Monday 8 December 2014

Memory Foam Warehouse is SHIT

I ordered my bed from the Memory Foam Warehouse on 28/Nov.  I requested them to be delivered on the Wednesday 3/Dec, but instead they delivered the bed on Monday anyway.  My neighbour kindly took it in in my absence.

Then there were no sign of my mattress.  I finally had to ring them every day, and I was promised the mattress everyday, and ultimately.  I was promised it will be delivered on Saturday, and I cancelled my Saturday plan for that.

I contacted them again, and they could not do special delivery in the evening.  I had enough of these people.  I requested the refund.  And when is the money coming back?  Three-five days.  Much like their delivery policy then.  The money certainly left my bank a lot quicker than that.

What a complete waste of my time.  I am so frustrated because of these idiots. Stress is the last thing I need now!

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