Wednesday 30 November 2022


I cooked something with mixed spice, and I hated it, then I remember, I hate clove!  Must never touch mixed spice!

Tuesday 29 November 2022

Jigsaw Rush

We haven't done a jigsaw for a while.  When we picked up a set from the charity shop, we needed to check its completeness, so off we go.  Except, we has planned a weekend away, so we literally spend a few hours here and a few hours there, and we managed to completed this 1000 minus one pieces jigsaw.  Luckily the missing piece was not in critical area, so it passed our QA and it can proceed to next stage.

Monday 28 November 2022

Legends Arena

The only one perk of being a Legend is free entry to a monthly arena with prize money.  I took part and placed 335 out of 2110, could be worse.  My eyes hurt.

Sunday 27 November 2022

Rare Earth - The New Plastic

I always know batteries is not the solution, the reduction of consumption is the solution.  Listening to a documentary about rare earth cemented the idea.  Some say rare earth is the new oil, I think rare earth is more like new plastic.  Not only it takes a lot of pollution get the ingredient, once made into product, it cannot really be recovered and it is left to poison the soil.  It really doesn't help when we think everything needs to be smart, had a semiconductor or some special function.

Saturday 26 November 2022

Internet of Things Gift Guide

I listened to the Thanksgiving episode, the gift guide cemented my thought about things need to be dumb.  Smart kettlebell? Router rebooter, ie power lead with sensor?

Friday 25 November 2022

Internet of Things

Although I have no interest in Internet of Things, I wanted to learn more about IoT, so I found this IoT podcast and I have been listened to it for a year or so now.  I have concluded that I believe building and energy consumption should be smart, but not things...

Thursday 24 November 2022

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Pended Up Demand Christmas Market

I made a mistake by going to York Christmas Market on its opening weekend. It was unbelievably busy, some may say, it was still the pended up demand. 

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Power Outage Potential

After the preview, I contamplate the possible scanerio for outage, a cold cloudy still day, when everyone's lights, heating, TV and oven are on... 

Monday 21 November 2022

Family Fork

After learning about family fork in Chess, all the other fork just feels so essential, not special anymore.

Sunday 20 November 2022

Chess Legend

The gamification of the game of chess on egged me on, so if you play a lot of chess, and got lucky, you would become a Legend, it really only means a shiny badge on the website, but I got it.

Saturday 19 November 2022

Winter Dish - Cantonese Sausage Glutinous Rice

I have a surplus of glutinous rice, and I was thinking of ways to eat them. There are very few Cantonese dishes that utilise glutinous rice, so that was decided for me.  I went to get some Cantonese sausages and made this classic winter dish.  I understand why I didn't like them when I was smaller, I still don't love it, but I will just have to work thorough my stock pile.

Friday 18 November 2022

Power Outage Preview

Power went out for an hour the other day, all the battery powered device was still going and the 4G internet was still going, so it was relatively easy.  

That was a preview of what we are looking forward to this Winter.  I do remember when I was small, we had torch and candle on the standby.  Now we have everything in the mobile phone, it wouldn't be difficult, I think.

Wednesday 16 November 2022

Shaggy Ink Cap

Hairy Bikers have mentioned Judges wig before.  I cannot believe it is this common, 100 yard from my house.  But I have been forbidden to try it, just like the St George. On the other hand,  the gill does not look black,  maybe it is not the shaggy ink cap afterall? 


Tuesday 15 November 2022

Dough Boy Revisit

I have not been to Dough Boy for a really long time. I am very to know they are still doing half price slice! 

Monday 14 November 2022

British Yakisoba Pan

Danny had a supernoodle toastie,  it is in the same catagory as yakisoba pan,  bin. 

Sunday 13 November 2022

Bucket Wash

The reservior is still empty,  the hose pipe ban is still in place,  so I washed Danby with a bucket and sponge. 

Saturday 12 November 2022

Suicidal Samsung

The suicidal Samsung jumped out of my hand,  again,  this time into a toilet.   I fished  out quick and gave it a rinse.   I let is dry for a few days.  It is working,  just with a darkened corner.  

Friday 11 November 2022

Wax Melts

Once upon a time, I was given a ceramic wax melt as a stocking filler.  I never know what to do with it.  I am sure it is still sitting, gathering dust somewhere.  Then we were given wax melt, we had to ake some make shift melting facilities.

Thursday 10 November 2022

Too Many Factors Authenication

I know two factor authentication is meant to protect us, but I left the phone at home once, and I cannot make any transaction online, what a pain.

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Air Fried Whole Squid

We got another Cornish squid from Union fish, I already chose the bigger one from the counter, but definitely smaller than last time.  This time we air fried it. 

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Another Imperial Unit CWT

Being American educated, I thought I was quite good at imperial units.  When we were in the Cromford Mills, they had an old scale, with unit CWT, another unit I have not seen.  Apparently CWT means hundredweight, you would think it has something to do with a hundred.  American CWT is 100 pounds, whereas British CWT is 112 pounds.  Why can't the people invented the units be more consistant!

Monday 7 November 2022

Human Stampede

Why is stampede still happening?  Another reason to avoid crowd.

Sunday 6 November 2022

Capri the Containers

We drove past Capri the Containers a few time, we finally stopped for a meal.  It was nice, added a bit of glam to our life, but not sure it was worth the trek. 

Saturday 5 November 2022

Pub Converted Farmshop

I drove past a pub converted farm shop.  I suspected they started the shop during lock down.  I was not impressed with their selection.  Ultimately, you cannot expect too much from a middle of nowhere pub neither could you from a middle of nowhere shop.

Friday 4 November 2022

Thursday 3 November 2022

Two Famous Scapegoats

One is "foreigner".  Ranging from "seapeople", to people who is neurologically different. 

One is "history".  Some of which has turned into cultural baggage, that lasts hundreds and thousands of years. 

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Four Person Chess

When I look at four person chess, it reminds me of something.  I finally worked it out, it reminds me of mahjong.  Another reason why I am not drawn to it. 

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Dyed Cheese

We has a baked potato with cheese.  They use orange cheese,  because we use normal cheese normally,  dyed cheese just look so wrong...