Tuesday 30 November 2021

Baked Camembert

I got a camembert, I wasn't sure what to do with it.  I ended up doing the classic baked camembert, it was nice, there was still a hint of sock-ness.  I prefer other soft melty cheeses.

Monday 29 November 2021

Stormy Snowy Weekend

With the Storm Arwen, bringing on wind and snow.  I parked my car away from the trees, just in case.  The tree look wonkier than normal.   I just cosy up at home all weekend.  Just when I thought the storm was gone, and took the washing out, the forecast changed, and I had to bring them all back in.  Winter has come.  

Sunday 28 November 2021

Nescafe Roastery

I picked up the Nescafe Roastary coffee because of the tin,  it really was not worth it.   Nice tin tho. 

Saturday 27 November 2021

South Park Post Covid

I watched South Park Post Covid, so sad.  Kenny became a scientist, nobel laureate, philanthropist and died trying to save us.

Kenny, RIP.


Friday 26 November 2021

Black Friday Air Fryer

I saw this on the Black Friday sale, and I was tempted. With some luck, I secured it in a shop nearby, so I got it.  I didn't need it to be fancy, I just want something to substitute for my big gas-fired non-convection oven.

I tried it on some arancini, worked very well.

It reminds me of toaster oven, let's see how much I can electrify my cooking.

Thursday 25 November 2021

Bye Bye Antenna Pod

 I have used AntennaPod for some 6 years.  It has rejected my old phone, and I tried everything.  I have given up, so let see if other app are any better.

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Try Glue

One of the buttons on one of my old gadgets kept falling off.   I resigned to losing it,  like all the other button,  then I thought I should try glue as a last ditch attempt.  It was double sided tape to start with, glue wasn't a million miles away.   It is holding so far,  fingers crossed. 

Monday 22 November 2021

The Ground Beneath My Feet Original title: Der Boden unter den Füßen


I am not sure I would call it psychological thriller.   I am happy the sex and sexuality of the character didn't matter in this movie,  and so it happens these psychopaths were women.  Moral of the story,  don't sleep with your boss. 

Sunday 21 November 2021

Amy's Kitchen

I have heard about Amy's Kitchen from Bon Appetite.  We finally tried one of their product, which was actually quite nice. 

Saturday 20 November 2021

Old Wii Fit

We set up an old Wii for a friend, and Wii Fit was more elementary than I expected.  Only when you revisit old tech, you realise Nintendo made a lot of improvement on Wii Fit to make Wii Fit Plus. 

Friday 19 November 2021

Paddy's Perfect Partner

We finally found Paddy's perfect partner, a pair of speakers!  Now it is actually good for watching TV. 

Thursday 18 November 2021

Midweek Betty's Queue

Why is there a massive queue outside Betty's midweek for lunch?  Tourists?  Who has been advertising Yorkshire's worst kept secret?  When can I go to avoid queue? 

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Cheat Paratha

We watched new Nadiya's show, it is quite jaw dropping.  I am not sure about the cheat paratha... 

Tuesday 16 November 2021

Crisps Shortage

I cannot believe there is a crisps shortage in the home of potatoes.

Monday 15 November 2021

Portrait of a Lady on Fire

We finally watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire.  Sarah thought it was painfully slow, I thought it was a million times better than Ammonite, not in terms of story line and pace.  And in term of nudity, explicity, this was very calm for a French film.

Sunday 14 November 2021

Fresh Rainbow Trouts

We were walking around Lindley Wood, and found Farnley Fish Farm on the map, so I rang up for some fish.  She literally took the fish our of the pond, and they were flipping when we got there.

Few hours later, I threw them onto the charcoal, and viola!

Saturday 13 November 2021

Shopping Stamina

We went on a shopping spree to tick off all the Christmas presents.  Our first stop was Haribo, but before we got there we were drawn into the new deli next door, Goodworth Brothers extended their butcher shop and opened a deli.

I was disappointed not to see marked down halloween candy, but was immediately cheered up with a freshly baked warm sausage roll.

We went onto Junction 32, after round 1, I needed to stop for a coffee.  I am not sure if it was the mask, the lockdown/reduced shopping practice, or the lack of sleep, I felt my shopping stamina has dropped!

After round 2 of shopping, we sat down for lunch.  Still knackered, I sat out the shopping in The Springs.  I had to save whatever energy I had to do a roast dinner!

Friday 12 November 2021

Orthostatic Intolerance

Apparently suspension trauma is now classified as a type of orthostatic intolerance.  And the two fainting episodes when I was small, might actually have been OI, not heat stroke.  Moral of story, don't make children stand up for a long duration.

Thursday 11 November 2021

Woodlans Creation - Chestnut II

We picked more chestnuts for the council. This time we took the seeds out.  Each pod has 3-4 chestnuts the middle ones are bigger and juicier, hence squirrels would have eaten them, then then remainder chestnuts are very thin.  I am not convinced these seeds will be viable. 

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Inferiority Complex

I know someone who, no matter what the topic was on, will say "American are worse".  I was trying to work out why that was, and I can only think it is inferiority complex or plain ignorant, or a bit of both. 

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Portable Heat Pump

I was wondering what can a small household do to reduce carbon emission.  We already minimize power use.  Replacing a boiler with a heat pump has a very long pay pack for a small home, and the neighbours may not like the compressor noises.  Then it dawned on me, portable heat pump!  Especially if you have a single floor, where can you just push it around to the room needing to be heated.   I did some rough calculation, it will saves about 40% of your heating needs, but then if our baseline is low, it still has a very long pay back.

Monday 8 November 2021

Thruscross Reservior

Continue with the Yorkshire Water walks, we went to Thruscross Reservior.  In their description, they have mentioned steep muddy banks riddled with tree roots, but they did not mention about exposed moorland!  I was hoping there would be pizza, but the Yorkshire Pizza guy is no longer there!  Also, we were going to have a peep at the fancy caravans, and they literally up staked a few weeks ago!

Sunday 7 November 2021

Doner Kebab

I never had doner kebab, or gyros, or shawarma, apparently they all meant the same thing.  And I am under the impression that only drunk people have them.  Anyway, I had a chicken doner, for the first time, for lunch at a Turkish restaurant.  It was acceptable.  I definitely wouldn't like the reformed lamb doner.

Saturday 6 November 2021

Dirty Black Vehicles

When we were small, we were told dark colour clothes hide stains.  The same is not true for cars!  My black bike looks dirtier than my white bike ever used to look!

Friday 5 November 2021

Waterproofing II

With the perceived success with the shoes waterproofing, I proceeded to NikWax my motorcycle gears.  It is more a placebo wash, with a fraction of recommended amount, out of date for 18 years.  It is good to give the motorcycle gear a wash, now the Summer is over, we can wash off a few flies.  The process of preparing motorcycle gear to wash was never easy, all the pads out, all the pockets emptied.

Let's hope there is some improvement.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Smart Meter - Base Load

I thought Smart Meter is a bit pointless to independent user like me.  But I did find some useful information, baseload.  I am happy that my baseload is quite small, on the other hand, I am not sure what baseload I can actually remove...

Monday 1 November 2021


It is a bit unfair to single out Shell when everyone is greenwashing. But Joe is funny.