Thursday 31 August 2017

Germany Tour 2017 - Day 4

We grabbed some bread and headed to Cologne.  Sarah was not particularly impressed by Cologne.   We did not go into the Cathedral as I thought they were charging entry.  Outside the Cathedral, there was a Chinese festival, apparently it was 50 years since Cologne was twinned with Beijing.   We walked up to the Lindt Chocolate Museum via the Altstadt.  The plazas reminded her of her continental European conferences.

We walked around the chocolate shop in the museum and drooled over the chocolate before coming to town for some lunch at Früh am Dom.  We made some bad choices...  We should have taken the opportunity for the full experience.  We wizzed around the Chinese festival and the new towns then headed to see May-tal.

We had some coffee at the flat and went for some drinks.  It was good to catch up with someone from the past.  May-tal was doing well with the new baby.

Since we got the NRW day ticket, was went to Aachen.  When we got there, the cathedral was closed for visitors!  They had an event on.  We walked around the town, and there was another summer wine festival.  Knowing we would not get back into Düsseldorf for dinner, we had curry wurst and flammkuchen at the festival.

Exhausting, with more German food ticked off the list.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Germany Tour 2017 - Day 3

We finally went to see Düsseldorf Altsadt.  Sarah and Ruth got tired and just sat at the café for breakfast.  Then we resumed to walk around in the market, located Schweine Jane.  I ended up getting a Schwinehaxe from Ham Ham and ate by the Rhine.  It was tasty, even the wasps wanted a bite of it.

I spotted a Galerie Kaufhof, where I got my Heilemann before, we stopped and looked for Heilemann.  I could not find Heilemann and the shop assistance said they did not have any, I was very sad.  Then I spotted the Heilemann stall!  I scooped up a loads of chocolate!

Since we got the day ticket, we dropped off the chocolate in the room and headed to the botanical garden.  It was a hot day and it was quite exhausting.

We came back thinking we will have a walk at Königsallee before dinner.  We found a large food festival called Gourmetfestival all around the mall.  I was only interested in a quick walk around, but Ruth was much more interested in the Gourmet element.  After a big loop, Ruth tried two beers, and we all had dinner at the food festival.

We were searching for dessert, but all the bakeries were closed, we found some cakes from the train station at the end.  Exhausted!!

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Germany Tour 2017 - Day 2

The hostel came with breakfast, and it was very basic.  Unknown reformed meat, cheap plastic cheese, cheap bread and some unknown sausages.  I had a small amount of breakfast, and that was enough.

I wandered in town before meeting Sarah and Ruth from the station.  We dropped off the bags and went straight to Classic Remise.  It was a train workshop turned into a classic car museum/show room.  Everyone had fun pretending to own the fancy classic cars.

Since we started early, and we got the day ticket, we went to Schloss Benrath in the afternoon.  It was quite nice, we opted to not visit the museum, we only walked around the park and the grounds.  It was a lot of walking!

We came home for a quick rest, and went for Japanese food, as I mentioned how Düsseldorf is full of Japanese.  We first went to Big Tuna, and they turned us away, then we went to Waraku for an Onigiri snack, then went to My Noodlehouse for main meal.  Sarah and Ruth both liked the onigiri, and I quite liked the noodle from My Noodlehouse, as they seemed to be home made.

We even stopped at Teamate for a bubble tea. They were quite good indeed.

A very fulfilling and tasty day.

Monday 28 August 2017

Germany Tour 2017 - Day 1

I took half a day off to finish packing and travel to the airport for the late afternoon flight.  I get my haircut on the way and found cheap food from the market for my journey.

The flight was on time.   When I clear immigration, the officer repeatedly called me 'Sir', but I really could not be bothered to correct him.

I was looking around the ticketing machine as I was waiting for the Skytrain. A lady spoke some English tried to help me, I was mostly just puzzled the fact the machine said Düsseldorf Mitte instead of Hauptbahnhof.

I got into Düsseldorf by 9pm.  I walked to the hostel and was assigned to a room with 5 other guys, I was not pleased.  It was a hot day, and the men were all walking around the room with minimal cladding.  This was the punishment for not paying extra for the single sex hostel room. 

Sunday 27 August 2017

Unbeaten Mayweather

Cocky McGregor gets what he deserved.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Corny Week

Aldi was doing corn on cob  in their Super Six.  I could only eat 4 in a sitting these days, I am getting old!

Friday 25 August 2017

Ryvita Sunflower Seeds and Oats

I got some Ryvita from the market.  They look like cardboards, surprisingly edible!!

Thursday 24 August 2017

Typhoon Hato

I did not know Hong Kong was getting a typhoon.  Only when Sisi sent me videos I realised.  I started messaging my friends in Hong Kong and googled for videos. The video were really exciting, I wish I were there!

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Solar Eclipses in Leeds

The total Solar eclipse is happening in the USA, and I thought we may catch a little of it.  I searched and found the UK Hydrographic Office listing for eclipses.  We could see a partial eclipses, if it were not cloudy.  I am glad I found this website, I can definitely plan some viewings for the future.

Monday 21 August 2017

Chicken Lamb and Pheasant Cross the Road

Little Rome still has a battery issue, it is very bizarre.

I first for lost in Menston, and two chickens crossed the road in front of us.  When we were on Bowland Forest, lambs and pheasants were crossing the roads.  Other than that, a nice day ride.


