Monday 31 December 2018

Co-operative Festive Friends Unknown Shape

I got a pack of mini festive shortbread from the Co-op.  We still not sure what shape it was.

Sunday 30 December 2018

Peppery Yorkshire Fishcakes

The chip shop at Hebden Bridge looks traditional.  I got a fish butty and a fish cake.  The fish was okay, but the fishcake is a Yorkshire style, it was unnecessarily peppery.

Saturday 29 December 2018

Montezuma Chocolate Snowmen with a Truffle Centre

I had some Montezuma before, I was not the most impressed but since they are 'expensive' and on end of season sale, I got some snowperson.  I got the 100% black and milk chocolate version.  The 100% is quite hard core, I hope I am getting the flavonoid!

Friday 28 December 2018

Chestnut Ratings continue...

I got a bag of out of date chestnut as Christmas present.  They were from ASDA, and unlike other chestnuts I already had, these were from Turkey.  These were also quite bad, they are joint bottom with Tesco's chestnuts.

Thursday 27 December 2018

Boxing Day Shopping

Some boxing day shopping started on Christmas Eve evening!  I browsed on Next's website on Christmas Eve, and I placed an order with Next and another with Holland and Barrett by Christmas evening.

We actually went into town for the boxing day sale.  Leicester was very busy in town, and we got a few bargains, potentially those bargains can be had online.  My legs were so tired, but I remind myself this supports the high street!

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Turkey Crown

This year we had turkey for Christmas dinner.  The turkey crown turned out very nicely.  Unlike a whole turkey, when the thickest thigh meats take a long time and causing the breast to dry out, the turkey crown is uniform and suitable ventilated to be evenly heated.  I shall add that to my repertoire.

Tuesday 25 December 2018

Mother's Ruin

I am armed with alcohol this Christmas, but I didn't know I needed to break into them early.  As soon as children start showing attitudes, and when you are prohibited to give them correctional education, alcohol isn't a bad idea.

I heard gin been called mother's helper, but apparently it is meant to be Mother's Ruin.  When I was younger, drinking is for socialising with friends, now I am drinking for a reason!

Monday 24 December 2018

Lidl Pre-Christmas Sale

Lidl usually marks down food within 3 days of their used by date.  As a result, they started marking down Turkey already.  We know where to shop next year!

Sunday 23 December 2018

KFC Takeaways

Sarah's friends visited, and their children insisted of fast food, so they brought KFC to Sarah's flat.  Maybe I can finally introduce more fast food to Sarah's flat!

Saturday 22 December 2018

Pre-Christmas Traffic

I was preparing for the worst Friday before Christmas traffic.  Perhaps everyone prepared for the worst, everyone travelled earlier.  I stayed late at work, thinking the road would be horrendous, and when I started driving, I got the empty road!

Friday 21 December 2018

Thursday 20 December 2018

Yorkie Pro

I never had a Yorkie before, since it is "not for girls".  They were selling some Yorkie Pro in Fultons.  "Pro" in this case stands for protein!  Let just say, keep it for the boys, I prefer something more sophisticated.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Post Office Photo Booth

I renewed my photo card at the Post Office.  For the same price as a normal photo booth and the photo is guaranteed to meet requirement, it is a good idea.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Chestnut Ratings

I have tried chestnuts from 3 shops.  Lidl, Sainsbury and Tesco.  Tesco was by far the worst...

Monday 17 December 2018

Hilly Leeds on a Bike

I was debating which mode of transport to use to go into Leeds.  Knowing the parking would be chaotic and the bus is full of germs, I braced the prospect of taking my bike into town and check out the new derailleur.

I cycled up to A58, and by the time I got to A58, I thought I would just turn around!  I kept on cycling, and most of the way to town was downhill, I know it would be payback time on the return leg.

I probably won't do it again, I will just put a mask on and take the bus next time...

Sunday 16 December 2018

Manchester Christmas Shopping

I haven't been in Manchester city centre for a while, and Manchester certainly has a city vibe.

I got my step count by walking around all the Christmas markets.  They really have new / strange ideas!  Karaoke booth?!  The best fine was Heilemann chocolate!  Out of all the stalls, only one of them selling bar chocolates, and they sell Heilemann.  I bought loads, and they are as good as I remember them!

