Monday 28 February 2022

Motivational Scarcity

Life in excess seems to demotivate people, or they adapt to the excess, and see more excesses.  On the other hand, I am not a Puritan Sadist, who think everything other than water and white bread is excess.  I aim my equilibrium in a slight scarcity, to keep myself motivated.

Sunday 27 February 2022

Evil Croffle

I tried a croffle day,  croissant from a waffle machine.   I like croffle more then croffin,  both are very evil. 

Saturday 26 February 2022


I am not a big fan of extension,  which usually creates extra maintenance issues.   On the other hand,  digging for a basement,  could become a new trend...

Friday 25 February 2022

Stiff Plastic

Stiff plastic is very useful for mending different hardwares.   I wondered where I could acquire some,  then I had a whole stash of old SIM cards.  More mended this,  fewer plastic waste,  excellent. 

Thursday 24 February 2022


After the first wave of Wordle craze, we were introduce to Quordle.  We were expecting some kind of iteration of Wordle.  Quordle has a complete different game plan. you basically need to have guessed all 4 quadrants by 6th go, so you just get as many letters down the first 4 goes and hope you get enough to finish the game.  

Wednesday 23 February 2022


We saw a Sunpipe in a house, it is full of dead insects.  But it does get me thinking, I will put it on my potential project list.

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Cleaner Refills

I was going to get a refill from the refill shop, but it decided to close on the day I went. I found this from the supermarket.

Excellent, design, strength. NB, just make sure your bottle size is bigger than their fully diluted volume!

Monday 21 February 2022

Terrestrial Aerial is Out

A few people I know don't have terrestrial aerial,  and as it turns out.  I don't have one in the lounge either.   So many people uses online streaming instead.   Even if you need one,  they don't need to a fishbone either.  I may just rip it out and put a new knob on.

Sunday 20 February 2022

Are You Skidding Me

The snow came thick and fast,  I was driving very carefully,  but I was still skidding across the roundabout. 

Saturday 19 February 2022

Three Storms in 7 Days

I grew up with Typhoons, but when someone tells you there are 3 storms in 7 days, you wonder, are they really storm, not just a rain band.  

Friday 18 February 2022

Smart Sensors for Plant

You can get a smart sensors for your plant, to tell you when it needs water.  I am not sure goodness in a plant can offset all the plastic and semiconductor for the sensor.

Thursday 17 February 2022

Computer Says No

It is very frustrating when the computer says no.  What made it worse, is they don't even have the courtesy to tell you over the telephone.

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Alfresco Dining

Being from Hong Kong, I am not the biggest fan of alfresco dining.  In Sydney, some restaurant is recreating the Hong Kong alfresco dining experience with old fashion folding chair and table, which would not pass today's safety standard.  I asked the decor comes complete with assorted insects, which the thought of it slightly disgusted my sister.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Time Cures All Including Electronic

We always think electronic should have instanteous response at the speed of light.   But sometimes when the capacitors are fully discarged,  you do actually need to wait.   So maybe next time,  we should remember "waiting for a bit and see" should also be option even for electronics. 

Monday 14 February 2022

False Positive

I got my first positive result,  which I was really scared.  It turns out to be a false positive,  phew! 

Sunday 13 February 2022

Where's the Lintel

I was taught to look for lintels, and it bothers me when I cannot find them.   Then I was informed there are other support that can be in place of lintels. 

Saturday 12 February 2022

Concrete House

As part of all the house viewing,  there is an element of spot the difference.   A house may look normal,  on close look,  it has concrete gutter,  and therefore probably fully concrete.  And concrete has a finite life...

Friday 11 February 2022

Inexperience City Driver

I have always considered myself a city driver first, country driver second.   It is becoming more apparent when I compare myself with the other city drivers.  City roads are dangerous,  but usually not fatal.

I drove thorough town,  and I saw a car turned into a wrong lane into opposing traffic!   I tried very hard to not look!!  

Thursday 10 February 2022

Impossible Burger

I have been meaning to try an impossible burger, I have heard so much about it in the past decade.  This restaurant used to go meatless farm burger, now does impossible burger.  They still fried the patty, which I am not sure why.  The mince was very realistic.  It feels 99% like the real thing, but I cannot put my finger on what is the missing 1%.  Excellent, I will eat it again.

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Flag of Convenience

It is not just shipping that flag of convenience happen, if you are glory hungry, you can just wear whatever country's uniform to play in the Olympics where there is a shortage of athletes in that field in those countries.

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Conditioned by Game

I have been subliminally conditioned to want this.

But I will also settle for this.

Am I conditioned to always want this?

The power of gaming.

Monday 7 February 2022

Stormwear Windtech Umbrella

We got this umbrella with phrases like "stormwear" and "windtech".   It is still no match with the British storms.   We were very disappointed. 

Sunday 6 February 2022

Tradesman Experience

These days DIY shops are everywhere,  trade and civie alike use them.   We went to a bakery/cafe to pickup a sausage sarnie and a coffee.  Then went to a glazer's yard to order a piece of glaze to size.   We ate the sarnie and coffee while we wait. 

Saturday 5 February 2022

Tap Indices

I always wonder what these tap indicators are called.   They are called indices. 

Friday 4 February 2022

The Big Meat Fight Back

I do like my meat.   All these oat milk is taking up all the ad space.  Then I saw AHDB ad,  good for them. 

Thursday 3 February 2022

Out of Food

We went out for a birthday meal.  The first pub we went to had a notice on the door saying short staffed, closed for the day.  We went to another village, another restaurant said no food.

We have heard about the staff shortage and logistic issues, but this is the first time I witnessed it.

Wednesday 2 February 2022


I just freegled a loads of things,  many originated from freegle.   It is good to pass them forward. 

Tuesday 1 February 2022

Weber's Law

This is how I always describe life and learning, and now thanks Hannah, I know the name of it!