Friday 30 June 2023

Cataloguing Photography Assets

It was long overdue, I finally catalogue the cameras and lens, preparing them for sale.  There are 4 cameras, and assorted lens.  Let see if they can go to a better home.

Thursday 29 June 2023


Other forms: mesmerized; mesmerizing; mesmerizes

You meet someone and you can’t take your eyes off them, like you are connected by an invisible cord and can’t break free. Those kinds of people have the power to mesmerize, holding your attention like you’re under hypnosis.

The word mesmerize comes from the last name of 18th century German physician Franz Mesmer, who believed that all people and objects are pulled together by a strong magnetic force, later called mesmerism. If you ever start to feel mesmerized, maybe it’s because you find someone fascinating, or maybe you’ve been hypnotized by a magician. Hard to tell from here.

How can a name become a verb?  I need to stop using this word.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Gardening Extension Lead

One of the overlooked tools for gardening, extension lead...  I am not buying a battery powered kits to be use five times a year.

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Lost and Found Digital Images

We are all guilty of not sorting out the digital images and relying on the auto backups.  It took me days to find an image, which I thought I have lost forever.

I really should spend some time sort out my albums.  Physical and digital.

Monday 26 June 2023

Another Lost Toad

I found another toad, this time around the bins in the front. It hopped away from me and it took some effort before I got it into a bucket, gave it some water and put it at the back garden.


Sunday 25 June 2023

Saturday 24 June 2023

Queen of Oz

We have just came back from Sydney, and the Queen of Oz does remind us of why I am was not a fan.

Friday 23 June 2023

Toy Repair

I was told about damaged battery terminal on a toy radio.   I asked to see it before they go to WEEE bin.   It was actually an easy fix. 

Thursday 22 June 2023

Server Cooling

Liquid cooling for computer has been around for over twenty years.  The latest development of two-phase immersion cooling for servers is quite impressive.

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Solar Farming

We have always known about resting the land between crops, or farm something that is regenerative.  What is better than farming solar power and let the land rest for twenty odd years?

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Normal COP

The coefficient of performance has improved with the advent of the new refrigerant, they can be in theory as high as 7, however they can still be as low as 2.  And in real life, when the condensers freezes over, I am not sure it can still operate efficiently.

Monday 19 June 2023

Very East Yorkshire

We went to Spurn discovery centre on the bikes.  It was as far and as wiggly as I remember it...  The cafe was short staffed and short of food, which was quite disappointing.  And all I can see was pigeons and crows...

Sunday 18 June 2023

Water Butt Fill Rate

I estimated my water butt is about 200L.  It took us 4 weeks to run it down in the dry spell.  Although it is only fills by the conservatory roof, it only took 1 day to refill, amazing!

Saturday 17 June 2023


There are loads of plants in the garden, which I wasn't planning to add more.  But the local flower sale was selling carnation, so we were tempted.  I cannot wait till they bloom.

Friday 16 June 2023

Soil Microbiome

I am not too worry about the dish washer killing the soil microbiome, as it is regularly topped up by neighbourhood cats...

Thursday 15 June 2023

Weeding in Rain

We were told weeding in rain is easier, but the recent dry spell means we haven't had the opportunity.  And that I have been working on the patio, so not exactly weeding.

So the moist soil means the plant comes out easier without much digging.  And the added moisture in the root structure meant they are more flexible and less brittle, which means more come out.  On the other hand.  Except I am getting wet, I could do some of the grounds work in the rain also.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Makeshift Gazebo

The parasol only stays in the hole.  Unlike a gazebo, which can be move to where is needed.  So I have to make a shade using my old tarpaulin over where I am working.  It is working poorly, but it certainly helps. 

Tuesday 13 June 2023

Rescued Grill

We have adopted an abandoned trolley grill.  It has worked well, I am very happy with it.

Monday 12 June 2023

Hot Weather Supermarket Quench

We went to do slow shopping in Tesco two days in a row, followed by another Coop shopping trip.

Sunday 11 June 2023

Domestic Crimping

The little USB fan has failed, and it was a simple fix,  if I have a soldering gun,  that is.  So before giving up,  I tried to crimp.   It is fairly difficult to crimp without a crimper and within a small gap. 

It was a success!   Another thing saved from landfill. 

Saturday 10 June 2023

Combination Insole

I have a pair of memory foam insole,  it was too soft and will not stay in position when I slide my foot in.

I have a pair of leather insole,  it wasn't providing much cushioning.

A light bulb moment came,  I stacked them together.  Viola! 

Friday 9 June 2023

Driving Recklessly

Youth is no excuse for driving recklessly,  regardless of vehicle. 

Thursday 8 June 2023

Debranding Freebies

With the access of my old sticker book, I have debranded some freebies from the Pride.  Another reason to keep a sticker book.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Set Theory Simple Proof

It has only just occurred to me, there is a simple set theory proof for a simple problem.

Typical Venn diagram
XX ≠ Ø, XY ≠ Ø 




XX x a = XY, and ≠ Ø, what is a?
XY x b = XX, and≠ Ø, what is b?

As above a and b cannot be a NOT operator.

Instead of finding the vector a and b, it would be easier to draw a new set.

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Asparagus Sand Hutton

We missed Sand Hutton asparagus last year due to their short season.  We finally made it back.  It is fresh and nice as always.  Their track is now extremely motorcycle unfriendly.

Monday 5 June 2023

York Pride 2023

We have found a new York Pride viewing location, Blake Street. This is also the first time I saw a motorcycle. I feel sorry for him wearing full gear in the heat at walking pace.

Sunday 4 June 2023

White Asparagus

I have tried white asparagus for the first time. Sarah described it as broccoli stalks. Either way, it is not worth its price tag, and I actually do like the green ones better.

Saturday 3 June 2023

Yum Yum

I had some Yum Yum for the first time.  I don't like holey donut, this is just the same.

Friday 2 June 2023

Sunday Roast Uniformity

I cannot believe only one pub in Hartington does Sunday Roast. Everything was nice, the potatoes and Yorkshire pudding was suspiciously uniform in shape.


Thursday 1 June 2023

Garden Parasol

I bought a parasol, just a cheap parasol for the garden.  It works better than expected, lets hope it lasts.