Tuesday 31 May 2022

Languages' Limits - Westerner

So the opposite is true, in Chinese, generic term referring to "White people" is Westerner.  I remember thinking, Australia is clearly South, not West, Russia is clearly North, not West. America is clearly East, not West.  

Preceding the work Westerner, it was "people from the Western seas", contrasting the "people from the Eastern seas", ie Japan.

Preceding that, the famous novel Journey to the West, published in 16th century, refer to central Asia.

West has been a generic word for foreign.

Monday 30 May 2022

Languages' Limits - Levant

Levant, another word for where the Sun rises, which now refers to Near East, West Asian?

Sunday 29 May 2022

Languages' Limits - Orient

Similarly, Orient just means where the Sun rises, observing from the Western Europe.  Somewhere in the general direction of East.

Somehow Orient falls out of fashion, replaced by Far East or East Asian, which is also the word East, which is equally vague as Orient.  And when we though Asia is strong geographic indicator, all the people at the perimeter of this geographic reference also feel out of place, and it is likely the people at the perimeter are mixed. 

The word Asian itself, it covers such a large land mass, you might as well just use the word Earthling.  Orient isn't such a vague word afterall.

Saturday 28 May 2022

Languages' Limits - Österreich

Each language is created to describe from the speaker's prospective.  The first time I learnt this fact is when I was learning German, and I was told Austria, Österreich,  just means "country to the East".  At the time, my mathematical brain just think, wouldn't all the country east to Austria all be called Austria?

Friday 27 May 2022

Languages' Limits

The common language is usually sufficient for most circumstances, however also usually seem uneducated, shortsighted.  We could just all embrace the ignorance or we should all be mindful on what each words mean.  Maybe I should go into comparative literature.

Thursday 26 May 2022

Wednesday 25 May 2022


Supposedly one in ten persons has claimed/dormant asset that was escheated to the states.  So I checked online, nothing.  It is good that I haven't left a money trail behind me.  In hindsight, if Suntrust has handed over my money to the state, how much hassle it would have been. 

Tuesday 24 May 2022



  1. the reversion of property to the state, or (in feudal law) to a lord, on the owner's dying without legal heirs.
    "the Crown's right of escheat was lost"
  1. (of land) revert to a lord or the state by escheat.
    "a private chase which had escheated to the King"

Monday 23 May 2022

Think Like A Theft

When you have lost your key,  time to think like a theft:  is there a spare key,  is there a weak point.  If it happens to be a car, 5 doors cars have extra weak points.  One of my colleagues had once broken into his own house by breaking a pane of glass. 

Sunday 22 May 2022

Alpaca in Leicestershire

This will be the second time we walked an alpaca, last time we did it in Warwickshire. This time we got one each, this location is much more organised.


Sarah snapped us having the same expression.

Saturday 21 May 2022

Tesco FirePit

For our first barbeque for the season,  I got some marinated drumsticks,  Teaco Firepit range,  it tasted good,  but I don't want to read the ingridence list. 

Friday 20 May 2022

Dead Harddrive

I attempted to give an old non-bootable harddrive a new lease of life as a portable drive,  but it was not having it.   So I wasted a few quid on the case...  I am tempted to buy a new harddrive to make a new portable drive,  that I don't really need.  Lets just wait for another surplus harddrive. 

Thursday 19 May 2022

Slow Riding

Another IAM slow riding session, we were just riding in circle,  I need to learn to trust my bike more.  Also,  the incline definitely threw me a little bit,  considering incline 8 is actually an "elementary skill" for Hong Kong motorcycle test,  I wonder if I should have complete those training on Hong Kong that 23 years ago...

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Wood Flooring

We had wooden floor across the whole flat growing up,  which is a rare sight in England.   I don't understand why not.  On the other hand,  there are so many different types of "wood" flooring,  I have no idea where to start. 

Tuesday 17 May 2022


When I was small, we had wooden floor and paved stone floor,  which are still there.   On the other hand,  the flooring in England only seems to last a decade or two, they are not cheap thing to replace either.  I want to make an upgrade that lasts. 

