Thursday 30 June 2022

Wales Grand Tour - Day 4

We had a look at the farmer's Soay lambs before we head out, they were tiny!

We went to the Mumbles in the morning before the crowd descents, it was Sunny and windy!  The tide was low, so it wasn't very exciting.

Then we went back into Swansea, aka Abertawe, as it turns out, Swansea was a Viking name for the place.  We first went to the National Waterfront Museum, there was also a small market going on.  Inside the museum, they had a few area showing the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners.  The museum was showing the history in the area, which was very carbon heavy...

We went to see the Oriel Science, which is a showcase for the university.  It was very interesting, I played with a little robot, and saw the ultrasonic levitation.

After lunch, we walked past Swansea Castle to read that one information panel.  

Finally we visited Swansea Museum, which has a complete different feel to the Waterfront Museum. 

We squeezed in another Cadw at Neath Abbey.  Another supposedly rich abbey, but nothing quite as grand as Tintern.

We finished the day by the sea again, we went to Porthcawl again.  We wanted to try out this fusion seafood place, but they were closed early.  We just watched the waves for a bit.  I had never seen sea foam up close before, foam was flying over the sea wall onto my car Danby!  It was time to call it a day.

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Wales Grand Tour - Day 3

We were on a move again.  We first went to Caerphilly, before Caerphilly Castle, we saw a market, so we popped in to have a look.  Everything was looking like standard until we smelt something very nice at the bottom of the hall, they were making fresh Welsh cakes!

Caerphilly Castle was very big, and because the main tower was under renovation, Cadw compensated us with a guidebook.  The receptionist has assorted pride nails colour, including aro and ace!  There was a dragon family living in the castle, apparently it was a few years in the making.

Then we went to Castell Coch, also recommended by Matt.  It was a Victorian creation on an old castle foundation.

We continued onto Royal Mint, so it happens, they also had a market on.  After a quick lunch, we learnt about the history and got to touch many foreign coins that Royal Mint produces.  I have learnt the phrase "standing on shoulder of giants", but I never knew it was attributed to Issac Newton, which he only reiterated from older sources.  We got a brilliant uncirculated Commonwealth Games 50p as a souvenir, I much rather they have given us the Pride one instead.

By the time we finished at the Mint, it was getting late, I couldn't squeeze in Ogmore Castle.  We went to check in at the B&B.  We decided to take our pack dinner to eat by the sea at Porthcawl.

Tuesday 28 June 2022

Wales Grand Tour - Day 2

We first went to Raglan Castle.  They were trailing a virtual reality at the castle, so we walked around on their tablet, played bowls with Charles I.

Chepstow Castle was surprisingly big, so is the Chepstow Museum.  We has a little walk on Old Wye Bridge, across the Wye back to England and back.

Tintern Abbey was nice.  We stopped at Abbey Mill to have some scones and watched the water mill spun.  We walked on old railway bridge to England and back.

Monday 27 June 2022

Wales Grand Tour - Day 1

Lunch packed,  car packed,  fueled up.   First stop Tewkesbury,  nice old Abbey,  nice town.

Monmouth should really be called Monnowmouth.  We walked around, the Monmouth Castle was just a little ruin, the regimental (engineers?) museum also has a few bits relating to the town.  We stopped for an iced coffee.

I made a mistake of thinking Bigweir Bridge on the map was remotely interesting.  So we drove back and forth the English-Welsh border for no reason, what a boring bridge.

The cottage has skylight, that doesn't have shutter!

Sunday 26 June 2022

Wales Grand Tour - Day 0

Final preparation for our grand tour of Wales,  a long packing list (how could it be so long?),   last minute milk shopping.  Most importantly, Cadw cards.

So it happened I walked into Aldi marking down,  but I wasn't most impressed by their offerings. 

Thursday 23 June 2022

Resilient Courgette

One of the courgettes was hit by a ball,  it damaged the main stem,  which I was prepared the worst.   I have observated a few days and it appears it may survive. 

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Useful Hair

I was observing my friends' heads.   One has a bruise,  one has a scuff,  they reminds me how important hair is. 

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Monday 20 June 2022

York Pride 2022

After two years absence,  York Pride is back,  it feels bigger than previous year,  thank to the good weather.  A very nice day out. 

Sunday 19 June 2022

Life Singularity

Singularties do not just exist in physics,  in life,  weird things happen at the edges too. 

Saturday 18 June 2022

Taper Tantrum

I was listening to WSJ podcast and learnt the term Taper Tantrum.  The term was coined in 2013, and it looks like it is happening again in 2022.

If taper tantrum is unavoidable,  then maybe just let the investors get hurt before they take the rest of the population with them. 

