Sunday 4 October 2015

Ox Cheek

We were going to make some peasant food, a hairy biker's meatball pearl barley recipe.  The mince on offer was sold out, so I had a look at the offes at the butcher counter.  Ox cheek was on offer, so I asked for some.  One ox cheek is over 500g, so I asked for it to be halved.  The girls working at the counter probably never sold one of them before was wondering how to halve it.  They asked which direction they should cut it, and they offered to cut it in either direction.  Then I took up the offer and ask them to give me the top half.

So I happily took the top half of the cheek home and diced it.  I removed as much sinew as I could.  It has more sinew than I initially imagine, but it still has less sinew then shin.

We cooked with stew in a 1.5 hours, and the cheek was already fully cooked. I will definitely consider cooking beef cheeks interchangeably with shins with my stews.

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