I popped into the Central Library,  the first time since they reopen. They also got a Santa in for today,  as well as a brass band!   The music section of the library has instruments for practice,  interesting!

Saturday 15 December 2018

Crazy Peasant Wagon

I have not been on a coach for a while, and it reminds me why I am not on them more often.

There were a lot of coughs on the coach.  Coach delay causing the driver to attempt to make time by driving fast on the windy M62.

Friday 14 December 2018

Combi Once Over

My system pressure kept dropping below minimum, I knew I need to charge up the pressure vessel.  I borrowed the electric pump, and the plumbers in video is right, the pump doesn't stop quick enough for baby vessel like this.  

Whilst I have the cover off, I thought I would give it a once over.  Pressure check, operational check, blue flame, hoover, all sorted.  I will save the "free" annual visit till next year.

Thursday 13 December 2018

Vue Knows Nothing

I was looking for show time in my local Vue, and it is showing hardly any listing.  When I go to Google, Google seems to know what is on Vue's screens better than Vue themselves!  I won't bother checking Vue website anymore.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Lift Entrapment

I remember I was trapped in a lift before.  It was in a busy industrial building, I was trapped on a busy morning with a lift full of people.  We were released within a few minutes, I think the old lifts have its normal hiccups. 

Moral of the stories, avoid goods lifts.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Nissin Demae Ramen

I finally got around trying it.  Good and nice as expected, but overrated...

Monday 10 December 2018

The case of Curious Head Bulb

So the van's head light went, it is such a simple task.  When I looked at the bulb, it didn't seem burnt, so I took the van to the garage.  I cannot believe the garage said they do not have bulbs in stock!  Luckily, I got the bulb before I went to the garage.  I told him I had a look, but since it didn't look burnt, I thought it maybe fuses.  He said it could just be the gas.  I supposed I should have just tried it!  Silly me!

Sunday 9 December 2018

Kenilworth Daytrip

I finally persuaded Sarah to go to Kenilworth.  We went to the castle then we went into the town.  The Waitrose and the high street were good.  The Christian Cafe had good ham sandwich and good quiche.  Much to Sarah's delight, Kenilworth has two knitting shops!

Saturday 8 December 2018

Old XP Laptop

I booted up my old laptop and it is clearly on its last leg...  A lot of the software is not supported, I cannot even play BBC iplayer.

It still has it uses, I could still use Channel 4 and Youtube and general internet use.

Friday 7 December 2018

Supermarket Arancini

I like arancini, so when I saw them in a snack pack from the supermarket, I snatched them up.  They are nothing like the authentic arancini, they added extra flour to make sure they do not fall apart, horrid...

Thursday 6 December 2018

Loacker Tortina

I always know Loacker as Italian chocolate wafers.  I saw some beautiful looking Loacker in Waitrose so I picked up some Loacker Tortina and some Loacker Gran Pasticceria.  They are both very delicate, Sarah likes Gran Pasticceria more and I like them both!

Wednesday 5 December 2018

History of Barbeque

Yin asked, "Who invented barbeque, aka cooking food with fire?" And we all started chuckling...  Ever since human discovered fire...

Tuesday 4 December 2018


I got 3 packs of marked down oranges, family sizes, ie 10 fruits per pack, from Sainsbury's.  They are great!  I maybe turning orange by the end of the week!

Monday 3 December 2018

Christmas Market Schweinhaxe

I insisted on trying a pork knackle from the Leeds Christmas Market.  The ones from Germany was definitely better. 

Sunday 2 December 2018


I picked up a dark chocolate bar from IKEA. It tastes like a £1 bar, very unnoteable.

Saturday 1 December 2018

Yorkshire Shopping Spree

We stopped at the new IKEA, Haribo, Junction 32, Lidl and Asda, we were knackered!

The Sheffield IKEA is new and nice, the view from the cafe was also nice.  We got sweet potato chips as a treat on top of our lunch!

I was happiest at Haribo.  It was literally like a child in the sweet shop.  I think only Haribo has that effect on me.  I am very academic when it comes to chocolates.

We had a good look around in Junction 32 and saw Santa!

We stopped at Lidl and Asda for food.  Knowing we were exhausted, we went for an 'Indian meal deal'.  The Asda pilau was too clove heavy...