Monday 16 May 2022


Someone mentioned Nerdle and I have been playing ever since.  To me, it is easier,  border line on easy.  We need to keep our brain execised! 

Sunday 15 May 2022

Pork Pie

I refused a slice of pork pie in a picnic.   I was never a big fan of the midland stuff.   I like the Yorkshire ones more. 


Saturday 14 May 2022

Garlic Gathia

I got some garlic sticks aka garlic gathia from Too Good to Go.   I first thought they were weak bombay mix,  then they reminded me of the seasoned instant noodle we used to crunch.   I am not sure they are worth the calories or the money. 

Friday 13 May 2022

Export Ban in Guise of Trade War

A political move so genius that deserves a blog post. 

In time of instability on supply,  producing countries use export ban to ensure sufficient domestic supplies and price.  When you are in free trade zone,  you cannot normally apply export ban,  except,  when there is a dispute,  genius! 

Thursday 12 May 2022

Haribo Shrinkflation

The box cola bottle has got smaller, but I didn't know the cola bottles themselves also got smaller.  The new box is 625g with about 250 cola bottles (2.5g each), the old box was 960g with about 300 cola bottles (3.2g each).  Now I will properly look greedy eating these minitures!

Wednesday 11 May 2022

28ish Days Later

The new podcast 28ish Days Later is much like Woman's Hour, expect they have a younger crew and more focused topic.  I didn't bother to listen to it because I no longer need to acquire that information, but Sarah and I were unsure why we were discussing about the show, on the thing that doesn't affect us about products we don't use.

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Entertaining Entertainment News

The Americans have Heard and Depp, England has Wagatha.  People with so much money supporting the legal industry and its trickle down effect, what is not to like.

Monday 9 May 2022

YHA Glamping at Grinton

YHA has tried their best to keep up with the competition. Their glamping options were not half bad, such as these pods in Grinton Lodge.

I can only complain about the blue tit(s) that shares our pod waking us up at dawn!

Sunday 8 May 2022

Speedstyle Goodies

We were in Squires, so we popped in SpeedstyleAs always, they have good deals on, in the name of keeping the economy going, I picked up a few snoods and some chain sprays.

Saturday 7 May 2022

Starbucks Vegan Breakfast sandwich

I acquired one of these Starbucks Vegan Breakfast sandwich.  I had Beyond Burger once, and was quite impressed by it, so I wasn't too concerned.  As long as you don't try to read the ingredients list, it tastes good, I don't think you can taste the "scrambled eggs", but I am not sure it is better than the meat version.

Friday 6 May 2022

Hunnic Influence

Professor Kim had made some interesting points.  

The video has explained how the steppes were organised,  and it hasn't really changed in the last 1500 years... Being from cultures with "stable" and "central" organised government,  I wonder is it the land that is ingovernable or the people that is ingovernable...  Will they ever move away from strong man mentality tribalism?  Or are we all regressing back into the tribal strong man leader style of government? 

Thursday 5 May 2022

Sunflower Seeds

The other day when I was at the Polish shop,  I could not find sunflower seeds,  strange,  I thought it has something to do with the war.   They I saw sunflower seeds in a discount store,  strange.   Then I read the label,  they originated from China,  packed in Turkey.   So many questions. 

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Yellow Label No More

The last few times I was at the supermarket,  yellow labels were few and far between.   I wondered why.   Then someone told me about OLIO, no only it ruins the best part of supermarket shopping, I am definite not volunteering to manage their surplus stock. 

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Strikingly Bad Databases and Searches

I am finding glitches on various real estates sites' search functions, and some are worst then the others.  The expectation for online information is so high, they are all lagging.

Monday 2 May 2022

Too Good To Go Leicester

We went for some independent shops' Too Good To Go,  Tegtat and Cookguy.

I was quite happy with our experiences, especialy we probably would not have tried either place at full price.

Sunday 1 May 2022

Garrington’s Best Places to Live in

Leeds Live thinks Garrington is too harsh on Garforth.  If you lay out the criteria like this,  it is quite hard to argue against.   Having said that,  I don't think there is much difference between anything ranks >1000.

And we were surprised that Garrington doesn't know about Wetherby.