Tuesday 31 July 2018

Green's Mill

We picked up a leaflet from Shepshed Watermill that listed all the nearby mills.  Sarah was reading down the list but I wasn't particularly interested until Sarah read out Green's Mill.  I asked if it was THE Green's Mill, and Sarah had no idea what I was on about.  It is now also a science museum.  Science museum is so much easier to kit out than a mathematics museum!  I told her about Green's theorem, of which she has no interested.  I can't wait to see Green's Mill now!

Monday 30 July 2018

Rotator Cuff

The physiotherapist's door was open, so I popped in and picked his brain.  As soon as I pointed at my shoulder, he said rotator cuff.  It is getting worse...  I really should have looked after it better without getting RSI working at a stupid book store!  I don't think driving helped either.  Anyway, I will be doing a lot of rotator coff strengthening exercises for the next months...

Sunday 29 July 2018

Really Big Pylon

The popped by the new Leeds Parks nursery The Arium.  The Arium is big, but it is the pylon that caught my eyes!  It looks massive, and the cables look so close!

Steve verified that pylon is indeed larger and the sagging is probably related to the high temperature.  Scary!

Saturday 28 July 2018

Coupon Management

The sunny weather has distracted me with my coupon management!  I really need to focus!

Friday 27 July 2018

Historic Brands

We stopped by an old water mill, it is working and very noisy, very inefficient indeed.  Then I saw these tools and posters.  I know these brands, I cannot believe they date back that far!


Thursday 26 July 2018

Radio Regime

After looking at a survey that classical is good for mood.  I always know I need classical music when I drive, I switched to podcast wanting to do some learning while driving.  Maybe I should switch back to classical music when I am driving, uplift my mood before work and calm down after work.  I will probably leave the podcast for evenings.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Gym Night Out

I skipped a day of gym, then I made up with 3 sessions of gym, swim and yoga.  I just wish gym can be more entertaining...  Sports is definitely more entertaining...

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Incredibles 2

We went to see the Incredibles 2.  We went there after the trailer started, and I cannot believe the theatre will be so full that we ended up sitting on the second row.  The kids in the cinema weren't even born when the Incredibles were out.  I still cannot believe it was 14 years since the last movie!

The story was good, I was surprise to see it connects directly with the last film.  Sarah failed to see the female lead and female villain was a breakthrough in the business.

Two other cinema goers and I waited to the very end to see if there were any outtakes, but there weren't any...  What a waste of 20 minutes!

Monday 23 July 2018

Black Screen of Death

I popped in the Samsung shop to ask them about the black screen of death.  They said there is nothing worth doing if it is hardware problem, but if it were software problem, it is worth resetting.  I am not usually the user that need to be told about resets...  So I went for a reset, let's hope it gets better.

Sunday 22 July 2018

Sleeping Spider Plant Flower

Sarah told me the spider plant is flowering, but they were all just white buds.  Then I witnessed them opening in the day and closing in the evening, weird!

Saturday 21 July 2018

Long Waited Rain

After weeks of dry sunny weather, there is finally some rain.  All the grass turning yellow even made the news.  Let's hope my grass will survive this year.

Friday 20 July 2018

Professional v Professional

I complemented a nurse in successfully getting the blood out of my tiny vein.  Then there are nurses who cannot...

Thursday 19 July 2018

Leeds Green Belt Stroll

I went on a little stroll, venturing into the outer part of Roundhay, and crossed the ring road, fields!

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Onion Shortage

I was aiming to get a giant sack of onion from ASDA, only to find out they no longer sell them that size.  When I am going the different shops, onions are not cheap at the minute.  Surely this season's onion is just coming in!  Or is the drought affecting them?

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Lost and Found

I suddenly realised I lost my catering card, then Steve recalled having seen it in the canteen.  I wasn't sure I could be that lucky.  I went up to ask if they got my card, and they did.  Lucky me!

Monday 16 July 2018

Spongey Chicken Burger

I was going to make chicken skewers from the frozen chicken breast, then I thought I would turn them into chicken patty instead.  The chicken breast is very mild in taste, so I could taste nothing but the bacon, but obviously the whiteness of the meat makes it feel healthier.  It was not particularly hard except it was very sticky on my hands!  Maybe I should oil my hands next time.

Sunday 15 July 2018

Barton Bike Night

I went to meet with GBMCC East Midlands in Barton upon Humber for Barton Bike Night.

I arrived just before 4:30pm and the town was covered with bikes already. 

