Sunday 31 January 2021

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

There is fuzzy eater, there is ARFID.  I hope I am sufficiently on the other end of the tunnel by now.  To everyone else, it is okay, just make sure you top up any micronurtients that you maybe missing.

Saturday 30 January 2021

Wii Problem

One the rare occassion I turned the Wii on.  Everything is working except the Wii board.  I traced it down to the battery pack.  I am not sure I use it enough to justify another battery pack, which is about a tenner.  I just have to keep charging the batteries.

Friday 29 January 2021

Vemondo Tofu

All the shops are trying to cash in Veganuary and pushed out loads of vegan products.  I took the opportunity to try some tofu.  Not the beaniest, very coarse, which isn't a bad thing per se.  At the right price, I would be interested.

Thursday 28 January 2021

YWTL Exercises

I came across a video showing YWTL exercises to prevent a dowager's hump.  I vividly remember my mother and another few of my friends have them, so I started doing them.  As an added benefit, the pulsing tinnitus
seemed to have improved.

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Digital Vouchers

I have been waiting and waiting for the Farmfood vouchers, only just found out they went digital!

I was skeptical about the Lidl Plus, and it isn't too bad either.

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Stopped Watches

On the rare occassion I tidy my collection, and both of my watches have stopped.  The only one that would tick is the mechanical hand wound watch.  I guess these watches would just have to wait for a few years...

Monday 25 January 2021

I Can't Believe It's Not

I picked up some "butter" apread without paying too much attention.  When I come to check online to see if they are any good for baking, I found out, I Can't Believe It's Not ... is no longer part of the Unilever family, and it was big business news back in 2017 when Unilever bowed out the margarine market. 

Sunday 24 January 2021

Magnifying Loupe

Sarah read some article in making a walk more interesting using a magnifying glass.  So I dug our my old film magnifying loupe, and that cheered her up.  It is good to find a use for the loupe rather than just sitting in the box.

Saturday 23 January 2021

Differently Imperfect Carrot

Every since Morrisons pushed for wonky carrots a few years ago,  everyone else also provide their wonky offerings.   They are all differenly imperfect.

Aldi and Tesco's imperfect carrots are significantly cheaper then their standard offerings,  Aldi's just wonky,  and Tesco's is quite muddy.

Sainsbury's imperfect carrot is practically tje same price as their standard offerings,  and the quality is quite poor,  not only vary sizes,  also rotten bits and today's came with a lump of brown substance.   Never again. 

The funny thing is that I haven't seen the wonky ones in Morrisons recently. 

Friday 22 January 2021

Rising Cost of Living

I noticed at least 2 of the big 4 supermarkets have put their milk prices up!  Watch this space.

Thursday 21 January 2021

Banking Mistakes

I lost out £3 worth of interest earlier in the month, and I lost another 12 pence today.  Stupid mistakes!  Maybe I need a comprehensive flow chart and an alerting system.

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Electric Bicycle

I thought about getting an electric car, then I thought about electric bicycle instead.  After some research, I still cannot believe how expensive an electric bicycle is.  How can it be 3 times the price of the unmotorised version of the bike.  Nevermind.

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Freestyle Bread

I started out with a half and half recipe. I changed the ratio of the different flours, the amount of oil, amount of yeast, threw in some poppy seeds and skipped the salt. Then I let it fermented overnight, and only added the salt when I folded the dough. This time the steam method worked and give it a bit of crust. I am not sure the slow ferment made much difference on taste.  Nice bread tho.

Monday 18 January 2021

Knives Sharpening

I have a sharpening stone, but frankly I don't use it enough.  I came across a knife sharpening video and it spurred me on.  As I sharpen my knives, I wasn't sure it would actually make any difference.  After they were sharpened, I tested them on some paper like he did, but mine obviously do not cut like that.  Then, when I put them to the beef, it cuts nicely, great!  You sometimes forget how great a sharp knief is.  I will try to keep them sharp!

Sunday 17 January 2021


Follow on the BAME Show, I came across Bamous from clicking around on BBC.  So funny!

BBC really should keep these pinned on the front page.  I was hoping Bameshow will have more episodes.  Maybe a TV show is a better format for this "niche" humour?  

Saturday 16 January 2021


I came across Bameshow before Christmas, and I found it really funny.  I was hoping there will be more episode, which still hasn't happened, I wonder why!

Friday 15 January 2021

Snow Boots

I bought some snow boots a few years ago, and only used once.  We used it at least twice within the past 7 days!  Climate change!

Thursday 14 January 2021


It would be difficult to get porridge oats microwaved as it is thicker.  I am used to the name quick oats, expect they don't call it that in England, some call it instant, some call it superfast.

Quakers has a guide on how to use their oats.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Bicarbonate Cleaning

There are a few marks on Kyle, I always wanted to take her to a dry cleaner, except apparently the dry cleaners here have a rule against stuffed toy in case the chemical get near a child.  I always knew the bicarbonate method, but I was not convinced.  So I finally gave it a go, it has a reasonable result, but definitely not as clean as when she came back from the dry cleaner all those years ago.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Dry Brushing

A dentist told me not to rinse out the toothpaste after brushing.  What!?  She was dead serious.  I finally got around looking it up, it is called "dry brushing", basically allow more contact time for the toothpaste and the teeth.  The toothpaste does not advise rinse or not to rinse, and dry brushing by no mean common practice.

Monday 11 January 2021

Shower Adjustment

Whilst I was installing the new thermostatic assembly, there was an adjustment requiring a hex key.  Since then, I swore the shower was not as hot was before.  So I finally got around to adjusting it, I turned and turned and turned, it kept going, I thought it would just be a 1 turn adjustment.  To test out the new setting, I had a shower, by now, the shower is scalding hot!  So hot that I turned down, twice, and it is still hot, acceptably hot, steaming hot!

Sunday 10 January 2021

Winter Clothes Drying

I put my clothes on the line year round.  Consider the clothes are satuated, any reduction of moisture would be bonus.  The tree huggers agree with me, they would even put the clothes out subzero, brave.


Saturday 9 January 2021

LGBTQ+ Steminar 2021

This year's LGBT Steminar was online, like everything else.  Interesting talk, well organised, good tech.

Friday 8 January 2021

Thursday 7 January 2021

Icy Cold

This Winter is matching up with my expectation of being cold, cold and icy.   Be careful!

Wednesday 6 January 2021

The Death of Stalin

We watched The Death of Stalin, knowing it was meant to be "comedic".  It can only be so comedic when it is so tragic.  The recent events are so similar to that period, it is so scary how history repeats itself.

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Children Movies

A lot of  children movies are available, so I watched those I meant to watch.

Zootropolis - great!

Early Man - stupid!

How to Train your Dragon 3 - Good.

Planes 2 - Okay.

Monday 4 January 2021

Why We Ride

I just watched an old movie, Why We Ride.  It is a little feel good movie for the Winter months.  It turns out to be a good educational movie too, now the words Daytona and Bonneville made sense. 

Sunday 3 January 2021

New Year Reorganisation

I took the opportunity to reorganise my motorcycle gear and the cupboard.   Good start of the year. 

Saturday 2 January 2021

New Year Night, Arson Night

At midnight, there were rounds and rounds of fireworks, waking me up from my sleep. I was half expecting to find firework shells in my garden, then we found this, which is worst.

I hope the night of madness didn't result too many fire.

Friday 1 January 2021

New Year in the UK

Happy new year to everyone.

Now that UK is out of the EU, I can already see the price of vegetables are going up.  Let's hope this is the only thing we have to contend with.