Wednesday 31 December 2014

Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Winter

There were lots of snow in the area, the park was nice.  But due to the short days, we opted for a 2-hours parking ticket only.

It is near impossible to explore the park in 2 hours, and the snow trekking does not help.  From now on, I would only go to YSP for a full day.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

National Coal Mining Museum

NCM is another museum we have been wanting to go.  The underground tour was quite an interesting and extensive.  It would be great if we could take pictures.  Since it is 'free', it can definitely go on the re-visit list.

Monday 29 December 2014

Leeds Attractions - Armley Mills

I know Leeds has a lot of offer, and every time I have visitors, I have an excuse and opportunity to explore them.  I have learnt about the Thwaite Mills Watermill, and had been wanting to go.

This time, I took Hedy and Sarah to Kirkstall Abbey, as it turns out, Armley Mills is just around the corner, so we went.  The exhibits in Armley Mills are quite impressive, so I forwent the idea of going to Thwaite Mills.

We need to look at their demonstration schedule, as Sarah would love to see these machineries driven.  We will be back.

Sunday 28 December 2014

Dough Boy @ Belgrave Music Hall

I asked Hedy what she would like to eat more while traveling in England, and she mentioned pizza.  Normally I would take visit visitors to Da Mario, but it has been going downhill.  Then I did something I don't normally do, using trip advisor.

Dough Boy, the pizza place in Belgrave is meant to be good.  So we went.  It was especially attractive when they do half price slices!  So we had 3 slices between us.  Each slice is a quarter of a pizza, and the pizza were well crafted, and cooked with care.  I am actually quite impressed.  I will certainly go back for more pizza.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Short Scottish Trips

Every time I go to Scotland, I somewhat feel like I am wasting traveling time.  My trips were often short and cover a lot of mileage.  I am often rushed around in Scotland.  I saw many new things this time, the Borders, Ben Nevis, Glencoe.  There is much to explore.  I could do with a long relaxing trip in Scotland.

Friday 26 December 2014

Scottish Chinese Christmas

This year I went to Scotland to catch up with Yan, and spent time with her Chinese friends.  There turned out to be a massive hotpot party.  It has been a while since I had hot pot.

It was fun, and there was loads of food.  It was an interesting experience.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Invisible Broadband Man

I took a whole day off to wait for the broadband man.  I was informed it was an "appointment" with the engineer, and the appointment is in the morning.  I have also got a number of "reminder/progress texts" that the internet is activated, etc.

So I waited till midday, and I really had to catch the train to Scotland.  So I setup the router, in anticipation of the engineer's attendance.  It was right down the wire, we had to make a decision on how and when to leave, I checked the phone line again, it was already connected!

I was quite annoyed I waited for all morning only to work out it was all connected.  It could well have been connected at 8am.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Delayed Winter Solstice Dinner

Hedy likes the idea of the Winter Solstice dinner, so I cooked a simple Chinese dinner.  The Solstice dinner was late as I could not find pork for the soup prior to the Solstice, and it is not complete without a soup.

It was a good dinner.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Manchester Christmas Market

Grew up in a city, I understand the idea of busy and chaos.  And my best strategy is to avoid them.

I understand the peak hours, and avoid them, and go only when it is quiet.

So this year, I had the opportunity to go to the Manchester Christmas Market in a non-peak hours.  It was fairly civilised and peaceful.

I highly recommend dodging rush hours.

Monday 22 December 2014

(Nearly) Short Changed

I was desperate for the heating plumbers to install the cooker and service my boiler.  I also took the opportunity to flush the system.

The plumbers arrived in my absence and Sarah was there to facilitate, but there is only so much she knows about the works required.

The plumbers just did the flush and didn't do the individual radiator as said on the website, so I was glad I spoke to them, and they spoke to the office before they ran off.

If all they did was to drop the water and refill, I could have done that myself, in my sleep!

Sunday 21 December 2014

The Marketing Guy

My sentiment exactly.  It tells you something when you work in a city and a marketing guy makes more than the engineer.

Saturday 20 December 2014

"My Policy"

I heard someone saying, it is "My Policy" that why should I pay anything if I already got break down cover.  These are the people who like to make everyone's life miserable.

Friday 19 December 2014

Slow News Day is a Good News Day

This week has been full of 'exciting' news.  No news is good news.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Guests are Like Fish

  Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days. - Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday 17 December 2014


Fritillaria is one of the more famous Chinese Herbal medicine.  It has many documented benefits.  I should try to find some.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Washing Machine Initiation

As soon as I installed the washing machine, I had to clear my back log washing.  Also as a precaution, I washed everything from the bed to remove any suspected allegens.

So far no leaks yet!

