Thursday 31 October 2019

Malmo, Chuao Venezuela, 70% dark chocolate bar

Unsurprisingly pleasant, but nothing special.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Sticky Throttle II

AA sent me to a garage for a sticky throttle.  After Halfords decided my throttle was not sticky, I left the garage still with a starting problem.  I got my hands dirty and just did it myself.  After some WD-40 and a roll of kitchen roll, it is all back to normal, yay!

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Godiva Pure Dark Chocolate 90%

Smooth, but tasteless.  Is that what people strive for in live?

Monday 28 October 2019

Flu Jabbed

I felt weird from the jab, and I feel weird from the jab few days on.  I am still not sure it is all worth the pain!

Sunday 27 October 2019

Divine Dark Chocolate with Smooth Hazelnut Bar

I got this Divine Dark Chocolate with Smooth Hazelnut Bar from a discount shop, and finally got around to try it.  I was never a Divine fan, and this bar didn't help either.  It was not Divine, not delicious, not dark...  Some might say it is chocolate, smooth and hazelnut...

Saturday 26 October 2019

Diagnosis At Last

Flint's front end is still clicking.  I called up the garage and they had another look.  This time they think it is the front wheel bearings and they will actually it out of warranty.  Let's hope this is the bottom of it.

Friday 25 October 2019

Chinese Beef Jerky

Once upon a time, my sister said how she made Chinese beef jerky at home.  I came across some good quality mince, so I decided to give it a go.  They turned out okay, but I think I should have added honey to the mix and made them thinner. 

Anyway, I am not sure I am bothered enough to make them again...

Thursday 24 October 2019

Tomato Splints

The tomato is still fruiting, but it has not been happy.  Then I realise the weight has bent the vine.  I put a splint on Sarah's tomato earlier in the season.  I had to put multiple splints on mine now, let's hope for the best.  Less for next year's tomato, always give the vine a lot of support, aka splints.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Oily Plants

There were black spots near my plants.  At first I thought they were mould from the vapour.  Then it becomes apparent those were oil from the rosemary!  I immediately transplanted it outside.  Let see if it survives...  Meanwhile, I had to scrub to floor.  Which idiots sell them as house plant!?

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Sticky Throttle

I had to call out AA for a car with starting problem.  Then it turns out to be a sticky throttle.  That's what happen with old cars...  I suppose sticky throttle is okay when it stuck shut, and scary when it stuck open...

Monday 21 October 2019

Gardening After Dark

I already racked up all the leaves last week, then I got more leaves over the weekend.  As I was pulling out the brown bin, although it was already late and dark outside, I racked up more leaves.  I am not sure my neighbours would like the rack over flagstone scratching noises very much...

Sunday 20 October 2019

Nectar Hiccup II

There were points mysterious debited from my account.  Nectar's new portal has so many bugs, it is going to cost them a lot of goodwill points by the end of this migration...

Saturday 19 October 2019


In name of supporting the women in Hollywood, we went to see Ocean 8 and more recently Hustlers.

Who needs men really.

Friday 18 October 2019

Brexit Stash III

I cannot believe I am running down my Brexit stash!  I need to do some shopping next week to build up the stash to brace for impact.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Slow Hoax Speed

I don't like forwarded messages, and this exactly proves my point. 

My sister just sent a message about mahameru flower, and I googled it.  It was originated a few years ago, it only just got to my sister, hoax speed is surprisingly slow. 

Why people never verify before forwarding?!

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Rainbows in Hong Kong

It all started when I said Sarah should put rain drops in front of her craft rainbows.  Then I got on to saying I rarely saw rainbows in Hong Kong.  Then Rachel thought I was joking.  Lastly, I surveyed my friends, and they all concurred with me.

Rachel found a page from Hong Kong observatory that explained what rainbow is with two old pictures, one in 2003, one in 1993.  When you search for rainbow in Hong Kong, you come across LGBT related pages before you get to the news articles on rainbows!  Rainbow is so rare that it makes the news. 

