Thursday 31 March 2016

Easter Eggs

The supermarket and the shops are either good at managing their stock or they are keen on clearing up their seasonal items.  We were not able to find much after Easter sale in the shop.  There are some online, but the shipping be an additional cost.  It's probably not worth it.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Coupon Hunting

As I was doing research on our travel destination, I came across some coupons.  There is absolutely no reason why we can't expand the travel research to coupon hunting.  We travel like a local!

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Flying Pizza

I always knew of Flying Pizza in Roundhay, but never been.  Austin was just talking about it last week.  This time we went with AVEN.  The food was pricey, with reasonably good quality.  In general the food was quite rich.

Monday 28 March 2016

Willie's Indonesian Gold

Sarah for me a taster pack of Willie's.  I am interested in trying as I never had Willie's before.  I knew exactly where to start, the one that is probably worst.  And it was.  Very much an acquired taste, like over cooked chocolate.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Ampleforth Abbey

I have been meaning to visit Ampleforth Abbey.  So this weekend was the perfect opportunity as it is en-route from Whitby home.  The ground is quite, and tea shop was okay.  The abbey was probably shut for service, and we did not get to see it.  Next time when we revisit, it should hopefully be more lively.

Saturday 26 March 2016

Sunny Whitby with Kippers

We went to Whitby early in the morning to have the Fortune's Kippers at Botham's of Whitby.  We arrived in good time, and parked up easily.

The kippers turned up.  They were super smoky, and full of bones.  I was not expecting so much bones!  Sarah enjoyed the kippers.  I could taste the oak smoke the rest of the day.

We walked around Whitby as always do, but by the time we finished our brunch, Whitby was exceedingly crowded, full of people and dogs.  And one dog walked into me.  This weekend was also Easter National Scooter Rally.

By the time we got back to the car park, car park was full.  The road was full of caravan, scooters and motorcycles.  We were so glad we came and done Whitby and avoided the manic.

Friday 25 March 2016

Human Child Habitat

Over the Easter weekend, most attractions will be overrun by human children.  Richard suggests going to Tropical World, and there is absolutely no way I will go this weekend!

Thursday 24 March 2016

Green & Black's 70%

I got it in Christmas and I only just got around eating it.  It is very ordinary.  It is about par with Lindt.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Slow Charge

Little Rome's battery is out on charge.  It has been on the solar panel for many days, but when I put the meter to it, it is on a super slow charge.  Slow charge is sometimes preferred for old batteries.  And the solar charge is free, I could not complain.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Save Water Save Money

Yorkshire has sent me pamphlet regarding water saving gadgets.  I have filled them in twice but still no reply.  When I looked at the Yorkshire Water website, it links me to Save Water Save Money.  I signed up and got a packet right the way.  I have only managed to put up the hour glass and the water regulator.  When I put on the water regulator, I nearly got it cross-threaded!  I managed to salvage the situation.  It would have been a disaster!

Monday 21 March 2016

Whittaker's Chocolate

Rachel gave me a few chunks of Whittaker's Dark Chocolate.  How do I describe the chocolate?  It is quite non-descriptive.  It's a bit like Van Houten.

Whittaker's website is quite cute.  And I only just learnt Van Houten is now Hershey's.

At the end of the day, these old-branded chocolate companies stick with their old recipe when chocolate supplies was limited and chocolate production was elementary.  As a result, their chocolate are very non-descriptive.  It was acceptable in the last millennia, but they really should move on with time.

Sunday 20 March 2016

Rest Day

It is my rest day, once a year.  I predominantly turns off.  Maybe I should designate a few more rest days in the year.

Saturday 19 March 2016

FirstDay Family and Friends

We hopped on the First bus as normal, when we asked for two FirstDay, the busy driver offered FirstDay Group.  What a bargain!  If I remember correctly, it used to be 7.2, is now 5 quid.  Bargain!

Friday 18 March 2016

Auto Repairs

My car has this roaring noise, and neither Sarah and I knew what it was.  Darren had a quick listen, confirmed my engine is good but as soon as it rolls off, he could tell it was wheel bearing.

Upon recommendation, I got some auto parts, in preparation to repair and service the car.  While I was at the shop, I got some cabin filters, for both me and Sarah.

I looked up how to change cabin filter in both cars, and hope to get it done soon, especially Sarah's!

Thursday 17 March 2016

Lifewise BikerDown!

The bikers went to Chester BikerDown! but I had to miss it.  I looked up the available course in this area.  The nearest I got is South Yorkshire Lifewise.  and booked this one in March.  I invited Becky to join me.

