Tuesday 31 January 2017

Introvert Test

How long can you sit in silence in a room with someone else?  I am very happy not to speak to anyone, even in close proximity.

Monday 30 January 2017

Software Incompatibility

The S4 has been playing up, I looked online and popped into Samsung to work out what happened.  It has something to do with Google App update, but there is no apparent reason.  Samsung guy explained that some new Apps are incompatible with the android version on the phone, and recommended an upgrade.  I will just have to manage the crashes.

Sunday 29 January 2017

New Toshiba

When I was in Hong Kong, I was led to believe Toshiba is no longer in laptop market.  When then I was in Staples, I saw a Toshiba, with fairly good specification, but they only have the displays left.

After much deliberation, I decided to buy it, at a knock down price, obviously.  They both have cosmetic defects, but supposedly functional.  They wiped the computer, cleaned and boxed it for me.

The specification is the same as Lenny, Ci3, 8G, 1T.  I think the Toshiba is better, lighter.  Despite the few cosmetic flaws.  It also feels and looks better than Lenny, except I dislike the mouse track pad.  Staples said even when they are rebranded, they will still sort out the warranty issue.  I will try to spend as much time on it as possible for the next few days to fully check it out!

Saturday 28 January 2017

Lenny's Return

Lenny's display unexplainedly went black again, so I have decided to take it for an exchange.  When after some investigation, they discontinued the product and I had to send everything to return.

I had just about all the packaging with me except the wireless mouse's packaging!  I dived into my recycle bin and manage to find it!

I went to the shop and returned.  There is a no quibble return policy, but I still tell them there is something wrong with it.  I think I made a good decision.  I can survive on my old laptop, Paddy and S4.

Friday 27 January 2017

Meat-Free Sausages

I got a discounted voucher from Holland and Barrett.  Discount on one item at full price.  It was a difficult challenge!  A lot of items are already on discount.  A lot of full priced item are overpriced.  After 30 minutes at the shop and searching on the internet, I opted for the meat-free cocktail sausages.

The cocktails sausages are quite good, and quite filling.  But I don't understand why they are so calorific.

Thursday 26 January 2017


My colleagues are all talking about KODI box.  I am not interested in the "file sharing".  When I was looking for a DVD player in Windows 10 and I found KODI.  It then refreshes my memory about another friend had the entertainment centre installed a few years ago.

I played a DVD on KODI, all good.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Winter Closure

We are looking for things to do in March in mid-week.  Alton Towers, Tatton Park, Go Ape, everything was still in Winter closure!  How inconvenient!

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Apps Checking

My new phone is capable of handling more Apps, I am trying to only load useful Apps.  The AA Apps and the Nectar Apps seem to be delivering a lot of information and offer.  I must remember to check for discount before any transactions!

Monday 23 January 2017

Muddy Weekend

I swore Roundhay wouldn't be muddy as it has not been raining, but it was.

When we want hiking, it was also very muddy!  I just need to assume everywhere would be muddy in Winter.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Tesco Chucking Out Time

We went to Tesco on Saturday evening.  There were trolleys after trolleys of marked down items.  We came back with quite a good hoard!

Saturday 21 January 2017

Android Problems

I am still a fairly new Android user, and I have encountered my first actual Android problem.  The System UI has stopped.  I reloaded the phone, and it is still playing up.  The funny thing if that it only fail when it is portrait not when it is landscape.  I will just have to cope.

Friday 20 January 2017

Oriental Sauces

I threw in the teriyaki sauce into my beef stew.  At the end of the day, it is just sweetened soyasauce with some ginger and wine.

I think the flavour was okay, except when I use these sauces, I am too heavy handed.  I should try to remember...

Thursday 19 January 2017

Differently-Able Idioms

Sarah pointed out sometimes I said, "dragging my heel" and "get your skate on", where they should be plural.  What would the differently-able person say?

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Unquantifiable Shrapnel

Global politics shouldn't be about winning and losing, it's about collaboration.  Some idiot said he can win, but at what cost?  There will be so much collateral damage, and shrapnel hitting a lot of "innocent" bystander.  When everyone is thinking about self-preservation, and being suspicious about "the others", what will it do to our community?

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Salter Popcorn Maker

Absolutely useless as a popcorn maker! At least it can be used as a desktop pancake maker... 

Monday 16 January 2017

South Yorkshire Weekend

We were already in Sheffield.  We took the opportunity to visit attractions in South Yorkshire, namely Barnsley.  A lot of brown signs, nicer than expected.  We even managed to pop into Barnsley town.  We need another trip for the rest of the brown signs!