Maybe it is the angle of the Sun, maybe it is the high rise buildings, maybe we don't look at the sky enough.  The end result is the same, we don't really see rainbows in Hong Kong. 

The easiest place to see a rainbow is when the sprinklers are on over a sport field...

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Nectar Hiccup

I was wandering in town and when I walked past Sainsbury, they had a Nectar guy showing customers new Nectar portal.

So I thought I would get a voucher, but the system did not process my request correctly.  I walked back to Sainsbury, the Nectar guy was already gone!

After ringing them 3 times, they decided to give me the points back.  I hope nectar will get sorted soon.

Monday 14 October 2019

Home Rearrangement

Prompted by Sarah, we made a few changes to my home arrangement.  Whatever makes her happy...

She calls it "live-in", I call it "clutter"...

Sunday 13 October 2019

Nutella Arancini

I went to Poco wanting lunch, then decided everything was a bit oily.  We went to somewhere else for lunch and came back to Poco for dessert, nutella arancini.  It was quite weird...

Saturday 12 October 2019

Flu Jab is too Late

We have been meaning to get a flu jab.  Before the pharmacists for them in stock, we all got our first cold of the winter...

Friday 11 October 2019

Light Night Parade

I have been wanting to see the Light Night parade, so I finally made an effort.  I managed to got the best seat in the house, ie Window seat at Nero on Headrow.  There were only 5 or 6 acts in the parade, which was a little disappointing.  Extinction Rebellion made a an appearance, staging a silent demonstration and leafleting.  They should be leafleting the children with the plastic tat.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Where has Three People's Principles gone? 三民主義可在?

On the anniversary of Xinhai Revolution,  108 year has past,  everyone has forgotten the Three People's Principles.   KMT is ready to sell out to the ruthless CCP.  Dr Sun must be turning in his grave...

辛亥革命108年週年,仲有無人記得三民主義? 連國民黨都親無民主義既中共。 孫中山死不冥目呀!

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Misadvertised Talks

I started going to some university open lectures.  I found their description very misleading, they probably jazzed it up to get more audience. Maybe if they put down what they were going to talk about, nobody would turn up.  I felt cheated! I should have just listened to a talk online at home!

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Band in China - South Park S23 E2

You have got to love South Park. It made international news again.

Gotta love South Park!

Monday 7 October 2019

Crab Stick - Kamaboko

I never understood why my sister liked crab stick.  I always thought it was weird that crab stick packaging had Japanese writing.  I only just learnt Kamaboko is actually from Japan.  I always liked Chikuwa, but I still don't like crab stick.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Bins Upgrade

I finally got a new bin in January after I cracked my old one plastic swing.  It was a plastic paddle bin.   I liked it a lot until the mechanism failed!  I took it back to the shop to get a refund.  With the recent discount, probably for the student population, a metal bin became the same price of my plastic bin, so far I am quite happy with the new paddle bin, I will probably try to keep the receipt for a year, just in case.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Top Box Capacity

Flint's top box is big, but apparently not big enough.  I was told to pick up some materials, but the urinal was unexpected.  I actually took the urinal to measure against the box and concluded it would not fit!  At the end, I had to swap the bike with a car to pick the stuff up, how annoying.

Friday 4 October 2019

Waitrose Hand Cooked Crisps

Waitrose hand cooked crisps - inferior...

Thursday 3 October 2019

See Bike Say Bike

So research shows, the drivers could see motorcycles, but they cannot remember seeing motorcycles.  The new "See Bike, Say Bike" campaign aims to enhance this short term memory deficit, let's hope it works.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Future Lost Skills

Dom just gave me some cash, and as a reflex, I counted them, not that I didn't trust him or anything.

Then I realise, this is the skill that children will lose, counting money!  How they miss out the joy of cash!

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Runaway Stories - 70 Years On

Remember the exodus from Shanghai and Nanjing to Taiwan and Hong Kong.  Remember my father and my cousin swam away (literally) from Canton to Hong Kong.  The last generations ran away from the shit, so we can build something better, we cannot take a step back into the shit and stand our grounds. #FreeHongKong #929GlobalAntiTotalitarianism