Monday 31 March 2014

Soup can be Eviler than Crisps

Ainsley Harriott Wild Mushroom Cup Soup has more salt than Walkers Deep Ridged Flame Grilled Steak crisps...

Sunday 30 March 2014

Michel Cluizel Maralumi (1er Cru de Plantation) 64% Dark Chocolate

Sarah for me a new set of Michel Cluizel.  This will probably be one of my least favourite bars from Michel Cluizel.

If I had a blind taste test, I could easily mistook this bar as <50%.  It is not particularly aromatic or strong in flavour.  It is fairly smooth with a hint of fruit and smoke.  The after taste is not particularly flavoursome.

In short, Michel Cluizel can do better than this.  This bar does not worth its money.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Multi Computing

I was working on 4 computers at the same time.  I was remoting the 4th computer from the laptop.  I suppose these can all combined with 1 computer, with a switch hub, but it is easier to put everything on show in the office.

I had the opportunity to setup my computer as dual monitors, but why do I need dual monitor when I can have "quad" processing power.

Friday 28 March 2014

Remote Desktops

Doing back to the era of PC Anywhere, to TeamViewer, to VNC, to now Windows 7 Remote Desktop, it has got so much easier and more widely available.  It is a great technology.

It is great to be able to work on multiple computers at the same location.

Thursday 27 March 2014

The Posh Pub still has to Learn

Putting Gordon's with Hendrick's, Tanqueray and Bombay Sapphire is such an insult to the proper gins.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Designed Life

These days, machines are designed to have a life of the warranty period.  One of the new machines has already broken down twice.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

More Punctures

There was a slow leak on the front tyre, we thought it was the beading, but it was actually a small puncture.  How unfortunate!

Monday 24 March 2014

Bar Sizes

Michel Cluizel has resized their chocolate bar from 100g to 70g.  I was looking at other 'posh' chocolate, they are all sized as 70g these days.  Horrible!  The price stayed the same, but it actually went up by 30%!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Londinium Amphitheatre

Sarah and I was on a day trip to London.  On Patrick's suggestion, we went to Guildhall, and much to our surprises, there was an Amphitheatre under the gallery.  It was a nice surprise, and it would be impressive if London decides to pull down all the important buildings in the areas and exacuates and restores the whole Amphitheatre.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Poor Man's Dumplings

When the dumplings have the vegetable to meat ratio is greater than one, they are no longer a meaty treats, they are just flavoured noodles.

I made a batch with ratio over 1.5.  Next time, I will just match 1 pack of mince with 1 pack of leak, resulting ratio about 0.7, which would be much nicer.

Friday 21 March 2014

The Famous Grouse

Whilst we were talking about what gifts to bring to China, Holly suggested the Famous Grouse.  Then I said, for comedic effect, "those unfamiliar with the brand might say, 'What is that chicken doing on the label?'"
Holly laughed, and corrected me, "It's a pheasant!"
I thought, "Surely it is a grouse...."  But British politely dictates that one cannot correct another's stupid mistake.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Birthday Out Of Office

Another year out of office on my birthday.  Birthday is the day of rest.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Out of Hours Emails

An email came yesterday after 5pm, and lo and behold, it mildly ruined my evening.  I must stop reading work emails out of hours, it often ruins my mood.

The out of hours email are sometimes delivery of bad news or sent deliberately to ruin people's days.  The sender maybe miserable from working late.  This email attracted the resounding, "What's his problem?"

There is no point reading the emails out of hours, as it cannot be properly processed until the following working day.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

British has Bacon Jam

The American gave us Baconnaise.  And the British Bacon Jam.


Monday 17 March 2014

First Club Ride of the Season

Spring is around the corner, and March is often the first meet of the year.  Before I can set off, I had to pump my front tyre up, as it has been leaking slowly.  I went to Squires on the motorway, and it was very windy and gusty.

It was a good turn out with 7 bikes.  Phil brought Simon and their Schnauser.  Unlike Steve's dog, this one sits in the tank bag.  We could not stop ourselves from taking pictures.

The guys set off to Otley and Sun Inn, which is a usual run, and I am not too keen.  It was windy and compound with various little Rome age-related problems, I didn't join the guys for the run and went into Leeds to do shopping instead.

Sunday 16 March 2014


Gamble can mean a game of chance.  Gamble can mean a chance to lose money.  If gamble means a game of chance AND with a chance to lose money, then I had not gambled for many years.  If gamble means a game or chance OR a chance to lose money, then I am gambling everyday.

Saturday 15 March 2014

No Everything Bagel

Everything bagel is not usually my choice.  I prefer my honey wheat or multi grain.

I got some from the marked down last week, and I just started eating them.  I thought they were just multi seeds, but as it turned out, they are 'everything', it has got onion.  I normally like onions, just not when it is baked into the bread.

I have got to be pickier about my marked down goodies.

