Tuesday 31 December 2019

Grand Tour Venice - Day 3

Sarah convinced me to split the islands to two days, so we did.

We went to Mazzorbo, Burano, Torcello and Lido.

I was hoping to see the Suspended animals by Stefano Bombardieri, but exhibition ended in November, gutted.


Whilst at Burano - the fisherman island, I saw a fisherman handing over bags of mantis prawns to a guy. Then I remember seeing mantis prawn (alive) in the fish market, so I thought I would get some of them. We stopped for a coffee and some Essi. The lace museum was interesting.


We had a walk around in Torcello and had some lunch. They also do a Burano seafood risotto, so we shared one with another fritto misto. It had full of all sort of seafood.
1DSCF0255 Lido was quite boring, it is interesting, As it has cars and bicycles are allowed! We managed to catch a sunsets; Sun sets really quickly in Venice! Lido has a large Conrad City to entertain us. We got a big box of oyster mushrooms, and decided to make mushroom risotto. We ended up eating risotto twice a day.

Making the most out of the ferry tickets, I insisted on taking a night circular ferry line, and on the way back, we took in some night Venice night view. 1DSCF0257
Rialto Bridge
Bridge of Sighs.

Monday 30 December 2019

Grand Tour Venice - Day 2

Originally I thought we would go to the islands but with the change of plans, we visited most of the things in the most touristy bits.

1doge 1
Doge Palace
San Marco
Rialto Bridge

For lunch, we had some fritto misto, mixed fried fish/veg with white polenta, some cicchetti-sized salad and some fresh ragu pasta.

We were hoping to get on a Traghetto, gondola with standing spaces only to cross the water, but it only operates middle of the day, we had a long way home!

And most importantly, fish market. I kept reading about seppia, cuttlefish, so I bought one for dinner. Must to Sarah's shock, I had to gut it, skin it, as well as cooking it.

Sunday 29 December 2019

Grand Tour Venice - Day 1

The first day is always the traveling day.  On our way to Manchester Airport, we managed to stop at Tim Horton's.  Timmy here is much worse than the Timmy in Canada.

Manchester Airport security was painful as always.

We flew in, our flight landed just before an Albanian flight, the non-EU queue was unbelievably long!  It took me 45 minutes to get past the immigration.  We took the shuttle to Venice, walked 30 minutes to check in, and we were finally there!


Our flat was very centrally located and there was a supermarket in the block.  Being in Northern Italy, risotto is the order of the day, the risotto rice were so cheap! We cooked dinner and rested up.

Saturday 28 December 2019

Stainless Moka Pot

Sarah has been reading weird research papers.   This time,  she freaked out when I put a moka pot in the dishwater.   Then I assured her it was a stainless moka pot.

Friday 27 December 2019

Boxing Day Cantonese Food

I have been meaning to try this Cantonese restaurant for a while,  and they were open on boxing day, so we went for it.

Long story short,  I should not have any expectation them. 

On the plus side,  we had our Christmas crackers and wore a hat. 

Thursday 26 December 2019

Christmas Spin

With the weather so nice, I took Flint out for a Christmas spin.  I only saw 1 bike the whole ride until I got to Sutton Bank, there was a small group stopped there.  It was a little cold, but I enjoyed it.

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Christmas Eve Shopping

Christmas Eve shopping was a bit of a damp squib.  The marked down were not suitable attractive.  Sainsbury's team already started removing the decoration,  how sad.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Cycling Practice

I would blame being tired, I would blame lacking lunch, but I still cannot believe I fell off the bike!  I need more practice.

Monday 23 December 2019

Dust Removal

After Sarah had a dust induced asthma attack,  I was committed to have a major dedust operation,  which could really only be done in a weekend.

Hoover all areas and all items involving moving all the furnitures.
Tightened screws on bed whilst at it.
Wash all covers.
Shake all covers.

Where are all the dust come from?!?!?

Sunday 22 December 2019

Inconsiderate Parking

Sometimes you see bad parking in car parks, but usually for cars, there is more choices.  I arrived at my usual motorcycle parking rank, a motorcycle has parked such a way that it took 2 spaces and the remaining space is insufficient for a maneuver!  Inconsiderate asshole.

Saturday 21 December 2019

Anne Lister's Holy Trinity

I have been meaning to visit this church,  Holy Trinity at Goodramgate,  made famous in recent times by Anne Lister.

