Friday 31 December 2021

Dodgy Digital TV

I thought digital is meant to be better,  why some channels were scrambled.   Why wasn't it all scrambled?  Strange. 

Thursday 30 December 2021

The National Museum of Computing

The National Museum of Computing has an impressive collection of computing history artifacts.   The (expensive)  entry fee is needed just for the upkeep of these machines.   There are old video games and programmable robots you could play with. 

On the other hand,  these are all available online. 

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Starship Milton Keynes

We put an order for the Starship to bring us some toasties and coffee.   It took longer than if we have walked,  but it was fun watching robotics at work. 

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Water Park in Winter

Water park in the Winter always look sad.  Obviously they cannot be bothered to staff them,  otherwise I prefer going to these places in low seasons. 

Monday 27 December 2021

Tart Risotto

I have some lemon around,  so I thought I would try it once,  adding lemon juice to a risotto,  like Jamie said.   Not again. 

Sunday 26 December 2021

Scrumptious Garlic Bread

We tried the Jamie Oliver garlic tear and share bread.   Looks good tastes good,  albeot a bit messy when rolling.

Saturday 25 December 2021

Friday 24 December 2021

Holiday Guards Down

Holiday,  another reason for a Winter spike of flu and covid,  people lets their guard down.   Classic,  the devil makes work for idle hands;   just another devil's work,  killing off your kinsman.

Merry Christmas. 

Thursday 23 December 2021

Freedom of Speech - Cancelled

If all the dissenting ideas are silenced, there is only one winner, authoritarians.

These days, authoritarians get to keep their hands clean by way of cancel culture.  We are stopping all the dissenting views, so they don't have to.

Wednesday 22 December 2021


My neighbour's big guard dog decided another neighbour smells funny,  so ran after him instead of holding the fort.  The whole family was in panic mode when they found out the dog was not there.  Luckily the other neighbour was also a dog owner and led the dog back.   Disaster averted,  happy reunion. 

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Hassleback Potato

We have been meaning to try making Hassleback potato.   Jamie has put it in his new show, in place of the normal roasties.   We took he opportunity to use the oven to make them.

They are nice, the prep were not too onerous.  I like the spoon method,  I will try the spike method next. 

It is always good to give them a quick start with the microwave.

Monday 20 December 2021

Modern Fog Horn

Modern fog horn sounds very digital,  I am not convinced it is sufficiently low frequency to transmit a lot distance as the old ones.  On the other hand,  it maybe less objectionable to the land dwelling inhibitants in the evenings. 

Sunday 19 December 2021

East Coast Birds

In the no take zone of the shore, it states wading birds. Who takes wading birds?


Saturday 18 December 2021

East Coast Seals

Sarah saw some seals in Selwicks Bay. So we went to Flamborough Head looking for seals.

There were some in Selwicks Bay.

Then there were loads at the Drinking Dinosaur.

Friday 17 December 2021

Talbot Yard Malton

We finally paid a visit to Talbot Yard.

Bluebird is like the other like Bluebird.

Florian macaroon was as good as promised.   Hot chocolate was made to order. 

Thursday 16 December 2021

Santa Suzuki Came Early

I actually won something from a lucky draw.   Thanks Suzuki

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Unimpressive Electric Bicycle

I had a go on an electric bike, which was a bit big for me, the ergonomics was all wrong.  I thought I would still take it, consider I wouldn't be cycling very hard, especially I wasn't going very far.  How wrong was I.

Apparently electric bike can no longer be self-propelled, which is fine.  The motor output levels didn't differ very much at different levels.  The ride was good with the assist on, it was easy, it doesn't lurch much, you could just feel it if you are at the right gear at the right acceleration phase.

Just when I was going to return the bike, the battery died.  It died when it was still showing 2 (of 5) bar and only did 22 miles, which it was rated for 40.  I had to cycle this heavy bike, which is hard work when they bike wasn't setup right ergonomically.

That is another no from me.

Electrifying the existing bike would be a better idea.

Tuesday 14 December 2021

Cycle The Solar System

Sarah told me about this Cycle the Solar System cycle path. I was not sure how we would visit, with only one bike transportable. Meanwhile the Halfords Electric Bike Trial has returned, and this would be a good trail to test it on.

It would not be difficult to see when I was on the Brompton, when I was on the electric bike.

If there were the next installation for Alpha Centuri, it would beover 70000km, which is nearly twice Earth circumference.  Surely they can find a route around the earth (not circumference maximum) to call the next point here?

Monday 13 December 2021

Ugly Bread

There were so many loaves of breads behind the counter,  why was I given the ugly one.  It isn't even the nearest one.   Am I unlucky?  Are they racist?  Are they homophobic?  Or they are just "saving the good one for the regulars?"

Sunday 12 December 2021

Undressed Babka

We finally got a Street Lane Bakery babka.  She said it was fresh out the oven, that may explain why it was not (yet) coated in syrup, which is fine, I don't really like it oversweetened.


Saturday 11 December 2021

Harrogate Christmas Fayre

We have been to Harrogate Christmas Market before,  it was two days in November at the bottom of town,  aka mud bath.

They revamped it,  made it 10-days,  put the stall on the hard in town, call it Christmas Fayre.  They even put out a free circular road train.   They wanted to bring shoppers in so much,  they threw in mid-week parking. 

We had a walk around,  we did spend some money in Harrogate,  althought not with the market.  It was a nice little market. 

Friday 10 December 2021

Existential Test Question

There was a test question,  where is oxygen.  They were hinting,  oxygen density is about middle of all the other gases,  hence middle.   But it would never be fully stratifed,  so if there is 1% or even 0.1% oxygen in a given volume of air,  there is still oxygen.   But apparently that is too deep for the instructor. 

Thursday 9 December 2021

Programming Jobs

Miguel got a programming job,  Pete also knows his friend moved into programming app.   Still nobody tells me what lauguage they want and at what competency level! 

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Aging Smart Phone

My primary phone is losing charge very quick, probably due to aging.  I can either keep it on stamina mode and make it a little dumb or gave in and buy a power bank. 

I finally bought my first power bank... 

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Spiral Fries

One of the catering boxes in Knaresborough Christmas Market was selling spiral fries.   They want £3.5 for ONE potato!?!?!?

Monday 6 December 2021

Knaresborough Christmas Market

This is the second time we went to Knaresborough Christmas Market.   Brass band,  Town Cryer,  Christmas traders,  Yorkshire weather,  everything is delivered as promised. 

Sunday 5 December 2021

In Harrogate Do As The Harrogaters Do

We were in Harrogate,  it is really different to Leeds and even Knaresborough.   It is hard to describe.   I have to stop my face from twitching and not jaw drop when I see  prices. 

Saturday 4 December 2021

Street Food

If you cannot hold it with one hand, eat it with another whilst walking, it is not street food.

Street food: cone of chops, "cone" of scampi, fried chicken wings/drum sticks, hot dog,  etc.

Not street food: fish and chips,  whole pizza,  grilled quarter/half/whole chicken,  dosa,  donner kabab, etc

Friday 3 December 2021

Planet Saving Shivering

In the name of carbon reduction,  I have managed to keep the heating off till now!   New record. 

Thursday 2 December 2021

Modern Blue Screen of Death

These days,  you don't get a blue dos screen,  you get a blue screen sad emoticon...

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Black Friday Shoe Craze

In the name of "black Friday",  I bought 3 pairs of shoes!   This time I have given them a thorough check on arrival.   Lets hope they are as comfortable as they are nice.