Thursday 31 March 2022

Bad Website Design

The modern websites usually have multiple versions to allow for different devices and softener browsers, and things are done in radio so it will automatically adjust to size. 

We came across this famous bicycle company.  We were surprise to find they were using split page with fixed size and no scroll bars.  It took me a few minutes to work out where the hidden buttons were!  Much room for improvement... 

Wednesday 30 March 2022


When you search for hefted, it will take you to the official definition, weighting, lifting. 

Whereas, in England, it usually means hefted, as in, stuck in their own ways, own patch.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Best Carburetor Demonstration

This is the best carburetor demonstration I have seen!

Monday 28 March 2022

Roof Repair

Paint roof whilst sunshines.   I got some roof paint,  it looks okay,  but I also understand why fiber-containing paint is superior...

Sunday 27 March 2022

Bedroom Athletics

We went to a fair, we picked up some bargain with Bedroom Athletics, fluffy slippers and robe,  they are actually quite nice.   Since we bought 4 items,  I was being cheeky to ask for more discount,  unsuccessfully!  They are at least half price from their online price. 
Nonetheless,  it reminds us the perk of going to a fair on its last day! 

Saturday 26 March 2022

Indoor Daffodil

This time of the year, we plug some outdoor flowers for the indoor.   It is okay except the insects come in with the flowers!   I have to gently tap out all the insects. 

Friday 25 March 2022

Fill the Gap

My eyes are drawn to discrapancies,  that means I see all the cracks.  They can add to the existing discolouration and unevenness,  anything but a crack.  So get them filled! 

Thursday 24 March 2022

Shitty Felt Roof

Who said felt roof has 20 years life?  Even the commerical ones was shot in 10.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Ma Ling Luncheon Meat

I came across this Spam reivew.  

I did not know Ma Ling is made in Holland?

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Postive Reinforcement

If positive reinforcement does not yield positive result exceeding input, then the positive reinforcement shall diminished.  Labour is not a zero sum games.

Monday 21 March 2022


I saw a video on a central Asian samosa, that is tandoor baked not fried.  Then I saw some that were not triangular.  So I looked it up.

The English word samosa derives from Hindi word 'samosa' (Hindi: समोसा),[5] traceable to the Middle Persian word sanbosag (Persian: سنبوسگ),[6] and has the meaning of the "triangular pastry".

So if they are not triangle they are just pastry wrapped/dumplings...

Sunday 20 March 2022

Homemade Dumplings

I made the wrapper using the "proper technique" at home for this first time.  It was better than I expected.

Saturday 19 March 2022

Hardknott Roman Fort

I thought Roman roads were all large and flat,  not Hardknott pass! 

Friday 18 March 2022

Anglesey Red Squirrels

We had a fly by visit into Anglesey, a lot of signs for red squirrels, but I didn't see any of them.

Thursday 17 March 2022

Laptop Downgrading

I bought a new hard drive for the laptop, but since I never needed that much storage, I bought a smaller drive.  Unsurprisingly, the new hard drive is older than the faulty hard drive!

Wednesday 16 March 2022

Seedy Lawn

Once every few years, the trees bear more fruit and seeds.  And the following Spring, they are all sprouting on my lawn!

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Toshiba Surgery

I think the problem of my Toshiba freezing is the harddrive.  This time it wouldn't even reload.

So in this 2017 laptop, it has a 2015 harddrive. It is not uncommon a 7 years harddrive failing.  Let's hope for the best.

Monday 14 March 2022

Barbeque Beef Rib

I have been meaning to try some barbeque beef rib, but having tried and failed twice at different barbeque restaurants, I decided to make them myself.

I got a couple of beef ribs, slow poached for nearly 2 hours, and finished in the air fryer.   I was expecting the beef to shrink more, but it didn't, probably down to the good quality of the beef.

Next time, I will poach for longer, smear more sauce.  Otherwise, it was excellent, we were stuffed.

Sunday 13 March 2022

Cadw Wales

We joined Cadw this year for a change.  We already visited two large castles, Conwy and Beaumaris, on the same trip, I think it is a good start.

Saturday 12 March 2022

Wild's Bakery

Apparently Grandma Wild doesn't just bake biscuits, they also have bakery and sandwich shops, include the Salts Village Bakery.  We got a Fat Tyke, a loaf of sourdough, and a pasty.  They are acceptable.

Friday 11 March 2022

Goit Stock Waterfalls

In amougst the city scape, there is this nice little waterfalls.

Upper Falls

Lower Falls.

Thursday 10 March 2022

Geriatric Xperias

The geriatric Sony Xperia had one too many drops.  I had the phone upside down, and heard this strange crackling noise, the screen was shattered.  RIP.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Energy Price Change

Nobody is looking forward to the upcoming price change.  Then Steve started celebrating his timely price fixed last year for 2 years.  Luckily I like lounging in a cold dark room,  but 75p a day of standing charge is a bit steep. 

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Extension Beware

When I looked at houses with extention,  I immediately assess their additional maintenance and their reduction of energy efficiency.   That maybe another reason why I like monopoly houses.

Monday 7 March 2022

Large Houses Don't Sell

We were discussing the housing market with a friend.  She is adamant everyone wants a bigger house, but I am not convinced.  From my observation, the medium size houses fly off the listings, whereas the bigger ones are waiting for their special buyers.  Maybe having 2 medium size house is better than one large house in the name of liquidity.  

Sunday 6 March 2022

The Worst Sausage Rolls

I have had some poor quality sausage rolls in my travels, and the worst one goes to..... Seaways! 

Saturday 5 March 2022

Toughened Glass

Critical Locations are considered to be:

1. Glazing in doors – Glass which is wholly or partially within 1500mm from floor level. As the drawing below shows, any glass in doors that does not start over 1500mm from the floor must be safety glass.

2. Glazing adjacent to doors – Windows/side panels wholly or partially within 300mm of the edge of a door and which is also wholly or partially within 1500mm from floor level must be safety glass.

3. Low Level Glazing – Not covered in (1) OR (2) ABOVE – Other glazing that is wholly or partially within 800mm from floor level. This means that windows that are not located within 300mm of a door must use safety glass if the bottom of the glazing is within 800mm of the floor level.

Friday 4 March 2022

Spring Menu Changes

I was looking at some restaurant menu ome day,  found something I like,  within 2 days,  they were no longer there!   I went to the hassle to call them,  and they confirmed they have changed the menu recently!  Is that a Spring menu change or monthly menu change,  either way,  I am disappointed! 

Thursday 3 March 2022

USB Pump

Whilst pump shopping,  I came across battery pumps,  even lithium pocket size pump.   But call me old fashion,  I think most mechanical things are better bigger. 

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Zefal Mini

I have known Zefal all my life.  I used their pumps and I even had a fender.  Apparently Brompton comes with a Zefal, but not a presta adaptor!  I personally prefer a track bike pump, it could go motorcycle at a push, but the Zefal Mini was very competitively priced, so I bought it.  It was small, so took forever to pump, but it works.  It definitely will not work on a motor vehicle.  You get what you pay for afterall, even if it is branded.

Tuesday 1 March 2022

Paddy's Pet Mouse

Paddy's touchscreen is getting worse, so a mouse is now required!