I even made a donation on my way out.   I hope the Church Conservation Trust takes this opportunity to rake it in and fund their other locations.

Friday 20 December 2019

Black (Eye) Friday

When everyone is thinking about clocking off for Christmas/year end/winter break,  I am thinking about tying up the loose ends!

Thursday 19 December 2019

Orange Food

Sarah said I am always eating yellow food.   This season,  with carrots and orange being in season and on offer,  I have been eating a lot of orange food, in between my yellow food!

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Pork Cheeks

I had beef cheeks before,  just like any other piece of beef.   I picked up some pork cheeks from the supermarket.   They were so much smaller than the beef cheeks.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Holiday to Gluttony

Are you going anywhere for Christmas?
Nah, just Gluttony.
Nice, best time for it.

Monday 16 December 2019

Granola Shopping

Every since I got the Special K Nourish, I started adding sweet things in my bird food, aka bran flakes.  I got a Lidl granola, and I must say, it was very good.  I am now shopping replacement that does not contain coconuts or date, which is surprisingly hard to find.  The current front runner is Dorset, or I just get Lidl again and add more nuts.

Sunday 15 December 2019

Harrogate Biscuit Company

"You were conned" Sarah told me when I came back with some marked down shortbread,  "50p for two biscuits?! "

Anyway,  Harrogate Biscuis Company - Traditional recipe it read,  it must have been traditionally bad... I must remember not to buy anything if their selling point was being traditional.   I have not had a commercially made shortbread so chewy.

Saturday 14 December 2019


I have truffle flavoured things a few times now and I still haven't acquired the taste.  What's the fuss?

Friday 13 December 2019

Monk Fish

I caught a marked down monk tail.  I simply pan fried it.  It tastes of normal fish, but I was not keen on the membrane.

Thursday 12 December 2019

Christmas Cracker Tats

Most people just leave the tats on the table, what a waste.  I rescued two items.  I cannot believe someone threw away the pen!  What a waste, item made for the bin...

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Kettle Chips Truffled Cheese & Champagne Crisps135g

Sainsbury was doing them at 50p.  And I now know why.  One word, weird!

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Tiny Supermarkets

I am so used to super stores, I was shopping in this smaller supermarket, the product range is very limited.  To make it worse, I was trying to hit my target price to use my coupon!  I did fine enough of items that I want to utilize the coupon, but I need to remind myself not all supermarkets have the full compliment.

Monday 9 December 2019


an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood. 

Use the wider definition to include all the negligent / accidental liars and conspiracy theorists. 

Sunday 8 December 2019

Off the Eaten Path

I have seen "off the eaten path" for a while, I finally bought one to pack out my order.  It tastes like normal rice snacks to me, but Sarah thinks there is a weird taste.  I wouldn't buy it again at this price point though.

Saturday 7 December 2019

Horrible Audi Driver

I encountered an asshole on the motorway.  He was tailgating me, after I moved out of his way, he came in front of me and slammed on the brake to piss me off.  Then I minded my own business when he was staying on the overtaking lane, speeding and slamming on the brakes alternatively.

White Audi sedan with a 17 plate. I never has a good look of the driver.  Many miles later, I overtook a white Audi estates with 17 plate, that driver was a distracted middle aged fat man. 

Assholes everywhere. Stay safe. 

Friday 6 December 2019

More Winter Accidents

Another few accidents ground the whole area's traffic in the halt.  As soon as I saw the queue, I checked the traffic and went the opposite direction.  Steve didn't so he made repeated un-informed guess and all ended further back in the queue!  Always check!

Thursday 5 December 2019

Soda Crystal

I remember the house-wife shows when I was growing up, Dr Ken always talk about caustic soda.  These days, caustic soda is harder to get hold of, so I just have to settle with soda crystal.  I always wonder if it works...

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Berea College - Indenture Apprenticeship

Berea College made the news for setting up students with on campus work programme equates to their tuition fee.

Indenture apprenticeship is not new, it is good to see it is back in trend.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

The Secret Life of the Zoo

I am hooked on the Secret Life of the Zoo, having said that, it was a lot of wildlife porn.  Someone said, why can't they just AI - artificially inseminate the animals.  Who wants to wank off a 3 ton rhino?

Monday 2 December 2019

Java Online Tutoring

I thought I would brush up my programming skill, so I found an online tutorial.  So far so easy.

Sunday 1 December 2019

Hot Water Bottle

Who needs a hot water bottle when you have a hot water kettle!   It is perfect!