Thursday 31 January 2019

First Cold Day

The first really cold day this winter, -5C.  Obviously it is nothing compare to the North American and their polar vortex problem.  I remember when we had the jet stream problem here.

Let's hope it would be mild this year. 

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Bike Hunting - GSXS

Steve is right about the electronic sounds on new bikes.  I wasn't able to take either GSR or GSXS out on a spin, but they sounded very sterile, they do sound beefier than CB650.  The seat squeaks...

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Spicy with no Kick

I made a chickpea stew with very little chilli into the heavily spiced mixture.  I thought the spice would do the trick, but it had no kick, and I will definitely add the dose of chilli in next batch.

Monday 28 January 2019

Bike Hunting - Street Triple

After the CB 650, I had a go on Street Triple.  It has power everywhere, it is always ready to go whichever gear, whatever rev.  The dash is good.  Street Triple is superior to CB 650 just about every aspect.  It is also naked, and I was still battered by the wind.  Also the Triple's vibration is stronger than an in-line four.  I can also safely assume the fuel mileage is worse.  Let's widen the hunt before I commit!

Sunday 27 January 2019

Bike Hunting - CB650

I took the opportunity in the break of the weather to check out some bikes.  I tried CB650, I was battered by the wind, exactly how I remember it when I had Endee.  The bike does everything it was supposed to but nothing more.  Quite boring really.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Japanese Buffet

I haven't been to buffet for a while, and we went to this big Japanese buffet place.  The good was okay and I am pretty sure I break even, but I am really getting too old for this game!  Now that we ascertained what is good and bad at that place, I will have better strategy next time.

Friday 25 January 2019

Booze Cruise

Austin is having a quick trip to the Netherlands, and they treat the crossing as a booze cruise.  I have been on that crossing before, it was no cruise.  But when I was checking the price in summer, peak season for all the holiday makers both directions.  It is so much more efficient to fly!

Thursday 24 January 2019

Saving Passbook

I opened a saving account with Yorkshire Building Society.  Just when I thought the process was completed, she pulled out a blank passbook and started filling it in.  With all the accounts I have, I never had a passbook in England before! 

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Hong Kong Censorship - The Favourite

The Favourite, an acclaimed movie worthy of its Wikipedia page.   With A-list cast members and multiple awards and nominations. 

Why isn't cinemas in Hong Kong showing The Favourite?  Nobody knows.  Even trailers are not available to view in Hong Kong.  Could it be censorship?

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Monday 21 January 2019

Fluffy Birds of Prey

We went to the York Bird of Prey centre again.  This is a different season and the birds are behaving differently.  It was cold outside, so all the birds were puffing up to keep warm.  Apparently it was not quite the flying season yet, and they were flying a young owlet, still has its down, the show wasn't as exciting as the one we last saw.  Overall, it was good to see the birds.

Sunday 20 January 2019

Baby Via Ferrata

We took the opportunity to do the How Stean Via Ferrata.  We booked it just as the weather turned, and I was driving in the white out!  When we got nearer, we descent into the valley, and it cleared up slightly, but there were snow in the ground.

The site is also a camp site and there is a group of motorcyclists, mostly with side cars.  Crazy.

There were meant to be 5 booked onto the via ferrata, but they all bailed because of the weather, so we got the guide all to ourselves.  It is a baby via ferrata, and quite fun.

Saturday 19 January 2019

Let's the Hunt Begin

Little Rome was my first crush, nothing can replace a pre-K GSXR.  This is exactly why nothing is tucking my heart strings.  After ruling out commuter bikes, there are a few front runners, Speed Triple, CB 650 or GT-07.  When the weather clears up, I will get a few test rides in.

Friday 18 January 2019

Little Rome Gone

Little Rome has found a new home.  When she was ridden away without me, I heard my last roar, I was a bit sad the end of an era.  It is all for the better, hopefully...

Thursday 17 January 2019

Corbyn's Uselessness Knows No Bound

Obviously as opposition, Corbyn is not obliged to say or do anything constructive.  He has no backing of his MPs, and even when he tries to be a disruptive, his timing is impeccably shit.  Just exactly why did he bother to run to be the Labour leader when he is more useless than a chocolate teapot?

