Tuesday 30 April 2019

Spring Crunch Time

May perhaps is the shortest month in the year, or at least it feels like it.  It has 2 bank holiday, and with the bonus of a late Easter this year.  Looking at the calendar, I don't know feel like I have enough time!

Monday 29 April 2019

Go Ape Cannock

Cannock Chase turned out to be a nice place.  We stopped at Castle Ring on the way back.  Their local cafe Grounds is acceptable, and Lichfield provided extra refreshment. 

The Go Ape s quite nice.  There were two very long zip wire.  The forest is expansive.  There are a lot of alternative routes, but that also means routes not accessible.

It has been a fun day.

Sunday 28 April 2019

Stinking Subaru

I was sitting in traffic behind a Subaru, I was in the receiving end of their exhaust.  It was horrendous, I don't think nor I want my bike to smell like that!

Saturday 27 April 2019


I only just heard it on the radio.  Breadhead, is like petrolhead, they only care about bread, aka money.

Friday 26 April 2019

Purple Aspargus

"Purple asparagus is a different variety than green and white asparagus, but it is grown the same way as green asparagus. Purple asparagus has the highest levels of anti-oxidants among the asparagus varieties."

We got some the other day, they were very nice.  They are in a lovely purple, but turned green after a quick blanch.

Thursday 25 April 2019

Waitrose Giant Bourbon

I love bourbon biscuits, so I have been wanting to try the giant bourbon.  It definitely looks better than it tastes, also for the same price, I can get a whole packet of bourbon.  I am glad I tried.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Photo Stitching Software

There used to be a free good one, but it went.  I downloaded a software and got this done, but it was not free, so I uninstalled.  Anyone has good suggestions?

Framlingham Castle

Framlingham stitched

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Far-flung County - Suffolk

Suffolk, a very far county!  Everything seems so alien.  The roads are twister than those in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire.  I supposed it reflected that it has more dry land before the fens were drained, and the roads reflect the old dry land, and the straights reflect the drained fens.
Leiston Abbey

We stopped at a few towns, and they were all different. Orford is quite nice.

We went to Framlingham Castle, and it was big and the walls stand tall.
Framlingham Castle

Suffolk is now ticked off for the next few years.

Monday 22 April 2019

Harris and James

When we were in Aldeburgh, we had a choice of 3 ice-cream shops, all of them were queuing outside the doors.  They have their selling points, one looks posh, also expensive, another looks choatic, but local with loads of choices, lastly H&J looked like it is chained and tidy.  We opted for Harris and James.

There were signs in H&J saying their chocolate ice-cream won tasting awards.  Their scoops were generous.  Their chocolate flavour was very authentic.  We were happy with our choices.  Sarah also liked her cherry ripple flavour.  

I was also tempted by their chocolate, so I got a few bars.  I am looking forward to trying them.

Sunday 21 April 2019

Container Restaurants

When we were in Newcastle, we saw some container-pubs.  Then Sarah and I wandered to a container compound with container restaurants.  We were not particularly interested in the offerings.  I am not sure container is ever suitable for a restaurant operation!

Saturday 20 April 2019

Too Sunny

After one day walking around in the Sun, I got heat rashes... In England... I didn't move here for this...

Friday 19 April 2019

Tony's Chocolonely Almond Sea Salt

We bought a bar of Tony's Chocolonely. I knew about the almond but we didn't remember the sea salt.  It is good, it is good to know it tried it's best to remove modern slavery in its supply chain.

Their mould is irregular shape, it makes sharing very uneven!

Thursday 18 April 2019

Diesel TLC

I always knew I need to run the little diesel to make sure the DPF is cleared.  The DPF light has flashed a few times.

I only just learnt about ERG. So I also need to exercise the turbo?!  That just proves that I don't rev enough, literally!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Bars on School Nights

Sarah and I went to a bar in Newcastle, it was very dead.

Then Leslie and I went to Canal Street, also quite dead.  There is little point going out on school nights...

Tuesday 16 April 2019


On our way back from Newcastle, we got a stottie to go.  It was lovely!

