Wednesday 3 February 2021

Lunar New Year Junk Food Sampling Ft 點 Cook Guide


Everyone brings everyone junk food / snacks in lunar new year.  Even if it was not manufactured junk food, it would be home made junk food.  Martin was talking about some "newer" invention, abut this video is more noticable for its rudeness, which is not common on Martin's video.  But since it is exceptionally rude / funny, I will "audio description" it here.

The rudeness surrounds the 水滴型蛋捲, droplet-shaped cookie.  

00:00 - 00:03

Sunny, "I feel compelled to lick it."

Creamy smacked Sunny.

09:30 onwards

Martin, "best gift of the year.  I always wanted to buy it."  Showing off the item.

Sunny, lifting the box close to the camera, "Let's look at the package, zooming in, very nice packing".

Martin chimed in and agreed.

Sunny, stroking the box, describing the different texture of the packing, "the droplet shape is smooth, the rest of the box is matt texture."  (the droplet shapes like... a female body part)

Creamy smacked Sunny.

Sunny passed box to ask Martin to touch the packaging the confirm the texture.


Sunny, "there is a little plastic knife."

Martin,"I know what the knife is for, there is a membrane in the box."


Sunny, "let me break the packing."  As he pokes the plastic membrane, he made a moan noise.

Creamy smacked Sunny again.


(this few second was the first few second of the video)

Sunny, "I feel compelled to lick it."

Creamy smacked Sunny.


Martin, "The picture on the box doesn't really look like the real item."

Creamy, "the picture looks like theres some chocolate sauce in the middle of the cookie."

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