Tuesday 31 March 2020


Another "popular" video application.  I got the mobile app ready for the team meeting, what a shame I would not be dialing in tomorrow.

Monday 30 March 2020

You'll Do

Sarah Keyworth and Catherine Bohart have a new podcast.  Since Sarah and I went to see Sarah, so we were looking forward to the new podcast.

So far so funny.

Sunday 29 March 2020

Easy Banana Muffins

Sarah has rejected a well travelled banana, so I looked up a banana muffin recipe to use it up.  I rejected the BBC recipe and found this Sally's.  It was indeed very quick, and most importantly, Sarah approves!

Saturday 28 March 2020

House Party

As we are encouraged to stay home, I downloaded House Party.  So far it is better than expected.  The IT company is taking this opportunity to harvest our data, don't forget to protect yourself whilst using it.

Friday 27 March 2020

No Such Thing as a Fish

The QI team has started doing some a comedy shows, I have only seen it on TV.  I only just know they have a podcast called No Such Thing as a Fish, so that is plenty of content to go thorough.

Thursday 26 March 2020

Vallate Papilla

My tonsil (left) is not very happy, so I have been looking into the back of my throat to check on it. Then I saw bumps on the back of the tongue, which I am not particularly happy about. I looked it up online, they are probably just vallate papilla, and I am slightly happier. I will keep my eyes on them and the tonsil.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Incompetent EDF

I cannot EDF is so incompetent.   They accepted a fraudulent account application without due diligent.  They after 8 weeks of complaining,  they still insisted they have a valid contract to supply.  WHAT THE FXXX!!

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Barbell at Home

So after looking online for a few day, I spotted a bargain barbell.  The guy had 10 7' barbells, supposedly wanting to setup a gym, and it is clearly not possible at the minute.

Coincidently, I was in the nearby area, so it worked perfectly.  I did hesitate about the length, but bargain does not come along perfectly.

So I napped it up and it fitted into my car relatively well.  Remember I have fitted 3m pipes in my car before. With the two little weights at home, I have now got a barbell I can exercise with.  I will be getting to know it very well very soon.

Monday 23 March 2020

Birthday in a Lockdown

I managed to have some sense of birthday day out before all the lockdowns.  Maytal's in locked down Germany would be less exciting.   Baking and dancing with kids.  We got the make the most out of it to keep the spirit up.

Sunday 22 March 2020

Closed National Trust

Having underestimated how far the Brit will travel for a free day out,  NT was overrun for two days and decided to shut their gates everywhere for everyone,  including members to keep away groups.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Lidl Italian Icecream

I have seen those Lidl Italian icecream before,  but since I only go to Lidl enroute to gym,  I never bought them.

We finally around to trying one, our favourite coffee flavour.  It was not the most flavoursome icecream, not worth its calories as Saraa would say.

Friday 20 March 2020

Free National Trust

As a kind gesture,  National Trust is opening for free.   So we are lining up all these walks starting my birthday.   I need to make the most out of it.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Waitrose No 1 Peru Dark Chocolate

I finally broke into a christmas chocolate,  Waitrose No 1 Dark Chocolate Peru.  It is very nice.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Social Distance Sports

Now that gym is closed,  I will have to go play some tennis.  It is as far apart as you could be for a real sport.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Taming of the Shrew

I have been meaning to work out the story plot, so I finally watched a summary on Youtube.  What a horrible stupid play, luckily I never had any respect for any Shakespeare's work, so no harm's done.

Monday 16 March 2020


I have never seen so many magpies together.  What omen is it?

Sunday 15 March 2020

The Snatch @ Out Lift

So out of curiosity, I pop into see Out Lift.  It was listed as power lifting, which I mistook as weight lifting.  I joined in for some power lifting, it reminds me of my younger days.

Coincidentally the coach also coaches weight lifting, so he showed me how to do a snatch.  Now I am wanting to get a barbell to work on my snatch.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Meatliquor Birthday Meal

So Meatliquor sent me a voucher for a free burger for my birthday, even though I was not that impressed with their burgers, I went.

I have been once, I kept my expectation low.  Lucky for them, they met my low expectation.  I would never pay for their burger at their price.

I went for a bacon cheeseburger.  The lettuce was finely shredded, so they kept falling out, everything was greasy, and the bacon is a reformed patty.  The fries were nothing special.  I would go to Five Guys anytime over here.

The one thing that exceeded my expectation, I got a birthday badge :-)

Friday 13 March 2020


One of my software at work still needs a modem, and we are struggling to get one for Windows 10.

Modem, is a device that communicate digital data using a telephone network.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Han's Diet

So people started talking about how the virus jumped from bats to human, usually via contaminated bush meat.

Then people say Chinese eat everything.  Clearly it is not the case.  First of all, Chinese are not all Han, and the Muslim and Tibetan have their own restrictive diet. 

Unlike what Prince Philip said, even Hans do not eat everything.  Of course, it is easier to count that is not eaten.  Whales - Han is not famous for hunting whales like the Japanese.  Monkey/primates - some African eat them, but it is not really the case in China.  Goose barnacles - Spanish delicacy, but I cannot imagine any Han eating them, they looks worst than see cucumbers.  Corals - I have also never heard about a market for these in China.

My dad used to say, only eat clean and safe food, stay away with unfamiliar food.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Crisis Cheap Credit

The governments love to encourage us spending in time of crisis to prevent further collapses of the economy.  Interest rate is going down, interest-free credit cards everywhere.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Microchipped Bike

I was reading up Datatag.  It is literally a microchip for bike, like a pet.

Monday 9 March 2020

Catering Size Seaweed

I bought a bag of seaweed, catering size.  It is the same brand as our miso paste, so I was assured of its quality.  It turned out to be a little tasteless.  Now I got to work thorough it!

Sunday 8 March 2020

Watch RTHK

There are very few TV programmes in Hong Kong have real journalism.  Journalism is seen as depressing content.  RTHK is keeping up the journalistic ideals.  Support RTHK!

Saturday 7 March 2020

Windows 10 100% Disk

My Windows has been playing up.  Finally today I got around to looking at the task manager and found the problem.  It was showing 100% Disk.  I looked online for solution, and I turned off defrag and indexing.  I also turned off a few app on start up.  It has improved.  Let's hope it I don't have to wipe it.

Friday 6 March 2020

Travel Insurance

Only when we have incidents severely interrupting travels do we appreciate travel insurance.  We got an annual policy last Winter, and we are feeling smirk about it.

Thursday 5 March 2020


A lot of male colleagues were not fans of v-neck sweater, and we finally got to the bottom of it.  Apparently the V-neck reminds them of school, albeit 30 years ago.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Winter Discount

It is normal to spot Winter discount.  The Winter discounts in touristy areas are even more obviously.  We are going to take advantage of the Winter discount in the Peak District before the warmth brings all the tourists back into the area.  I all looking forward to my 4* stay, and empty Chatsworth.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Underestimating a Tall Guy's Windspan

I was scooting around a tall guy, I already left a very wide berth, but he still clipped me as he gesticulated.  Maybe I should have said excuse me to get him out of the way.

Monday 2 March 2020

Waitrose Seeded Sourdough

It was a marked down loaf.  It has a faint smell of sourdough smell and a slight tang.  A perfectly lovely seeded loaf with a tang!

Sunday 1 March 2020

Growing Season Begins

This year has flown by, it is already March.  I popped some seeds in the tray, let's see what this year yields.