Wednesday 15 December 2021

Unimpressive Electric Bicycle

I had a go on an electric bike, which was a bit big for me, the ergonomics was all wrong.  I thought I would still take it, consider I wouldn't be cycling very hard, especially I wasn't going very far.  How wrong was I.

Apparently electric bike can no longer be self-propelled, which is fine.  The motor output levels didn't differ very much at different levels.  The ride was good with the assist on, it was easy, it doesn't lurch much, you could just feel it if you are at the right gear at the right acceleration phase.

Just when I was going to return the bike, the battery died.  It died when it was still showing 2 (of 5) bar and only did 22 miles, which it was rated for 40.  I had to cycle this heavy bike, which is hard work when they bike wasn't setup right ergonomically.

That is another no from me.

Electrifying the existing bike would be a better idea.

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