Tuesday 30 April 2024

Manchester YHA

I went to stay at Manchester YHA, after all three of my possible futons were unavailable.

It was a bit of a mistake, Manchester is vibrant even on a Sunday, and the geese do not know the time.  Their tiny kitchen do not have any free tea or leftover food.  They also don't have any peelers nor knives...  Free parking tho.

Monday 29 April 2024

Apple Peeler

So an apple peeler came in to repair cafe for an adjustment.  I didn't know it is still a thing.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Plant Identification

We went to a different Incredible Edible bed in a different part of Garforth.  They had a "herb" looked awfully like garlic mustard.  So I asked them about it, and they didn't know either.  They used an image search, and I was right!

Saturday 27 April 2024


I stuck the snake down the shower trap not thinking it would be too bad, out come a hairball.  Hair, should be regularly cleared...

Friday 26 April 2024


noun lighthearted unconcern

I have heard of nonchalance before, insouciance is a new word to me.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Energy Generator 1 Year Review

It took over two months from installation to connecting to Smart Export.  In the past 365 days, I have exported 3,997 kWh. 

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Three Cornered Leek

We finally tried the three cornered leek from my garden.  It was good, except the texture of the bulbs were a little weird.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

St George Mushrooms

I thought going to a foraging course around St George day would get us some St George mushrooms, it was not the case...

Monday 22 April 2024

Wild Woodears

In the foraging course, we found some wild woodears.  I think they have a soften texture than the one we have dried.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Afternoon Tea Sugar Overdose

We has a very tasty afternoon tea.  Tasty often means sugary.  Both of us were suffering for hours after that...  Maybe we are too old for this.

Saturday 20 April 2024


So we finally went to Wentworth Castle to check out the Wentworth family feud.  As it turns out, if you have money, just buy an old castle, and get it renamed, then you can keep the "castle" title.

Friday 19 April 2024

Weird Tulips

We missed out on the tulips last year as we were away.  This year, we are noticing all the weird tulips we have.  A bit like these.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Farmfoods Lucky Dips

I went into Farmfoods hoping to get oats, instead, I came out with discounted Alpro.  I supposed it was worth my trip afterall.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Try Twice

So I have tried some sourdough from other shops, they are alright, however I should start a new procedure, once I tried twice, and it failed to make an impression, I shall take my custom somewhere else.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Vanderbilt Fee

When NPR WWDTM mentioned Vanderbilt, about needing $100k a year, I had to double check their maths.  They were indeed wrong, the tuition is only $62k...

Monday 15 April 2024

Wheeldale Gill Ford II

I had another ride on Wheeldale Road, and the ford was a lot less scary this time.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Whittling Injury

So we went to the Otley Green Fair again.  The whittler demonstrator again has a bandage around his thumb like last year.  It is not very good advertisement for whittling as a hobby.

Saturday 13 April 2024

Old TV programme

4OD has the catalogue of ER, so I started watching them.  Apart from having to fast forward all the sex scene, it is pretty good, good to see old decor and old machines.

Friday 12 April 2024

Garden Reorganisation

The tall snowdrops we blocking the sunlight to all the plants behind them, so I move them away to give the rest of the plant a chance.  Let's hope there is enough time for the plants to recover from all the malnutrition and abuses.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Shop Closures

Sometime I think shop moves not because they are not doing well at that location, I think they rather take a new lease, prepare a new shop so they don't have to stop trade for refurbishment.

Wednesday 10 April 2024


My bad for assuming one horse only produces one horsepower.  On the other hand, I really think they should increase the sample size and type of horses.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Model Bike

Model bike is so realistic, that foot pegs and side mirrors drop off when you drop the bike and the decal fells off after a few years.

Monday 8 April 2024

Bad Hayfever

This year's my hayfever is pretty bad...  I don't know what more I can do to manage my sinus...

Sunday 7 April 2024

Wheldrake Ings

We were near Wheldrake, so we stopped by Wheldrake Ings.  For the first time, the plain was partially flooded, so there were more birds, but it was till too far too work out anything.

Saturday 6 April 2024

Supercar Trackday

As this year's birthday present, I got a supercar experience.  Porche 911 and Audi R8 got paddle shifts (speed shifting).  The old Mustang had old auto gear were definite much delayed.  It was fun.  Ticked off the bucket list.

Friday 5 April 2024

Coconut Juice

We bought some coconut juice, aka "coconut drink" in lieu of the coconut milk from the tin, which is way too thick, for the purple rice pudding.  I think they worked well, kept the dessert cook and light for the chilled dessert.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Aluminum Steps

There was a set of small steps when I moved in, but it was quite flimsy, and one of the leg broke.  Since there, we only had the ladder, which is fine, but a little overkill.  So I got a used set of steps from Wakefield Hospice, double counting my spend as charity.  We are very pleased with the steps.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Toshiba RIP

I cannot believe I have this Toshiba since 2017.  It was working fine last night, albeit booted up weirdly.  I tried everything, booting into safemode, boot without ram, without battery, without harddrive.  I gave up.  I even took it to a local computer shop, he took one look at it and said motherboard and that there is no Toshiba spares.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Arboretum in Winter

When we thought going to gardens is silly in winter, and that arboretum should have some trees, except they have no foliage!  Something to bare in mind...

Monday 1 April 2024

Spring BBQs

 We were very lucky with the weather, the local shops were rushing to get the charcoals loaded to the front of the shop. We had BBQs two days in a row across the bank holiday!