Sunday 20 August 2017

Quorn Beef Pie

I got a Quorn Steak Pie from Waitrose.  It lacks richness and has no texture.  Safe to say, never again.

Saturday 19 August 2017

Understanding Spice

When we were growing up, we were told heavy seasoning to cover up off meat.  Annie Grey from the Kitchen Cabinet said they would not use spice as they were really expensive.  But now that I have eaten more vegetarian food, spice can definitely make sawdust palatable!  I just rather spend the money on the flavoursome ingredients to start...

Friday 18 August 2017

Feist Pleasure

Feist is playing in Hong Kong at Clockenflap.  I wish I was there!

Thursday 17 August 2017

Waitrose Vegetable Burgers

I am always open to try new products especially when it is marked down!  I got these Waitrose vegetable burgers.  I cooked them on the hob instead of in the oven.  They tasted nice, except they do not taste like burger, they tasted like falafel.  I ate it with some pita bread.  I will definitely eat them again if it is served to me.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Another Sunflower

Another abused sunflower flowered.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Medicinal Chocolate

We saw these ohso chocolate in the PAYF store in Leeds, we got to two try.

The cacao content was acceptable, but the sweetener combinational was not good, it is unpleasantly sweet.  So they claim to contain probiotics, but I remember Food Unwrapped talked about how they don't survive the digestive track.

I won't be getting them again.

Monday 14 August 2017

Quote of the Weekend

"Only nice people likes mushrooms", said James.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Backwards Virginia

I am glad I have no connections with Virginia!

Saturday 12 August 2017

Holidays Planning

I am nearly done with the family trip, and finally revisited the Germany trip.  As it turns out, I use spreadsheets and Sarah uses slideshows.  We are a good match!

Friday 11 August 2017

Pulsatile Tinnitus

A simple Google search has given the answer for my little problem.  Let's hope it gets better...

Thursday 10 August 2017

21st Century Technology

Steve asked if I wanted any keyboards, I said I don't need any additional ones, as I only have one desktop at home the rest are laptops, 21st Century.  Steve corrected me that laptops are 20th century, tablets are 21st century.  Burnt!

I need to start moving in that direction.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Listening Pulses

I keep hearing my pulses in my right ear.  Very annoying...

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Danger of Tennis Net

I learnt my lesson hard.  Do not move tennis balls with feet when you are near the net!  The stupid net caught my shoelaces and I fell over!  Oh my knee, ouch!

Monday 7 August 2017

Leeds Pride 2017

Leeds Pride has grown over the years, every year is more and more organised.  This year I was a spectator.

We meet up at train station, we took a picture with the BTP Leeds, but it was never posted on their Twitter.  Then we went to The Tetley to meet up with the rest of the people, and browsed the latest "Modern Art".

We browsed the stalled before the Lower Brigrate area become ridiculous busy.  I have harvested a few pens, some candies.  I watched a video about life of a diary cow view using a virtual reality goggles, and had a discussion with the meat in diet and food production industries, etc.

We had lunch at Corn Exchange when everyone had Humpit, I had Primo's, the video did not move me the slightest.

We moved to Leeds City Museum to view at a vantage point.

Everyone loves a bit of brass.
Leeds Pride 2017
But don't forget to wear hearing protection.
Leeds Pride 2017
The Librarians had a stall and marched!
Leeds Pride 2017
All the other clubs just hired Muscle Maries, Viaduct always has a show on.
Leeds Pride 2017
We did not see that many Asexual flags, luckily University of Leeds has a big one.
Leeds Pride 2017

The whole parade move off just shy of 1 hour.  We did not walk down with the parade, we went to a cafe instead.  After that, we walked back to The Tetley, but not before we saw the 5 colour rainbow crossing near Victoria Quarter.

We had to take a long diversion to get back to the Tetley.  Then we proceeded back to Leeds Station South to pick up our car.  By that point, I was exhausted, and walking back to the bus station with the diversion was not appealing.  Luckily, the Leeds Water Taxi was still running.  I hopped on the taxi and it took me to the Docks, and from there it was only a shorter walk to the bus station.

Leeds Pride 2017

A nice pride!

Sunday 6 August 2017

Old School Junk Leeds

Junk Food project has come into town as a pop-up, again.  This summer they are in the Light.  They are serving raw vegan food during the week, which I sadly won't be able to make 😆.  They are also selling pay as you free.  We got loads of goodies, awesome!  Everyone in town should pay a visit!

Saturday 5 August 2017

Pride Friday Film Festival at Live Art Bistro

Every since J&S moved into Hein Gericke, and Live Art Bistro moved into J&S, I always wonder what goes on.  So we took the opportunity to go to Live Art Bistro for the Pride Friday Film Festival.  The film selection were okay, the vegan food was great!  I will definitely keep my eyes peel for future events.

Thursday 3 August 2017


Sad sunflowers...
Slightly less sad sunflowers...

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Gardening Season End

Compost is going on clearance sale!  Only a few mows left in the year, yay!

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Decriminalisation 50 Years On

This year's UK pride season it extra eventful, as it is marking 50 years since decriminalisation.  The media is full of documentaries marking this anniversary, and it is good to deliver LGBT 101 to the public.  There is still lots of work to do before full equality.