Wednesday 31 January 2018

Cheap Meat January

Perhaps the Veganuary resulted in meat surplus in the supermarket, more for me, yay!

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Tesco Finest Roasted Nut

The Christmas nuts selections are so much better nicer than normal nuts selection.  I really remember  to buy them up!

Monday 29 January 2018

Fried Afternoon Tea

We went an 'Indian High Chai' the second time.  The first time we did not fully enjoy it as we had a big breakfast, this time we were hungrier and managed all the food, but the richness of the food left us feeling bloated afterwards.  I am getting too old for excessive amount of fried food...

Sunday 28 January 2018

Winn Moor Coal

Since Leeds is not famous for their coal, I thought it was a waste of time to do the coal search when I got the house.  There was a hint we might have coal, as the main road is called Coal Road. 

From the geological map in Yorkshire Museum, I spotted Whinmoor.  The coal seam did extended to Winn Moor, there used to be collieries in the areas.  I am glad to know my area better.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Yorkshire Museum

After learning I have free entry from NMDC Reciprocal Free Admission Scheme, I finally went to Yorkshire Museum for the first time.  It was as good as I anticipated.  The dinosaur stuff was not there but it did not bothered me a bit.  I will definitely go again, especially it is free to me!

Friday 26 January 2018

Thursday 25 January 2018

Portlebay Cappuccino

I got this on marked down.  It is not very sweet, quite coffeey.  It worth every of each 32 pennies.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Emergency Instant Food

I finally went go to a big grocery shopping.  I bought some instant food in light of my recent sickness.  I had no energy to cook, and I wanted evil/comfort food.  I hope I can refrain from the temptation and maintain this stash for its purpose.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Watch it Shred

A radio programme mentioned Watch It Shred, and we checked it out.  It is good to see we have mechanised this recycling process.  I watch it with an engineering point of view, and it was quite meaningful, but others may just watch it for its entertaining values.

Monday 22 January 2018

Driving on the Snow

I am lucky enough I didn't have to drive on snow much as I live near main bus routes.  Then we were going to an abbey for an afternoon tea down a quiet track.  The snow was packed and I was skidding everywhere.  I held my nerve, but when I saw someone pushing a car up a little slope, I decided to turn around.  Absolutely horrendous.

Sunday 21 January 2018

Toilet Signs at Neon Cactus

The toilet signs in Neon Cactus are cute.  They are definitely not 'gender neutral.  The women's toilet has a stick drawings with big breasts, and the men's toilet has a stick drawings with tiny testicles.  Amusing!

Saturday 20 January 2018

Jasmine Rice

I have been eating American rice for some long, I got jasmine rice this time.  It is totally different!  Jasmine rice definitely has more smell and taste.

Friday 19 January 2018

Stubby Useless Vehicle

This stubby vehicle was straddling across to bays, have me a parking scare!! I must remember to park away from these vehicles!!

Thursday 18 January 2018

Peanut Butter Kit Kat Bites

I might had the peanut butter Kit Kat before but not the minis.  It is a very poor imitation of the Reece!

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Oyster Planning

My sister asked if I can arrange their Oysters.  I decided to call TFL, and they were relatively helpful, understanding what discounts is available for children, but no concession on OAP.  The website is less so, I cannot order multiple Oysters, I just have to tell her she has to get them on arrival!

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Tasty Loose Leaf

I bought a couple infuser to make good use of the loose leaf tea.  Loose leaf is very tasty!  I now have to work thorough 2 big boxes of it!

Monday 15 January 2018

Post-Viral Fatigue

I am finally feeling better, but I am still extremely tired, Sarah calls this post-viral fatigue.  I hope I get over this soon, this has been horrendous!

Sunday 14 January 2018

Sarah Nightingale

Sarah came with some carnations and looked after me.  Hope this speeds my recovery, I was so weak and lack of appetite to fuel my body.

Saturday 13 January 2018

Leeds History

I got a Leeds history book from Sarah's grand dad.  I took the opportunity to start reading it while I am on bed rest.  I should have read it last time I was resting then I could have more information to bluff John and Houston when they visited!

Friday 12 January 2018


I got some from ASDA, their version is extremely stinky, I am not sure why.  I hope I can still have them when I am in France...

Thursday 11 January 2018

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Week of Tastelessness

My sinuses are blocked again, everything tastes weird, everything tastes disgusting!

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Faking Kindness

Kindness covers a range of things, and when some elements in the kindness is missing or qualified, that simply renders the kindness to be disingenuous.

Some people are only kind to animals but not to human, vice versa, they either have mental barrier to extend their heart to the said species, or they had previous experience discounting their kindness for that species.

When comparing within the kindness extending into the same species, if they have difficulty express their normally exhibited kindness to a specific subject, it is either they had previous experience discounting their kindness for that subject, or they are disingenuous.

Kindness is usually reciprocal, would you open your heart, extend your kindness when someone disingenuous won't do the same?

Monday 8 January 2018

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is expected from parents and partners.  Little things like, being supportive when in doubt, being helpful when in trouble, being caring when in sickness.

I didn't get it from my parents when I was growing up, and I still haven't got it yet.  I did set out to have low expectation as 2018 resolution, but in some scenarios, unconditional love is the minimum threshold, otherwise the relationship becomes distant, diluted, discounted.

Sunday 7 January 2018

Faking Caring

I was chatting with a guy, he is one of those nice guys that talks to everyone and expressed interest in everything.  I met this guy before, I know what he is exactly like.  He really isn't interested in anything, except making small chat, as that's what they taught as being nice.  But I keep forgetting to switch off my listening, as he meant nothing he says and everything was just hot air.  Why can't he just let the silence be undisturbed?

Saturday 6 January 2018



noun  syn·co·pe  \ ËˆsiÅ‹-kÉ™-(ËŒ)pÄ“ , Ëˆsin- \

Definition of syncope

1loss of consciousness resulting from insufficient blood flow to the brain faint
the loss of one or more sounds or letters in the interior of a word (as in fo'c'sle for forecastle)


 play \-kÉ™-pÉ™l\ adjective

Friday 5 January 2018

Goldilock Distance for a Gym

The new gym is very close to my house, and I literally have to drive past my house to get to the gym, and it takes a lot of motivation to leave the house once settled in.  Whereas my old gyms, there are away from my house, it was an effort to go to, and once there, it is a waste journey if abort.  I either need to find some motivation or I need a gym between work and home!

Thursday 4 January 2018

Scottish Holiday Planning

I am anticipating to get English Heritage this year, so we are brainstorming what we can see.  With that goal, we talked about Orkney, and my head quickly filled up with plans.

Unlike Isle of Skye, Orkney and Shetland are proper Scottish Isles, ie only accessible by boat, remote and bleak.  Within 1 day, I have collated a lot of information, and understand this trip will cost as much as a foreign holiday!  Sometimes you just think, I could spend the same money skiing in France of hopping across the pond, why would I want to go there?  I ponder.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Happy 2018 - All in the Mind

In preparation for the new year, I organised my fridge and freezer, threw away old stuff, etc.

I didn't really have a new years wish or resolution apart from the standard ones: stability and more gym.  Then Radio 4 All in the Mind was talking about the reward pathway, and the trick to have happiness instead of having continuous high reward is to have low expectation to create a reward prediction error, nice goal for this year.

Monday 1 January 2018

New Year's Eve Adventure

We went to Junction 32 to look for sale and bought a few things. Then we went to Fairburn for a walk. We were tired out to stay up for midnight! Fairburn Ings Fairburn Ings