Friday 14 March 2014

No Shit Sherlock

I don't usually say no shit Sherlock, but I could not stop saying, 'No shit Sherlock" when I was watching Channel 4 Human Swamp.  It was a real waste of time.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Tim and Elle

Tim and Elle is a newish fish and chip shop in Boston Spa.  It has a shiny shop front, and a large Nemo in the shop window.  While I was in Boston Spa, I took the opportunity to try.

It was horrible.  The chips were golden but strangely underdone.  The fishcake was greasy.  I will just have to stay with the reputable shops.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Vanderbilt MOOC

I have been listening in Coursera for a while, and finally I joined a MOOC from Vanderbilt.

I personally don't think MOOC is essential marketing tool for an institute, and Vanderbilt is not one of the most active provider on Coursera.  It was a good opportunity to bring myself closer to Nashville once again using the online platform.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Great Yorkshire Sheepground

Great Yorkshire Show has its dedicated show ground.  Each summer, the show attracts a lot of visitors including some royal figures and cause mayhem to Harrogate traffic.  I am not sure how the ground is used the rest of the year, but when I drove pass it the other day, it was full of sheep.

Monday 10 March 2014

The Price of Meat

I have done many calculations when I am in the supermarkets.  Rather it is processed meat or frozen or even fresh, the similar meat products have a similar unit prices.  As if there is some hords of pricing experts and accountants behind the pricing.

For the unsimilar item, the unit price always suggests serving size, as if there is some market force controlling the supplies.  A nice 4oz fillet was £4, a nice 10oz sirlion was also £4.

I will always try to outwit the supermarket and find some bargain, but it is proven not to be fruitful.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Saturday Ride Interrupted

We were going to ride to Hebden Bridge for lunch.  We drove in the direction and the traffic was strangely busy.  Then we saw a queue that was not moving, we turned around.  The other route was equally busy.  After 30 minutes in the traffic, we arrived in Hollingtworth and that was all the riding today.  There was enough exercises for my shoulder and my wrist.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Friday 7 March 2014

Tools and Toys

The biggest difference between tools and toys are probably their functionalities, but I start to think, they also differ by our interests.

Baking tray is a toy when baking is a hobby, and baking may fall out of favour, the baking tray is a toy.   Baking tray is a tool when cooking and baking is a routine, the baking tray is a tool.  A car can be a toy or a tool.

We love our toys, when we love our toys, but some of us understand we have a long working relationship with our tools.  Once we understand that, we ought to look after our tools better.  Little Rome is both a toy and a tool, I hope to our long working relationship will persist.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Printed Propaganda Materials

Most printed press are propaganda materials.  Rather than carrying simple information across, they infuse ideas into the public minds, which are mostly gullible or at best impressionable.  Rupert understands this and hence he is our puppet master to probably half of world's population.

To truly broaden ones view, one should read the propaganda materials on the other side, and alternate between different materials.  Whereas most people have been brainwashed overtime, and refuse to take on different view or have capacity to understand different views.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Carb Warmer

Genspeed told me one of the carb warmers is not working and probably has not been working for some time.  It should not be a problem, and probably not worth the repair cost.  I am having small difficulty starting little Rome.  It may not be related.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Gyoza Potsticker Dumplings

Trinity Kitchen got two new catering vans with Japanese and Oriental food; both of them serve gyoza.  Since I make potstickers at home, I simply refuse to buy gyoza, potsticker or dumplings!  Homemade ones are always the best.

Monday 3 March 2014

Anglicised Peking Duck

Sarah and I went to Red Chilli.  I once ordered a Cantonese food from this Sichuanese and northern Chinese restaurant was one of the biggest mistake I made.

This time I was extra careful in my choices.  Since I could not tolerate Sichuanese food, I ordered mostly northern food.  To be exact, I suspect some of the dishes are not official 'northern', but to a Cantonese, they are all northern.  So the meal was a preview for Sarah's upcoming trip to China.

The York branch is ran by a Cantonese, I suppose York's Chinese population is still primarily Cantonese.

The food were okay, the only 'mistake' I spotted was then the Peking duck was served with meat.  Authentic versions of the dish serving mostly the skin/fat and little meat.  Sarah picked out all the fat and really defeat the purpose of the dish.  I warned Sarah that she will probably be offered Peking duck in Beijing, but there will be no meat, and that she is better off refusing the dish outright.

We were stuffed with food and the bill was unsurprisingly cheaper than the one in Betty's.  We can definitely return to Red Chilli in the future.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Betty's Tours

I have finally visited the Little Betty's in York.  The only branch of Betty's I had not been is Ilkley, I shall keep it in mind when I am near the area.

Little Betty's somewhat disappointed me.  Perhaps I shall avoid the branches in York altogether.  The busy touristy demand somewhat tarnishes Betty's hospitality excellence.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Giraffa Camelopardalis

The giraffe was also known to the Greeks and Romans, who believed that it was an unnatural hybrid of a camel and a leopard and called it camelopardalis.