Becky was a bit shocked by the statistics, but not sufficiently scared her completely.  It was Becky's first First Aid Training.  And I also found it informative.  Not to mention about the freebies!  The course overran by an hour, but lots of fun, lots of information.  Highly recommended.

I am looking up the next BikeSafe Training.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

British Science Week Leeds

British Science Week is back.  We previously thought Sheffield Festival of Science and Engineering was the only main stage of the British Science Week.  This year, we are staying in Leeds.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Work Rationed and Devalued

As the population grows, and elementary works done by automation, the work force is larger than the economy could cope.  Work is rationed and devalued, the same job can be done by multiple persons, who are more qualified for the same price.  A lot of people like to cling to their privileges they knew decades ago, refusing to move with the economy.  They call their profession noble, and it is only right to be awarded handsomely.  These are the people who will eventually bring down the whole economy with their unreasonably demands, rather than accepting their works is no longer valued the same as decades ago.

Monday 14 March 2016

Salisbury Steak

We were in Morrison's deciding the dinner menu.  We wanted something quick and potentially on offer.  I saw the hamburger on offer, so I suggested Salisbury Steak.  Sarah never heard of Salisbury steak.  I told her about the quick background and we got the ingredients.

It is the kind of basic meal that can be cooked quickly.  It is the kind of cheap meal that they fed us in Rand.  It is edible.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Simple Marketing

I think Waitrose's latest promotion is quite effective.  Encouraging people to have deli/picnic in early Spring, Fish Friday and have steaks on the Saturday.  Sometimes the simple marketing is the most effective.

Saturday 12 March 2016

English Party

Sarah's friend's 30-th birthday party was very English.  Baked potato, trifle, tea.  No sausage rolls though. Weird.

Friday 11 March 2016

Factually Inaccurate Books

I have the opportunity to see the modern children books.  They are full of factual inaccuracy and racial/cultural stereotypes.  We all wonder why children are not more open-minded.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Another Banking Mishaps

When I am distracted by work, I fall behind with my personal life.  The ones with actual consequences is banking.  I was probably a few days late with another card payment.  Maybe I should just shut those accounts down to consolidate...

Wednesday 9 March 2016


We will probably visit the National Zoo, and as I clicked around, it said, "meet a small mammal - armadillo."

I never knew armadillo is mammal, I always thought they were reptile!  I don't think I have seen an armadillo in real life.  I am getting excited.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Banking Mishaps

I am getting to an age that I should consolidate my bank accounts.  I really haven't got the energy to look after all the fragment of monies.  I forgot one of my payments in Hong Kong, and I was a few days late.  Maybe I need to put these small things in my diary too...

Monday 7 March 2016

Golden Acre Park

I knew about Golden Acre Park from the brown signs when I am driving around Leeds, but I never got around visiting the park.  Only after Sarah took me to Brocks Hill, I thought Golden Acre maybe reasonably nice to visit.

We took the opportunity to visit Golden Acre.  Sarah immediately liked it.  I considered it similar to Brocks Hill without the playgrounds, similar to Roundhay with fewer people and no tennis courts; Golden Acre is quite minimalistic.  Again, it is grey and wintery, and the park seems to have a lot to offer and should be much livelier in summer.  We will revisit again.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Seriously Intense Expresso Italian Gelato

I do like coffee ice-cream, but I rarely buy them as I am repeatedly disappointed.  This time we utilised a coupon and bought this to try.  It is fairly nice, but exceedingly sweet.  Once you get used to the sweetness, it is fairly good.  Would I buy it again?  No.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Spring Blizzard

The isolated heavy snow put my sickly work team on a stress-test.  Sporadic work disrupts the normal work schedule.  We could do without these sporadic works.

Friday 4 March 2016

Click and Go Tourists

Whenever I have visitors, I plan the most comprehensive tailored tour.  But when the visitors are click and go tourists, I really should abandon all plans for them.  Just take them to a local restaurant, and not bothered with the rest.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Rother Valley Park

We took the opportunity to go to Rother Valley Park en-route to the Peak District.  We had tried to go to the park once, but we got lost following the brown signs.  It is very unhelpful when the brown signs are incoherent and far away from the actual location.

I found this small road on top of the park with 'free parking'.  We parked and walked into the park.  I did read about the water sports, and was relatively excited to hire a boat.  It was a grey day, and we did not fancy paddling.  No one else was on the water either.

We can imagine the park would be a lot livelier in the summer.  We can try to go again in summer.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Vitamin Tablets

Sarah offered me a vitamin C pill, I read the ingredient list.  The first 4 were all "sugars" and the 5th was a bulking agent.  I will opt for an orange next time.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Move GB

Move GB has got a lot of gyms under their banner.  It is a good idea to get one membership and go to any gym in the country.  What a shame that Leicester is not on the list.