Monday 31 January 2022

Energy Performance Certificate

I just looks up my house's Energy Performance Certificate, which is still valid.  

Apparently it recommends me to cavity wall insulation, floor insulation, low energy lighting, which I have done, solar water heating, solar photovoltaic panels, last but not least, wind turbine, seriously?

Sunday 30 January 2022

Storm Malik

Storm Malik was proper scary,  so loud,  so destructive.  I am lucky that I am not on a bicycle or motorcycle today. 

Saturday 29 January 2022

Belated Shoe Care

I finally get around to show some love to my lovely red leather shoes, about 15 years too late.  I requested some shoe trees, I waxed them, but when I turned them upside down, the heal block damages, and it may be too late for half soles.

Friday 28 January 2022

Oumph! Balls

We grew up with soy protein and wheat protein, so with the new flavour coming out everyday, I am tempted.  I picked up these Oumph! balls, excellent.  Except they are no longer listed on their website!

Thursday 27 January 2022

Creamy Gravy

We bought some Ikea creamy gravy mix before, but I am not convinced they are any special.  So I tried to make some creamy gravy by normal gravy granules and milk, viola!

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Zero-Waste Failure

We have used Asda refill stations a few times.  I went with a container, set for some pistachio, empty!  Bombay mix, empty!  The staff said they had been empty for a while, they have not been supplied with refills.  So across from the refill station, I picked the exact same thing, in a plastic bag!  Disgusted.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Haxby Bakehouse

We have bought Haxby's bread from a farmshop before, we finally got a chance to visit Haxby Bakehouse.  Nice products, they do fly off the shelves.  We chose a seedy sourdough, which was a little burnt on the top, but it was still excellent.  So Haxby has knocked Bluebird off top 3.  We will try more product next visits.

Monday 24 January 2022

Black Tahini

 I saw some black tahini on shelf, on offer, I picked it up from shop.  It is very nice.

Sunday 23 January 2022

Pimps, Faggots & Benders

I knew what faggot is,  a bundle of twigs.  Then I learnt about "pimps" from a farming show.   When I was looking up pimps, apparently there is benders

Saturday 22 January 2022

Hamster Cull

In Hong Kong, they found some positive covid test result from some small animals in a pet shop,  so they decided to cull all the animals in that shop and a few others.

I joked that those pet shop shouldn't have bought those hamsters from the university surplus store.

But seriously,  how do you test small furry animals for covid?   Do they cough like dogs and cats do? 

Friday 21 January 2022

Hey Presta

We remember seeing a wheelchair user using the petrol station air compressor.  Just about everything can use that compressor,  except if you have a Presta valve.   My foot pump died a few months ago,  I didn't think about replacing it,  now I am stranded,  nothing can pump the tyres.   Annoying. 

Thursday 20 January 2022

Snapped Bolt

Bolts sometimes snaps,  but you do hate it when it happens to you.  Then the job become a bigger job,  very annoying. 

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Homemade Cullen Skink

I like cullen skink, but I never thought to try making them myself.  The opportunity presented itself, so I looked up a recipe and tried it.  This four ingredient recipe is not nearly as rich nor salty comparing with others I have tried.  I shall try making it a few more times before drawing a conclusion.

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Big Brand Faux Pas

My sister was showing me some BBC and Guardian recipes for Lunar New Year.  I thought she was complaining about the English recipes.  I read closer, I found the comments, they were laughing about how the accompanying pictures contain inappropriate items for LNY, namely tribute to the dead, and goodie bags at funeral. 

The following day, I checked the recipes out online, BBC has already taken down the photograph, but the photo on Guardian was still on, so I emailed them.  Later in the afternoon, the photo is gone.  I didn't get an email acknowledge my suggestion, but at least it is gone.

Sunday 16 January 2022

Canal Fishing

I saw this Canal Trust's fishing event, I thought I would have a reminder why I don't fish.  Exactly as I expected, I learnt a few things about canal fishing, fishing in general, a bit about wildlife, sat in the cold for over an hour, no sign of any fish.  And even if we had caught anything, they are not to be taken, and even if you could take it, it would not have tasted nice.  I understand it is a past time activities, but it is not for me, affirmed.

Saturday 15 January 2022

Car Bluetooth Full Power Down

The bluetooth in the car has started playing up, it has finally failed.  After hitting master reset a few times and still not worked, I looked up on the internet.  A full power down, by unplugging the fuse, has done the trick.

Friday 14 January 2022

Spring Bank Holiday Moved

I was clicking on the staff rota to realise the bank holiday has moved!  Bonus!

Thursday 13 January 2022

NPD Manager

I saw a NPD manager job, so I searched for what NPD means.  The first return is narcissistic personality disorder, what kind of company needs a manager just to manage the narcissists?  Then I scrolled down more, new product development, that is more likely.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Cigarette Stubs

Instead of calling it cigarette "butts" and make the children giggle, why aren't we calling them cigarette stubs?  As it turns out, it is regional.

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Holland and Barrett Christmas Box

Holland and Barrett's Christmas box is great value for money, especially when it is in January sale!  I am looking forward to start using them!

Monday 10 January 2022

Blacker Hall

I have been meaning to check out Blacker Hall, as it is similar to Cannon Hall (Farm Shop).  I was egged on by Danny's video, so we made an effort to check it out.  The take away Sunday lunch was good.

Sunday 9 January 2022

Wifi Calling

Where mobile network is bad, it is possible to make calls using wifi, aka wifi calling, subject to your phone's ability and the mobile operator's support.  And apparently Plusnet does not support it, another way to get peace and quiet across holidays in remote areas.

Friday 7 January 2022


Rickshaw literally meant human-pull vehicle.   What I didn't know was its name's Japanese origin.   Why do people insist of using "rickshaw" to describe other type of taxi,  which already has their perfectly suitable names,  eg,  tricycles. 

Thursday 6 January 2022

Car Parts Dating

Danby developed a fault, when the faulty part was changed out, I started backdating the part.  The part would have to be at least 4 years old, so much for having all the service stamps.  Let's hope that's all sorted.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Brandy Coffee

With some left over brandy cream, we added to our morning coffee.  We are not fan of brandy, coffee and sugar did not seem to sufficiently cover it up.  Not again.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

Black Russian Spicy Bread

Not only are drinks spiced in Winter, bread can also be spiced...  I picked up a black Russian, I had no idea what it was.  It is not that black, a little sweetened, a little fennel, nothing compare with what the internet think a black Russian to be.  Maybe I should be less adventurous with my food.

Monday 3 January 2022

Northumberland 250

Following Scotland's North Coast 500, there is South West Coastal 300, now we have Northumberland 250.  To be frank, I was not impressed by NC500, and I am not buying in the new marketing.

The Nland250, as they called themselves, has a section in Scotland, a section that is toll, another section to Lindisfarne, I probably have already done most of it, but put them altogether is not really appealing.

Sunday 2 January 2022

New Year Bike Wash

I took the opportunity of this unseasonably warm New Year's day for a spin,  followed by a thorough wash,  got all those mud she collected November.   A good start for the year. 

Saturday 1 January 2022

Mulled and Spiced

I am still not sure why everything needs to be mulled and spiced?  Coffee,  wine,  apple juice?    Anyway,  Happy New Year.