I parked up and found the air flow jacket also meant flies flow jacket!  There were dead flies on my teeshirt!

As soon as I parked up, I saw the Lindsey Lodge Hospice Charity Shop behind me, they put out their best motorcycle gear in the shop front, and a lot of motorcyclists browsing, I thought I would check it out.  I recently threw away 3 pairs of my old motorcycle trousers, I now have no spares, so I browsed the trousers section.  I saw some thin leather trousers, I thought that would do, then I saw this Revit leather trousers with unknown sizing, I tried it on and fitted well.  I got it at a bargain price of £10!!  Lindsey Lodge, you have overtaken LORO and became my favourite charity shop!!

We talked around and saw some weird bikes.  We also saw a million and one Triumph Rocket, so Chris with a Rocket no longer felt special...

After a substandard curry dinner, I drove home.  By the time we finished dinner, all the stalls were cleared up, so much for a 'bike night', it is more a bike evening...

I finally got home, covered in flies...

Saturday 14 July 2018

Squashed Double Decker

One of the parts we ordered online came with a Double Decker chocolate bar.  I didn't even notice and left it on Austin's desk.  He read out the delivery note and it stated the complementary chocolate bar, but due to the hot weather, it melted!  Austin put is in the fridge, and I got to have this squashed Double Decker.  It is sweet, it is blend, I will pass on the next free double decker.

Friday 13 July 2018

First Tennis of the Year

I joined gym this year, and I am trying to make the most out of it, as a result I am going to tennis less.  Then I finally popped by today.  The blood sugar drained from my system a lot quicker than normal gym activities...  Anyhow, it was fun, I need to try to go to tennis more.

Thursday 12 July 2018

Low Interest Accounts

I am not a prolific account hunter, but my accounts are some of the worst.  I started moving some away, I need to move more away...

Wednesday 11 July 2018

First Dip of the Year

My swim suit has been in the back of the cupboard for a year, and I finally dusted it off for aqua aerobics.  The instruction was in a bad mood and as a result worked us very hard.  Who said you don't sweat in the water!

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Wharram Percy

It has been on our to do list for a while, and we finally went.  When we were getting near, I recognised the roads, it is very near Fimber.  It is a field...  I am happy that we have ticked this off the list, and I hope I don't have to go there again. Wharram Percy

Wharram Percy

Monday 9 July 2018

Roasted Vegetables

Following on the last roasted pepper success, we were trying aubergine.  It is easy and well received, I shall add that onto the list for future BBQ.

Sunday 8 July 2018

Shibden Park in the Sun

We first visited Shibden park on a cold rainy November day.  We finally got around to visit again in the Sun.  We made good use of it, we had a picnic and went on a row boat around the mere.  It was fun.

Saturday 7 July 2018

The Need for Salt

Yan complained about my food being blend, and I explained I have been weened off salt...

Friday 6 July 2018

Cave Danger

Mountain and water are both susceptible to go horribly wrong, combine the two, you get a cave!  The Thai caving incident and the Norway caving incident.  I was never much interested in caving now even less.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Smart Fish

I am getting loads of marketing emails, and I am nibbling at the baits.  Maybe I am the smart fish that get away with all the baits, or I am a dumb fish nibbling the bait and getting netted. 

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Obnoxious Middle Aged Man with BMW Convertible

I was minding my own business, driving into Morrisons.  The car in front of me and I drove down this parking area, already can hear this man swearing, because he cannot pull out.  The car in front was choosing where to park and I paused.  Just as I was waiting, that man reversed me and accused me in reversing.  I was collected and just old him, I stopped due to condition in front, and I did not reverse.  He knew he reversed into me and shut up.  We both inspected our car, and I drove onto park.

I can see why he needs the BMW Convertible!

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Lazy Mechanics

I used to complain about bike mechanics being lazy, car ones are worse!  I asked them to put the tray together, and they could not even do that right.  Only when I got under the car, I found two holes they never looked at and I sorted it with fairing clips, sorted!  Maybe I should sign up for car mechanic course...

Monday 2 July 2018

Aloe Overloaded

We operated on Sarah's aloe and extracted 6 babies.  We left one baby with the mother, and potted the test.  Let see if they survive, and let see if the mother would be less prolific with the added sand...

Sunday 1 July 2018

Wimbledon in July

The tennis schedule has moved about a little bit.  Wimbledon in July makes a lot more sense than June, the weather would probably be better.  Coincide with the heat wave, the greens look amazing!