Friday 31 May 2019

Nectar Pizza

I tried a new Epic pizza using a Nectar voucher.   When a lot of elements in a pizza are flavoursome,  everything is just lost.   The pulled chicken is crispy like meat flosses.  The dough is good.

I am very happy with the value with Nectar.  Next one I will opt for something less complex.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Backup Camera S4

Not only my camera was falling bits, the XD card was full!  So I pulled out the S4, and it stepped up to the plate.  The panoramic function being standard to the phone was quite good, the picture quality was quite good.  I must use it more often!

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Battered Old Digital Camera

I probably has this digital camera since 2004. This weekend it decides to fall into bits. It still works, just no lens cover... I will hang onto this a little longer before sending it to pasture...

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Richmond on Swale

If you search Richmond, result returned is likely to be London. 

We briefly visited Richmond when Ninny was around.  I was not impressed by just another Yorkshire town.

This time I made sure I tick off everything.  I already visited the main street with cobbles, and I confirmed the museum is not free.

I made the right choice to park by the river, away from the cobble street, away from the rowdy kids at the fair on main street.  The water fall was okay, I did not bother to walk down, especially with my motorcycle boots.

Richmond Swales Fall
Easby Abbey is very nice.

Easby Abbey
Richmond Castle was actually quite impressive, nice views both of the castle and from the castle.

RichmondRichmond Castle

Monday 27 May 2019

Bike Boots are not for Hiking

I took the opportunity to visit as many EH locations as I can in Northumberland.

So I followed the instruction to park at Craster and walk to Dunstanburgh Castle.  I swore it was more than 1 mile away.  It was made worse because of the wind and the incorrect equipment, eg motorcycle boots.  

Dunstanburgh Castle

Luckily they soda was on sale, I managed to down two!

I went up to the tower, it was extra windy!  And a boy was so afraid of height that he threw up!

Dunstanburgh Castle
I came back exhausted.  Maybe I should not have persisted!

Sunday 26 May 2019

English Curry in the North

So there is English curry, and we ordered a take away, and the curry was more English than other English curries I previously had.

There were no kick to my Biryani, neither was the accompanying chickpea curry and there was an egg!  How strange!

Saturday 25 May 2019

Booze Shopping on Bike

So the biker wanted booze, and I was the only sober one.  And for the first time, the top box has served the crew.  I took Simon with me, and with everyone's order, we still only half filled Flint's top box!

Friday 24 May 2019

York Adventure

I took Flint to get some asparagus, and decided to take the long way back, it was long indeed.  I explored some new roads, there are indeed a lot of roads in the wolds.

Thursday 23 May 2019

Leeds Adventure

I was on a bike and I was taking the opportunity to explore the small roads around Leeds.  I got on a few new roads to me. Some of them are quite nice!

When I ended up in Squires, I was playing the "is that a woman or small man" game.  And spoiler, 99% men.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Meatless Farm

I tried a Meatless Farm burger.  The restaurant decided to fry it instead of grilling or pan frying it.  It has a look of burger, apart from that, it was quite tasteless.  Nevertheless, we eat with our eyes, and we can just add the flavour by means of sauces.  I will take this over cheap burgers.  I am looking forward to the Beyond Meat burger.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Otley Show

Otley Show is very comprehensive.  It has all the elements of an agricultural show and a village show.  It was a nice day out.

Otley Show 2019
Side Saddle...

Otley Show 2019
Suckling Shire Foal

Otley Show 2019
Tug of War

Monday 20 May 2019

Sunday 19 May 2019

SD Card Problems

So dodgy SD card will corrupt files when it reaches capacity.  But the device also plays up when the SD card is at certain capacity regardless the quality of the card.  Why did I bother with a large capacity card...

Saturday 18 May 2019

Horrendous Salty Dog

I was trying the various posh crisps available at work.  Salty Dog is, one word, horrendous.  Crisps stuck together, not crispy, sticky seasoning, everything a crisp shouldn't be.

Friday 17 May 2019

Take a Dive

After the triple whammy and 4 Go Apes, I finally cracked it.  We need to equate the leap to taking a bomb dive in a pool.  Let's see if this mentality works next time...

Thursday 16 May 2019

Ultimate Marked Down

I have seen a lot of 90% off in my time, but I saw something new today, "it's on us"., aka free.

When the staff member slapped the labels on the items, I started snatching them.  Sarah was not convinced "it's on us" meant free, what else could it mean?  To settle her doubt, I volunteered to ask a nearby staff to confirm.  His confirmation delighted Sarah and a nearby shopper.

Our picnic has just been upgraded!

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Matcha Latte

We went to KAI for a drink, we were already stuffed, so no pancakes for us.  I ordered a matcha latte and convinced Sarah to get a turmeric latte.

I like matcha, but I am still not sure about having it milky.  Sarah appreciated the turmeric was finer than the one was attempted at home.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Happy Birthday SARAH!

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Sarah
Happy birthday to you!

Hope you have a great day and enjoy all your presents!

Monday 13 May 2019

Bavette Steak

A few celebrity chefs have been cooking with Bavette steak.  I got some and they were indeed very nice, both flash fried and stewed.

Then I want to see which bit of the cow it is.  So Bavette is just a French name of the flank!  I definitely had flank before, but this ones from Waitrose were so much nicer!

Sunday 12 May 2019


Like satisficers, maximisers refine their options to those that will fulfill their essential needs when making a decision. But they will subsequently pursue the option that will provide them with the maximum benefit or highest utility.

Saturday 11 May 2019


The 'satisficing' concept was first proposed by the U.S. Nobel Prize-winning economist Herbert A. Simon, who created the portmanteau by combining the words 'satisfying' and 'sufficing'.

Friday 10 May 2019

Lightbulb Moment

I went to Alchemist the first time in Manchester.  James ordered a Lightbulb Moment, and I bought a repeat.  When I saw the bill, I was also smoking!

Thursday 9 May 2019

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Microsoft Image Composite Editor

I was looking for panoramic software again, and I came across this free software by Microsoft, ICE.  It is good!

Beeston Castle

Tuesday 7 May 2019


On my way back from Wales, I could not find food.  I stopped at a supermarket, and their cafe was also closing.  I picked up a bag of Hippeas to try.  It is quite non-descriptive crunchy snacks.  I am not sure it was worth the price.

Monday 6 May 2019

Biker Pics

On our ride back, we were snapped by Biker Pics.  We saw our pictures and we all thought we could have done better.  We didn't see them again on the next day, maybe next time.

Sunday 5 May 2019

Helmet Bluetooth Comms

I have seen the Bluetooth comms before, but this year were were many more people using them.  A few of them said their cheap unit works well, so I bought one.  I am looking forward to it.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Stupid Fine Prints

I missed out £7 worth of interest because I made a transfer on the last day of the month, instead of the second last day of the month.  I am moving to somewhere with fewer weird fine prints...

Friday 3 May 2019

Rocker Cover Seal

I had an unknown oil leak, and it was traced to the rocker cover, and the mechanic said it should be changed at the same time as EGR valve!

Thursday 2 May 2019

Expensive Boots

One way to know if something is 3 times the normal price, is the Gor-tex Pre-fix.  £400 for a pair of boots, I don't think so.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Chlorophytum Comosum - Spider Plant

So the allegedly can neutralize the formaldehyde, but when I read up on it, I will need 70 plants!  Now I got 3 small ones in the house, I need them to be extremely prolific!