Sunday 24 October 2021

Woodland Creation - Meanwood

I finally went to a ranger-led Woodland Creation event.  Because it is ranger-led, Chris showed us different trees rather then the big four.

Yew - seed is in the red berry, which is sticky and poisonous to human.

Lime - which I later found out it is also known as Linden or Lilia.

American Oak - bigger leaves with pointier leaves, acorns come every few years, and acorns sometime are not fully formed protruding nut.

Hanging birch - aka downy birch, the kind of seed pod that disburse their tiny transluscent seeds all over your car.

Holly - apparently not all holly bush has berries.

Hornbeam - It looks a little like Beech's leaves but double serrated edges, seed is attached to a wing.

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