Friday 31 March 2017

Broccolied Out

I snatched 5 heads of broccoli from the supermarket and I cooked them all at one go.  I was totally broccolied out!

Thursday 30 March 2017

Graveley's Fishcake

Graveley's has moved form the Market to the Core.  And it appears, they also own Fisherman's wife.

I asked to confirm their fishcake is not Yorkshire fishcake, and I got two.  They looked good but much like other processed food, too little fish and too much salt.  Why can't they serve the Fisherman's wife's fishcake instead?

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Suitably Sized Curtain

I got some new blackout curtains, and I refitted the original pairs.  It is hard to work out what actual size the curtain considering the drawing will reduce the width by half.  They both seem to fit and now there is enough to go from edge to edge, extra dark in the room for sleeping, yay!

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Sport Massage

Now all massages are the same, sport massage is completely different from what I had before.  It works on specific muscles, and it tries to "reset" it.

Monday 27 March 2017

Meat Shrinkage

I always know meat shrinks, even for the fresh meat.  For Chinese cooking, the meat juice leaks into the sauce, which is all good.  But in other cooking, I have to pre-dry the meat or use high heat to evaporate the excess water.  When the bacon came out of the grill, I was actually surprised by how much they shrunk, even when they are decent bacon!

Sunday 26 March 2017

OAP at Supermarket

The Wetherby supermarket is full of older patrons, but a lot of them are on foot.  The one in Leicester is also full of older patrons, but they are driving!  Scary!

Saturday 25 March 2017

Emergency Food

From this recent episode, I realise I need to add juice and candy my emergency food cupboard for the low energy and low sugar level days.

Friday 24 March 2017

Digestive Track Emptying

As part of my illness, my digestive track has decided to fully empty itself.  It was not pleasant!

Thursday 23 March 2017


I am still not sure why I am unwell, maybe a slight food poisoning.  I went home and I slept the entire afternoon and the night.  I don't think I was resting well, but I needed to sleep.  I am about to throw out all my dodgy food.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Cadbury is an Acquired Taste

Is it me or I think Cadbury is getting more disgusting?  I am not prepare to acquire that taste.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Oral Hydration Solution

The subject of oral hydration solution came up again.  I still don't know why anyone would pay for a sachet of salt.  Loads of home-made oral hydration solution recipe online, a quick search online takes me to the re-hydration website, coincidentally from Hong Kong.  Let's hope we won't need this recipe very often.

Monday 20 March 2017

House-bound Birthday

I got older today.  I had so many things planned, but this birthday was house-bound, it is one of those days.  The array of gifts were good, a nice mug and taste treats.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Natural Diuretic

Dandelion is on the TV again about being diuretic, de-toxing, etc.  I was looking for some dandelion, then I remember, cranberry is also diuretic!  Now I need to look for where is on offer!

Saturday 18 March 2017

Gluten-free Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

We had another go at making gluten-free oatmeal cookies.

The trick is to ground down the oatmeal into a floury consistency.  Smells good, looks good, tastes good,  Good result!

Friday 17 March 2017

Useless Windows Fax

Window Fax has always been unreliable, and now it fails completely.  Useless!

Thursday 16 March 2017

DIY Season

I come by some floor paint, I am probably going to paint my garage floor, how exciting...

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Sheffield Festival of Arts and Humanities

We also came across the Showcase of the Festival of Arts and Humanities.  I spoke to a few stalls, and Sarah had to drag me away.  Unlike the Festival of Science and Engineering, the humanities demo is a lot less flashy, and conversation is an art requires intellectual engagement.  However, I am not sure I am prepared to spend a whole day discussing humanities.  I don't think they can really engage young adults, good luck to them.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Sheffield Botanical Gardens

Sheffield Botanical Gardens is "not far" from the city centre, so we fit it in our weekend in Sheffield.  Everything is about 1.5 miles away, but it never mentions about the hills in between.  We finally made it to the gardens.

The Spring bloom is not yet in full bloom.
The pavilion selection is not particularly exciting.

The Cherry blossoms are quite nice.  It is nice when they are not messing up my auto-door!
We stopped for a cup of tea and walk back into town.  We can probably spend longer in the gardens in summer.

