Wednesday 19 August 2020

Misquoting Cantonese Sayings

The Kangaroo documentary itself was very upsetting, but what has continuously bother me is how some Australians misquoting a Cantonese saying.

One of the contributors reckoned Canton would be a good market for kangaroo meat, because "Cantonese eats anything with the back facing the sky."  This is actually just part of the saying, the saying in full is "Four legged crawlers, back facing the sky."

My instant thought was, "Kangaroo's back isn't facing the sky!" Additionally, they are not four legged!

Just about all bipedal mammals are out of bound, Cantonese is famous for eating a lot of things, but primates (bipedal) were not one of them.

If you want to appropriate other cultures to aid your argument, at least use it right!

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