Wednesday 16 October 2019

Rainbows in Hong Kong

It all started when I said Sarah should put rain drops in front of her craft rainbows.  Then I got on to saying I rarely saw rainbows in Hong Kong.  Then Rachel thought I was joking.  Lastly, I surveyed my friends, and they all concurred with me.

Rachel found a page from Hong Kong observatory that explained what rainbow is with two old pictures, one in 2003, one in 1993.  When you search for rainbow in Hong Kong, you come across LGBT related pages before you get to the news articles on rainbows!  Rainbow is so rare that it makes the news. 

Maybe it is the angle of the Sun, maybe it is the high rise buildings, maybe we don't look at the sky enough.  The end result is the same, we don't really see rainbows in Hong Kong. 

The easiest place to see a rainbow is when the sprinklers are on over a sport field...

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