Monday 13 March 2017

Sheffield Festival of Science and Engineering

This year we decided a full weekend of Sheffield Festival of Science and Engineering.  The Sheffield Hallam's Science day is much better than Discovery night, for a start, it was less claustrophobic, and biscuits always help, lastly, I saw a very unusual demo, checksums!  Ultimately, it is meant to dazzle kids and get them interested in science, but takes a lot more to move me.

Then on Sunday, we sat in a few talks, which was quite good demo, a few new tricks.  I am quite Sheffielded out.  

Sunday 12 March 2017

Edisons Coffee

We went to Edisons Coffee for lunch.  All newly refurbished, food quality is good,  price is good.  Tony and I try their specialty coffee.  The Nitro Cold Coffee and their batch coffee are nothing like normal coffee, they are like some herbal infusion.  Lets hope they stay in business longer than Eten.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Sheffield Science Discovery Night

As part of Sheffield Festival and Science and Engineering, we dropping into the Discovery Night.  The first stall was about Algae, I learn a few thing new and ate a spirulina cookie, then all went downhill from then.

Too many kids and insufficient ventilation.  The lectures were also for kids, it was not very intellectually challenging.  No more Discovery Nights for me!!

Friday 10 March 2017

The Secrets of Your Food

BBC the Secrets of Your Food is quite informative and I learnt a few new things. They made human butter, human cheese and human whey, gross.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Sofa Support

Sofa can really mess up ones posture.  It could be an inherent design problem or wear and tear.  It is another hidden killer in the house!

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Resolver Again

Resolver is a great tool, but it is never a good news to have to use it.  Let's hope it help me to get a favourable outcome.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Work at Home Setup

Not a bad setup for working at home

Monday 6 March 2017

Arsenic in Rice

So the Arsenic in rice story is back on the news.  This time they conveniently forgot to mention the level of arsenic is related to the areas where the rice is grown.  When they say to soak the rice for a long duration and cook them like pasta, I already think that sounds disgusting.  They also recommended to rinse with running water, which again I think is shocking waste of water. 

As an experiment I soaked my rice a few hours, then I proceeded to rub my rice as my normal rice cleaning procedure.  When I drain off, I can see my rice are all snapped and broken, I am very upset.  Safe to say, I will just stick with what I know about rice.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Downgrading Mobile

I dropped the S4 and it seems to be completedly dead.  It is one of the things that is bound to happen eventually.  The screen is completely dead and we are not certain if the phone itself is also dead.  The screen will cost over £60 to fix, it really not worth it.  I am downgrading to Carol's Xperia.  I don't think I will struggle to downgrade, just a bit sad of the sudden death.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Chiropractic Session

After the assessment, I am more aware of my body.  After the first session, I am more aware what needs going.  I will try my best to maintain my posture, core strength and stretching...

Friday 3 March 2017

Loft Insulation

I decided I need to complete the loft insulation, so I measured up and ordered online.  When I went to the shop empty-handed to pick up, the shop assistant said I should get a trolley.  I thought, just for fun, I get one of the big trolley, and luckily I did.

They are much bigger than the picture online! I panicked for a second not knowing if I can fit them all in.
Utilising the passenger seat, I managed to fit them all in.

Dom helped me to carry one upstairs. I lifted everything to the loft, tools, hoover.  Sarah reminded me to put on protection.

It was so dusty, I hoovered out a lot of crap, literally. Three hours later, I fitted all the insulation, the loft was my gym tonight.  Let's see if I will actually get any pay back...

Thursday 2 March 2017

Meaty Bolognese

I have been packing my Bolognese with onion and tomato.  Then this occasion, I got a lot of meat, and it turned out to be very meaty.  Yummy!!

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Victoria Gate Casino

I have been meaning to show Sarah a casino, but since most casino are members only, we never got around.  Victoria Gate has a open policy, so we had a walk around.  The location is central and new.  It was not particularly busy.  The dealers appear to be quite inexperience, dropping chips, etc.  The big screen sports is nice.  I am not sure why it is a "Super Casino".  It is good to tick it off the list.