Wednesday 31 July 2024


So I even tried one of my yellow courgettes.  It is the same verdict, a bit pointless, except for the vitamins and the fiber...

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Bike Washing

After the single track roads, I gave Unthank a little rinse to get the worse off.  I came home to wash her, under the Sun!  It was not fun, but at least she is now black-ish again.

Sunday 28 July 2024

North Pennines

I went to County Durham to a GBMCC event.  I designed a little figure of eight, three counties, run around the North Pennines.  Beautiful! 

Saturday 27 July 2024

Summer Heat

Summer is here, the persistence Sun made me put the third sail up...

Friday 26 July 2024

DIY Plumbing

So I finally see to Angela's sink.  It was not something PTFE can botch.  It was a perished washer, we should have gone to Toolstation just for the washer, but we went to get a full trap instead, which didn't really fit, but I just used the washer.  Glad to have helped.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Sunflower Mutants

I got some sunflower seeds, and as it turns out, these sunflowers are prone to suckers!  Even the one that looked normal, it now also has a little sucker.  Maybe they were all meant to be multi-head sunflower?

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Summer Harvest

The produce is now coming thick and fast.  I managed to give some away.  Even I have to chip in to eat some courgette... 

Sunday 21 July 2024

Piaggio MP3

A British company has jazzed up the Piaggio MP3 making it hybrid.  I wonder if Piaggio knows, maybe they are actually in agreement.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Carlisle LGBT

Carlisle LGBT+ are blessed with an LGBT centre managed by some lovely people.

Friday 19 July 2024

Civic Duties : Report Crimes

I went to a networking event, and the event has invited a police officer to talk about the local crimes.  He reckon we should report all crimes, big and small, and all anti-social behaviours.  So I did.

Thursday 18 July 2024

Bike Bulb Replacement

One of the little running light has blown, so I looked up how to access it online.  It was indeed dead easy!  Two screws!

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Grilled Courgette

So I finally had one of my courgette.  They are just as I remember them, a bit tasteless, a little pointless, except the vitamins, of course...

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Riding School

So the little farm shop was next to a riding school, and we saw some kids just trotting around on their ponies.  Seriously, just give them little 50cc mini moto, 3 horsepowers that listens to you without having to brush them down and sweep their shits.

Monday 15 July 2024

Little Roast

We went to a local farm shop for Sunday Lunch.  It was nice, but a little small.  On the other hand, Sarah was given half an 8" quiche!?

Sunday 14 July 2024

Cottage Garden Crop Photo

This is not my first crop of the year, just the first one I am bothered enough to take a picture of.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Too Good to Go Spree

I had a little Too Good to Go Spree recently, went to 5 different places that we had not been.  It was a mixed bag indeed.  One of which I handed straight to a homeless lady...

Friday 12 July 2024

Two Locks

I brought two locks to park my bike in York.  I saw a biker pulled in and I thought he was local, so I asked how many locks I should put on, he said, there's never too many locks, so I put both locks on.

Later on the day, I bumped into the same biker, he changed out of his bike gear and as he turned out, he rode in from Manchester to attend the same workshop I was attending.  No wonder he thinks we need all the locks 😆.

Thursday 11 July 2024

Spring Onion Planting

I cut one of the spring onion to its base.  My mom seemed to think it will grow back.... I have put it in the front flower bed, let see if it is successful....

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Summer Cut

I finally went to get my hair cut short for summer!  My neck has not seen the Sun for a long time!

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Successions Planting

It maybe a little late to plant succession crop in July.  The extra sugar snaps I put down last week just germinated!  The one that is nearly ready looks really good. I am excited!

Monday 8 July 2024


We know about NIMBY, apparently there is BANANA.  Build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything...

Sunday 7 July 2024

Bike Fest Shafton

We went to Bike Fest Shafton today.  We do not expect it to be big like Bike Wise.  We were pleasantly surprised.

I have even found little old Endee.

Saturday 6 July 2024

Difficult Quiz

We were at the Garforth Gala.  Our Eco-friendly Garforth has a quiz.  They did not use my solar quiz, because one of the persons think it was difficult.  When I look at her quiz, I think hers is harder.  Ultimately, they look hard because we don't have each other's answers in hand...

Friday 5 July 2024

MSG overdosed

I caught up with David and I got some Oriental noodles.  It had so much MSG that I had a headache the rest of the day...

Thursday 4 July 2024

Community Energy

Walt and I went to a community energy seminar.  It is clear that Walt and I do not want to run an energy company... Not-for-profit... for free...

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Pontefract Scufflers

I was walking around Pontefract, most bakeries sell Scufflers, even the butchers sell baps in Scufflers!

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Lidl Dried Shitake

Lidl was selling some dried shitake mushroom, I thought I would get some to try.  They turned out quite nice, albeit a little on the small size.

Monday 1 July 2024

Townclose Glowworms

So we want on a glowworm walk with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust at our local Townclose Hills.  They are tiny.  We saw 9 with our own eyes, and the YWT team counted 12.

Because it was very dark, photo do not come out well!