Thursday 12 March 2020

Han's Diet

So people started talking about how the virus jumped from bats to human, usually via contaminated bush meat.

Then people say Chinese eat everything.  Clearly it is not the case.  First of all, Chinese are not all Han, and the Muslim and Tibetan have their own restrictive diet. 

Unlike what Prince Philip said, even Hans do not eat everything.  Of course, it is easier to count that is not eaten.  Whales - Han is not famous for hunting whales like the Japanese.  Monkey/primates - some African eat them, but it is not really the case in China.  Goose barnacles - Spanish delicacy, but I cannot imagine any Han eating them, they looks worst than see cucumbers.  Corals - I have also never heard about a market for these in China.

My dad used to say, only eat clean and safe food, stay away with unfamiliar food.

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