Monday 15 December 2014

Christmas Shopping in a Car

I started to feel the stress Sarah feels.  I drove into a shopping centre Saturday afternoon.  I went at 5pm, thinking most of the people would started to go home, but they had not quite started leaving.

I had difficulty finding and parking the vehicle.  I miss having little Rome.  And it was stressful.  It was so stressful that I had to turn the music off to concentrate to park.

It was stressful, I regretted it, but I probably would regret more if I had not sorted out what I needed to sort out.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Washing Machine Installation

I thought my pipework was a bit complicated and behind the unit, so I purchased the unit with the installation.  The delivery came, looked at my space, and said he would not install it, as he is not happy with the pipework.  That was the whole idea to ask for the installation.

So I had to ring for the refund and I hooked it up myself.  Fingers crossed.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Party Time

I organised the 3rd party in Leeds in a row.  This year's turn out is a bit disappointing as the guys are upset with the management, and even Steve dropped out last minute.

The ten of us had a good time.  The food was quite good, but not quite enough.  But since we had 5 extra dinners booked, I told them to bring the dinner out anyway, and we would deal with them.  So I had a few starters and dinners, and Ian had two desserts.

Even though Steve did not join us, he made sure we had enough cash to keep the drinks going.  By the end of the night, Rob could not comprehend the bill.  A good sign of a good night out, some might say.

I suspect we would go to Hartlepool next year.

Friday 12 December 2014


Shaun was going to show me the 'man' in management, but he didn't quite do it that time.

Allan does seem to engage the team and not afraid to speak to the guys.  I have much to learn.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Day Light in the Study

The study is now fully painted in a light colour.  It is perfect for the white light.  In order to put the LED in the room, I had to change the dimmer switch to the normal switch which is one of the cheapest thing you can get for FYI.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Warm White for the Blemish

Once I started touching up the hall, it shows up in the day light I so love.  So I had to change them to warm white to mask the blemish.  The same reason I am keeping the warm white for the lounge, especially I could not be asked to decorate the lounge.  I think I have given up on ever using day light in those rooms.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Domestic Hazards

Painting ceiling is very hazardous, painting bathroom ceiling is even more hazardous!  Now it is done, I don't need to do that for a while...

Monday 8 December 2014

Memory Foam Warehouse is SHIT

I ordered my bed from the Memory Foam Warehouse on 28/Nov.  I requested them to be delivered on the Wednesday 3/Dec, but instead they delivered the bed on Monday anyway.  My neighbour kindly took it in in my absence.

Then there were no sign of my mattress.  I finally had to ring them every day, and I was promised the mattress everyday, and ultimately.  I was promised it will be delivered on Saturday, and I cancelled my Saturday plan for that.

I contacted them again, and they could not do special delivery in the evening.  I had enough of these people.  I requested the refund.  And when is the money coming back?  Three-five days.  Much like their delivery policy then.  The money certainly left my bank a lot quicker than that.

What a complete waste of my time.  I am so frustrated because of these idiots. Stress is the last thing I need now!

Sunday 7 December 2014

Transporting Paint

I got a tub of paint at the beginning of the day, as I spend all day in time with friends, I would not have time at the end of the day to get it.  And with a slight knock, the lid is open and the paint went all over.  It was a disaster.

Everyone else was trying to wipe away the paint, and I ran around to ask for a bag from Next.  Thanks Next.

I poured out the paint from the bag and had to start painting.  It was stressful.

I must remember never to transport paint in backpack ever again.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Microwave, Toaster, Slowcooker

I am still waiting on my hob.  Before I get the proper hob, I must survive with only microwave, toaster, slower and possibly kettle.

My ramen is depleting quick!

Friday 5 December 2014

Painting Takes Forever

Steve said the preparation to paint takes most of the time, but painting takes just as long!

On the plus side, I am getting better and better at it...

Thursday 4 December 2014

Paddock Stand as Exercise Equipment

Sarah thought the paddock stand is some kind of ad cruncher type equipment, as she had not seen it being used.  And I demonstrated to her how to pack up little Rome for Winter.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

LED Bulbs

The first thing I did was to replace most of the lights to LED bulbs.  The whole house is wired with spot lights, and halogen lamp is just too expensive to run, albeit provide supplementary heating to the room.

I like white lights, and as soon as I replaced them, they reminded me how much I love them.  Besides the white light is revealing all the blemish on the walls!

So some area are going to get 'warm white' bulbs instead.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Kitchen Extractor

The previously owner mustn't have cleaned the extractor hood for 7 years he has been living there.  it was dripping oil, and it took a whole bottle of oven cleaner before it return to a normal state!

I must put this down as my 6-monthly cleaning regime.

Monday 1 December 2014

Cashtration II

Buying a  house is only the beginning of the cashtration...  Now I need to furnish the house and bills coming in.  I will be cashtrated for some time!