Sunday 30 April 2017

Satellite Navigation Reliant Run Leaders

You should always be familiar with the roads that you are leading on.  But with the rise of the Sat Nav leader, we ending up in gravelly roads and dangerous manoeuvres in towns.  Another reason to not rely on a Sat Nav.

Saturday 29 April 2017

Castleton YHA Goats and Pigs

We got another swede and parsnip for the pigs, and they loved them.  Sarah and I both think two of three pigs looked different...  The goats saw us feeding the pigs but we had nothing for them, they were unhappy.  At least the lambs were indifferent.

Friday 28 April 2017

Trevor Noah Born a Crime

I have heard so many interviews of Trevor on his book.  I like Trevor and I like autobiography, so I got it from the library.  He already talked about most of the stories in his interviews.

The stories are good.  I feel I know about South Africa a little more.  Only when you hear stories like this you realise some people have eventful childhood, and some with uneventful childhood, and it is not necessarily bad to have survived an eventful childhood, that builds characters.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Icing on the Cake

When I say cake, it means something cakey out of the oven.  When English say cake, it means something iced, dressed, decorated.  It is just extra works that does not confer much benefits!

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Complacent Driving

I have lost a wheel cap this morning.  I went looking for it at lunch and failed.  Luckily my neighbour abandoned a Vauxhall wheel cap that fits.  I need to be more alert when I am driving...  No more podcast, back to Classic FM.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Cheap Wearable Technology

We started out searching for a watch, we found a cheap wearable 'active band'.  It finally arrived and I got it setup.  Except it is cheap and unreliable, it is not bad.

Monday 24 April 2017

Matlock Meadows

We found this Matlock Meadows online and walked to the farm.  The animals were healthy and it was too early for an ice cream!  We will go again when we are next around.

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Sunday 23 April 2017

Matlock Walk

We went on a walk in Matlock.  Before we meet up with AVEN, Sarah thought it would be a good idea to walk to the meet via Giddy Edge.  It started cloudy so we left the sun screen, sun glasses and cap behind and we soon regretted.


So we ended up walking over 12 miles in the sun with about 4 ascents and descents.  Exhausted! 1DSCF8940

Saturday 22 April 2017

First Ride of 2017

The first long ride of 2017 to Matlock.  It is tiring, and I am a little rusty, but otherwise it feels good.

Friday 21 April 2017

French Election

So many radio programmes are talking about French Election. I never knew or cared how it works, and now I know.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Guylain Dark 72%

I am working my way thorough my pile of chocolate from Peijing Duty Free.

It is very mild.  Anything is better than normal Guylian.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Car Wear and Tear

I thought motorcycle parts were expensive, now I have got a car, their maintenance cost is just as bad!  I have got to put more mileage on the bike.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

National Coal Mining Museum Revisited

We went to National Coal Mining Museum with Hedy in 2014.  It was around Christmas, and half of the exhibits were shut.  We were in the area and went back.
Once again, they had some sort of craft fair around Easter and we had a nice piece of cake.  We were happy the exhibits we missed were available this visit, and there were real horses in the stables.

I am glad we have 'completed' the museum.

Monday 17 April 2017

Cannon Hall

We meant to go to Cannon Hall in February, but it was closed for winter.  We went on Easter Sunday and there was a lot to see.  They had a craft fair, it was adjacent to the Cannon Hall Farm, they had a tipi pop-up cafe.

With free entry and a reasonable parking charge, it is definitely worth going.


 I am not sure about the tipi, they had log burning fire pit in the middle of the tipi, and even they were low-smoke log, I still did not like the fume.

Sunday 16 April 2017

First Barbeque in 2017

The first Barbeque of the year went well.  The charcoal was slightly damp but it was manageable with the fire lighters.  The Barbeque sauce was also nice. I only had two animals on the grill, and apparently it was sufficient.  The weather was good, I could not ask for more.  Can't wait till the next one!!

Saturday 15 April 2017

Hayfever 2017

The winter has been mild.  The rape is ripening, my hayfever is coming on!

Friday 14 April 2017

Holiday Mood

When a company says they are closing at 6pm, it actually mean 5:50pm, especially the day before a long weekend.  I should have planned for the discrepancies.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Hydraulic Lock on Bike

My old has this old problem and after I have made a lot of changes, it is still here.  I just have to manage it...

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Basic Training is no Joke

Calvin used to joke about having to teach Gavin to use a measuring tape.  No kidding, not everyone know how to use a thermometer.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Screen Wash for Life

ASDA was selling off they winter stock pile of screen wash, I have now got enough for next two years!!

Monday 10 April 2017

Ice Scoop Gelato

I have been meaning to go and we finally had the chance this weekend. It is alright.

Sunday 9 April 2017

Car Shopping Testing

Walking across a large forecourt is actually hard work!  But it is always fun to test drive different cars.  The process of convincing the dealer you are interested and therefore you should have a go on the car is not particularly easy.  The Feista is fun.

Saturday 8 April 2017

Car Shopping

Friday afternoon, the car salesman just happy to talk to anyone.  It is always good to get free information.

Friday 7 April 2017

Olde Scotia, Canada

A Canadian has suggested Scotland to join Canada.  It makes a lot of sense.  Because of CETA, Scotland would have access to Europe and not having to jump thorough the hoops to convince all 27 States and pay a large joining fee.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Idiot's Guides

After training, I have to start writing a lot of new procedures.  There is no such thing as common senses...

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Exhausting News

The news is getting very repetitive.  I am even tired of the satirical news shows.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Five Door Cars

There are so many tiny 5-doors cars.  We can no longer estimated the size of the car if it is called "5-doors".

Monday 3 April 2017

Don't Shake the Bath Mat

I shook the bath mat in the bathroom before putting into wash, what a big mistake.  A lot of human debris!

Sunday 2 April 2017

Bike Delay

My bike is in the shop and it is delay again.  Why am I not surprised... I am missing a good sunny ride!

Saturday 1 April 2017

Leeds Restaurant Recommendation

Clare said her girlfriend's parents are very hard to please when it comes to dining.  I named loads of restaurants, eg the Reliance, The Tetley, Arts'.  Clare seems to like my suggestion, but she still had to wait and see.