Monday 15 April 2019

Poco Fried Calzone

I have been meaning to go to Poco Sicilian Street Food.  And I bumped into them at Belgrave Music Hall.  I wasn't prepare to pay £3 for an arancini, then I spotted something strange.  I asked what it was, and the guy with a perceived Italian ascent said it was fried calzone!  I was curious and I bought one.  Very oily!

Sunday 14 April 2019

Soup Noodles Spree

I have been out with Sarah and Leslie and coincidentally I have been eating soup noodles three days in a row.

I had a Pho at the Market, then I had a pork soup noodle at Thai Roy Dee, and today I had another Pho at Viet Guys.  Yumm!

Saturday 13 April 2019

Eventful Weekend

Leslie came to visit.  I managed to squeeze in Leeds and York on the same day.  Then we went shopping at Haribo, Junction 32, the Springs before I dropped off Kendrew at Halfords, then we headed into town for a pub crawl!

Friday 12 April 2019

Raw Halo Dark 85%

I got this Raw Halo Bark 85% chocolate bar just a few weeks, and I cannot find it the Raw Halo anymore.  It is nicer than I expected.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Waitrose Branch List

Nottingham - Little Waitrose
London High Holburn - Little Waitrose
Woodall South
Milton Keynes
Stratford upon Avon
Newark on Trent


Menai Bridge




Manchester - Little Waitrose (now closed)
Leeds - Little Waitrose (now closed)
Leicester (now closed)
Nottingham (now closed)

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Blenheim Palace

I have been meaning to go to Blenheim Palace, and I finally persuaded Sarah to go with me.  We took the advantage of English Heritage discount, and even converted it to an annual pass, except we are not sure we could go again due to the distance.

Blenheim Palace
The palace, the ground, everything is nice.  I am glad we went.

Blenheim Palace

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Don't Mess with Fernox

I was descaling something from work and I was using some Fernox.  It was not doing anything visually, so I let it over weekend.  It ate the aluminum band as it promised!  I won't be messing with it anymore.

Monday 8 April 2019

Garmin Navigon

The outdated maps on the Navigon was driving Sarah crazy.  I looked into updating maps, but I never though about getting direct from Garmin.  £55 it said!  Everyone has it on the phone these days.  What a waste

Sunday 7 April 2019

American Sports Rules

I overheard some Australians talking about American sports, namely football and hockey, and they got all the rules wrong!  I nearly walked across the canteen to explain to them 10 yards rush an body check...

Saturday 6 April 2019

Fish Gills

I was presented a fish with gills!  I have never seen cooked gills!  Why didn't the fishmonger do the job right?!

Friday 5 April 2019

XS Means Extremely Small

I had a pair of Hein Gericke motorcycle gloves in small, and they fitted me fine.  Then I got a pair of small Nitro Motorcycle gloves, and they were at least a medium!  So I hunted around for some extra small, and the pair I got was extremely small!  Let see if anyone I know can fit in them...

Thursday 4 April 2019

BBC Live Recording

I have not been to a live show for a while.  I went to a BBC live recording show.  I went plenty early and still sat at row 6.  Then I filled in a question form, and got picked to sit in the front!  I think it may have to something to do with diversity quota...  Anyway, I even for a sample nibble at the end, not half bad!

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Banter = Bully + Lies

Banter: exchange of teasing and provoking remarks.
Why is it acceptable to provoke another person in a name of "banter"?  Banter should be called by its  proper name, ie "bullying".

If the banter exchange continues, the banter exchange is knowingly filled with lies.   Lie s a lie rather or not said in jest.
Why is it acceptable to lie to another person in the name of "banter"?  Banter should be called by its proper name, ie "lying".

Nip banter in the bud, douse truth over it, and it fizzles out quickly.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Quorn Cocktail Sausages

I got these Quorn cocktail sausages on marked down.  They are well seasoned.  It is nicer to think they are mushroom froth than thinking they are off cut pink slime...

Monday 1 April 2019

Lazy Sunday

Since I lose an hour of sleep, I decided to relax and rest the rest of the day, so I managed to not leave the house apart from going to the back garden.  Not a bad recovery strategy.