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Failed Bicycle Maintenance

I got a new tube to replace the flat tyre.  I cannot believe I nicked it when I fitted it, that was £2.70 down the drain.  I found some patched, so I thought I would patch it, and it looked good, but after 1 hour, it was flat again, that is £2.70 and a patch.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Vacuum Deepclean

I got a loads of chores done including cleaning the vacuum's filters.  Gross.  Maybe I should do them more often...

Monday 14 January 2019

Soy Solves Everything

I have been using strong broth on the boring konjac noodles, and I only just remember I got loads of soya sauce to use up.  And obviously soy is applied everywhere because it makes everything palatable.  I don't have to worry about not being able to eat up the konjac stash.

Sunday 13 January 2019

Carpet Deepclean

I finally use the carpet attachment on the vacuum cleaner.  I am happy that I got a lot of hair and debris out of the carpet.

Saturday 12 January 2019

30 Rock on Channel 4

Channel 4 is showing 30 Rock, and they call it a "new comedy".  I have already got season 1-4, I can't wait till they upload to season 5 and the rest so I can finish watching them!

Friday 11 January 2019

Young Adult Novel

I bought a new book, and only when I opened it, I realised it was for young adult.  And within the first chapter, it was apparent it is for young adult.  I talks about coming of age, and various teenage decisions and emotions that seem such a distant past!  Anyway, it is an easy reading book, so that would be a weekend filled.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Renewed Interest in Japanese

To counterbalance the effect of Feist, I listened to some Mr Children.  I always wish I know Japanese to under Mr Children.  Let's see how much motivation I can muster...

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Winter SAD

I usually get my SAD in Autumn and this year I am feeling a bit sad in Winter.  I really think it has to do with the Feist CD.  On one hand, I want to learn the Feist CD, the other hand, she stirs up my emotion...

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Mpemba Effect

I have tried to explained to a layman before that hot water freezes faster than cold water, and that person would not believe me.  It is a repeated observation and finally I know the name for it, Mpemba Effect.

Monday 7 January 2019

The Only Way is Slow

I am hoping to get a different bike this year, but as soon as I started shopping, I realise the only way from Little Rome is down... Most of the bikes are half the bhp to Little Rome.  I will have to relearn how to ride!  When every time I stop start, I will miss Little Rome...

Sunday 6 January 2019

The Favourite

I saw the poster for The Favourite, and I didn't give it a thought.  Only when I learnt about the plot, I was itching to watch it!  The plot is around Queen Anne's favourites.  I read all about Queen Anne.  The movie was well made, the acting, the costumes, the lighting, the stories, the large amount of extra wide shots were a bit weird.  I can't wait for the DVD to come out and I can watch the unseen footage!

Saturday 5 January 2019

Favarger 66% Dark Chocolate

I didn't have a high expectation on this chocolate bar, as Swiss is not famous for dark chocolate.  Also 66% is a bit low for my taste.  As expected, it is a bit sweet to my taste.  The chocolate is quite smooth.  It should have been sold as milk chocolate.

Friday 4 January 2019

Learning Season

I have loads of training and e-learning lined up for me.  I have also delivered a few training sessions to the newbies.  Busy learning season!

Thursday 3 January 2019

Sainsbury's Sausage Meat

I got some discounted sausage meat after Christmas.  I didn't know what to do with it then I remember Sarah used to make scotch eggs.  After all, I could not be bothered to make scotch eggs, so I just fried them up and ate them as sausages.  They were actually quite good quality!

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Russian Food in Halifax

We were wandering in the Halifax borough market and saw this Russian cafe. We thought we would give it a try.

Sarah had the vegetable stew, I liked the booked buckwheat.

I finally tried pierogi. They were meaty, other than that, they were a bit boring. I couldn't believe that sprinkle of dried onion costed me 40p.
The Napoleon is not like the Napoleon in Hong Kong. This Napoleon was a bit soggy, ie not flaky or crunchy.