finally went today, it was much better than expected!  The walk around the garden is good, next time we will be walking around the lake.  Even bus 36 stops in the village.  The free period is up to end of March, we will definitely be going back again!

Monday 13 February 2017

Brazilian BBQ

The Brazilian BBQ has come at a perfect time to replenish my iron level.  Sarah has never been to Brazilian BBQ before.  We arrived quite early, and we had the first dips, towards the end of our meal, there were more diners and the atmosphere was better.  It is quite similar to the ones in Hong Kong.  The quality is quite good.  Garlic and beef is good, cheese with beef is weird...

Sunday 12 February 2017

Lost History

When my old Yahoo Blog closed down, I downloaded all the posts, except I have probably misplaced it.  Posts in other online account also has incomplete history.  People forget, people move on.  Everything just becomes a little memories in the past.  We need to be less obsess about keeping all the history recorded in the digital age.

Saturday 11 February 2017

Headingley Heart

We went to Headingley Heart the first time.  It is similar to the Phoenix, and the cafe is quite good.  Except the parking is not easy and the drive around the student areas is difficult, the location is good.  If we are in that direction, we will probably hang out there.

Friday 10 February 2017

Horrible Characters in News

There are too many characters in the news now is fame hungry, I don't even want to mention their names.  The parody is the only way I can cope with the news.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Lyons is UCC

When I read the back of the packet, Lyons is actually UCC.  It is not my favourite.  Let's drink them up and go back to Taylor's.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Daily Bake

The gym has a sauna, and I have been using it since I join.  I am not sure what benefit it confers, nor do I particularly enjoy it, but it is there, so I am in it.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Smartphone Mysteriously Fixed

The latest version of Google app is compatible with my Android, all working again.

Monday 6 February 2017

Quinoa Cookie Fultons

Fultons always has random food.  Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookies from Bolivia in Fultons, how does that happen?  It is quite good, the popped quinoa is interesting, the prominent flavour of the palm oil is not very good.

Sunday 5 February 2017

A Nation of Shopkeepers

There is a restaurant called a Nation of Shopkeepers in Leeds.  I always wonder why.

Whilst I was browsing the phrase dictionary, it finally become clear.  A Nation of Shopkeepers is Britain, and the Shopkeepers are English.  It is interesting that British really hasn't changed that much since the text was first written...

Saturday 4 February 2017

Good Tesco Hoard

I went to Tesco at 7pm, I came home with really good hoard.  I got a few Lee Kum Kee Chinese Cooking Starter Kits marked down.  They contain two tiny bottles and two packets of sauces each.  I was surprise to find chopsticks included.

I got some really nice carrots and apples.  I don't remember when I had apples this nice!  This 7pm Tesco trip may become a regular occurrence!

Friday 3 February 2017

Silence is Golden

Most people grew up with parents telling them "Silence is Golden" to encourage them to be quite.  But "Silence is Golden" itself is not enough to convey what it really means.  Only the few curious children will look up "Speech is Silver", and only then the full meaning can be digested and understood.  And I finally know the origin, in Swiss German, possibly.

Why do parents like to mislead children?

Thursday 2 February 2017

How well do you know your area?

As seen on Ted Talks, this neighbourhood quiz is quite fun.  I tested quite well.  But I don't think it is about statistics, it is about being observant.

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Magnitude of Time

One second is 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom.

Then there is millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, picosecond, femtosecond, attosecond, zeptosecond and yoctosecond.

After that, it is a Planck time.

Maybe when the technology develops, there will be more units after yoctosecond.