Friday 17 June 2022

Computer Says

These days the drive by evulation has beem replaced by the Gxxxle maps "drive by" evulation. 

Thursday 16 June 2022

Work is Like a Horse

To get from point A to point B, you need a transport.  A horse or donkey helps you move along the way, better than on foot, even though sometimes it doesn't feel it.  If you ride is bumpy, it could be the ride, it could be the road, ultimately a horse or donkey are living beast themselves.  At times, we like to change the ride even though you seem suited to the ride, but there are other horses could transports you the same, it not better.  It is always better to change the horse before the horse dies on you.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Hybrid Inverter

The new hybrid inverter is another solar jargon.  I keep thinking what it is hybriding, it isn't.  It is inverter cum battery pack, just because they are house in the same box, that doesn't mean they hybrided. 

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Pan Asian Food

We went to a Japanese (inspired) restaurant, ran by a Malaysian Chinese.  I must remember, they are all English food!

Monday 13 June 2022

Fuel Cost Calculator

Fuel cost is on everyone's lips, so I had a look at my cost per mile, it is actually still acceptable.  I did explore the cost to go back on public transport, which is still not really much of savings.  We just need to ride it out.

Sunday 12 June 2022

Nissan Leaf

Today I tried an electric car for the first time.  I have tried a electric motorcycle already.

I tried a Nissan Leaf.   It was a nice drive, I am not used to all the technologies, yet.   I will keep it on my wish list. 

Saturday 11 June 2022

Home Grown Radish

This year I am trying to grow radish.  It is fairly fool proof.  But we must remember to top and tail as soon as they come out. 

Friday 10 June 2022

Irukandji Jellyfish

Irukandji Jellyfish, another reason to be fearful about the sea.


Thursday 9 June 2022



There is so much science and bio mechanic on something like squating!

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Chatsworth Gammon Hock

We were buying meat for barbecue at the Chatsworth Farm Shop, as part of the multi buy deal, I bought one of their gammon hock.

I have not seen a gammon hock quite this big, reviewing my record, it is bigger than the one from Tancred and twice as big as the one from Marr Grange.  Has it to do with all the butcher shortage and oversized pigs?  On the other hand, their cooked hock at the counter are small like Marr Grange's.

It is also a pale one.  It cooked well, the liquid was very salty.  I would definitely buy again.

Tuesday 7 June 2022

Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet

Whilst travelling in the area, I popped to visit the Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet.

It is a very good historical site, similar museums all charge entry! Highly recommended

Some kind of scale. Abbeydale Industrial Museum A cam that turns circular motion to the up and down hammering motion. Abbeydale Industrial Museum Their own pond for the water mill. Abbeydale Industrial Museum Not cutlery. 
Abbeydale Industrial Museum

Monday 6 June 2022

Disposable Barbeque

I have only had disposable barbeque once, and I wasn't impressed.  But for this weekend, I was going to try one.  After I bought it, I gave it a shake, decided it didn't have enough charcoal, so I bought some extra.

I rescued an old large disposable barbeque from the bin to study how they work.  The large disposable barbeque has holes on the side to improve draught, which wasn't found on my small disposable barbeque.  I thought about transferring all the charcoal to the large tray, but because the grill size was different, I abandoned the idea.

I added all the extra charcoal into my small disposable barbeque, and reassembled.  I manually poked some holes at the side and the bottom.

It worked very well, I was very happy with the result.

Sunday 5 June 2022

Low Flying Kite

Low flying kite is like a caged bird.  If the condition permits, kite should always fly as high as they could.

Saturday 4 June 2022

Single Skin Tent

We booked onto a bell tent, getting the extra space and save having to bring a tent.  With the extra space. the air mattress fitted very well inside.  All is well until the evening.  Even the weather was warm, quick heat loss over the open field, and the single skin tent, with high head height, became very cold over night.  Another lesson learnt.

Friday 3 June 2022

Unthank in Unthank

We booked the camping in January, with the weather being good, I took the bike to meet the gang.

As a traditional, I name my vehicles with random place names, so here it is, Unthank.

Thursday 2 June 2022

Antenna Pod's Return

I switched to another podcast app, but I manage the break the phone.  So I returned to my old S4, and retried Antenna Pod, and it works!  I am really happy about it.

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Etymology - Chinese

When Chinese think their golden age is Han and Tong, in additional to the mythological Wah Ha.  The neighbours remember Chinese differently.  The whole of Western world knows China as the land East of India by the name Cheen, ie Qin (2th century BC) famous with one of the first tyrants.  And the whole of Russophone knows China as the land South of the Steppes, Китай, Kitay, ie ruled by the Khitans (10th century AD).