Elsecar, Barnsley
Elsecar, Barnsley

Worsborough Mills, Barnsley
Worsbrough Mills

MAGNA, Sheffield

Sunday 15 January 2017

LGBT STEMinar 2017

Sarah took me to LGBT STEMinar.  It is pretty much a LGBT+ science festival.  Some of the talks are good.  I am glad to learn about InterEngineering.

I was educated in the USA, and "Don't Ask Don't Tell" is ingrained in me.  I do put up with homophobic banters at work, not towards me, but still bad.  It doesn't have to be like that, I suppose all these groups are all trying to give safe spaces and breathing room for LGBT+ in STEM.

Keep up the good work!

Saturday 14 January 2017

Monopoly Generation

The generation grew up with Monopoly has been monopolising the property, public service and utilities, just like the game.  Unfortunately, as we are not even on the playing board, we are all losers.

Friday 13 January 2017

New Year Oomph

I don't usually get the New Year oomph.  Last year, I joined the gym coinciding with the discount.  This year I got a distinct oomph.  I have plans, I have goals, I have projects.  Let's hope all goes well.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Pipe Lagged

I have been meaning to lag my pipework at home.  I finally got around buying and fitting them.  I lagged as much as 15 meter of pipework, and it was a good estimate, I couldn't have fitted another two meter.  I am happy that I have significantly decreased heat gain/loss around my water systems.  Even though I may not see the result on my gas bill, but psychologically I feel I am saving money, gas and the planet.

John reckons I should lag my gas pipe, but I really don't see any technical evidence for it, so I just leave it for now.

January Clean Up

I am throwing away 3 pairs of shoes, one geriatric desktop, a non-resettable router and some old boxes.  I am feeling good and excited about enjoying the new replacements.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Credit Matcher

Experian started a new free service called Credit Matcher.  I was wanting a new purchase credit card but I have been stabbing in the dark.  I am quite happy they have matched me with a new card, and I was duly approved.  I am quite happy.  I wouldn't really need this service again for another 12 months.

Monday 9 January 2017

Hungry Devices

I never understood why we need to buy additional USB adaptor and cables to charge phones, now I have Paddy and an S4, I start to understand.  The bog standard charger can be less than 1A, and that is insufficient to inject power into the battery.  So new device needs minimum 2A output to charge into the device.  I also suspect the cheap USB cables I got are useless!  I must check out all my adaptors and cables and see how to assign them to my travels.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Lenny the Laptop

As the Toshiba brand laptop die out, I had to resort to different brands.  After much of price comparison and advice, I went for a Lenovo Ideapad 305 from Argos.  It is taking it time to setup with all the Windows updates.  I cannot wait till that is done and enjoy Lenny's full potential.

It is very blue.

Lenny is exhibiting some strange behaviour, I shall have a closer observation and if that needs to go back!

Saturday 7 January 2017

Paddy the Tablet

I got my first tablet.  Paddy is a good 10" tablet by it.  I bought it at Amazon and it was slightly more expensive than buying direct from their website.  I must make a note of this for the future.  On the box, it claims to donate to Bliss, which is another good cause.

Paddy was quite easy to setup!  Paddy certainly has limitation, but it serves as a quick start video viewer and more, and I am even considering using it as a massive sat nav!

Friday 6 January 2017

Stationary, Electricity, Water

Stationary, electricity and water, what do they have in common?  I will let you work it out.

Thursday 5 January 2017

How Tight are You

My friend sent me a link to test how tight I am, thinking I would score higher than her.  Turned out, she scored higher!  I need to start haggling more!

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Restless Busy Bee

My friends now enjoy restful holiday, whereas my holidays are mostly eventful.  When I got back, I was dragging my heels, but I still went out to run errands.  For a minute, I was wishing to have a holiday after my trip.

I did shopping, went to garage and waste centre, did unpacking and cooking.  Accomplishing.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Icy England

I landed in icy England.  The carpark was very icy and slippery, and it took 10 minutes for me to scrap off all the frost, inside and out.

When I was in the auto supplies shop, there were many gadgets to minimise this icy eventuality, I just don't think the frequency warrant such investment!

Monday 2 January 2017

Flight Scare

When I was checking in, the flight attendance warned of a potential delay, which may result in me failing to make the connection.  She said that in such case, the airline will not pay for any expenses, eg hotel.  Additionally, my China travel card expired, I would simply have to sleep at the airport.  Luckily, all flights were on-time and I didn't have to sleep on the airport bench.

Sunday 1 January 2017

New Year Eve Party

We went to Gloria's flat to play video games, counted down and watched fire works.  I forgot how much fun video games can be with friends!  The fireworks was a bit bog standard, but obviously still 10 times better than those in England...

Happy New Year!