Friday 30 September 2022

Yakisoba Pan

Once upon a time, when I first learnt about Yakisoba Pan from Goldfish Warning, I thought it was a joke.

I have seen photo before, but I still could not believe it is real.  Then I came across it on this YouTube featuring crazy Japanese kitchen gadgets.

Seriously?!  I supposedly I was equally shocked when I saw a chip butty.

Thursday 29 September 2022

Unit Change Freakout

Unthank just got a new batteries.  When I pull out the garage, the speedometer was reading 1xx.  I freaked out for a split second, then I found the unit on the speedometer has reverted to metric.  I changed it back to mph as soon as I stopped.  I wonder those less familiar with units will have a bigger freak out than I had.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Decarbonising Gas Network

As much as burning hydrogen is inefficient, replacing all the gas appliances to electrical appliances costs more, and even less efficient.

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Tennis GOATs

Both Serena and Roger has officially retired, what is left to watch?

Monday 26 September 2022

Royal is Better

If you can choose between service with "Royal" in title, and a service that doesn't, for the same amount of price, choose Royal.  If they are really sponsored or endorsed, they will be better, not just because of the placebo effect, but also their potential larger endowment.

Sunday 25 September 2022

Saturday 24 September 2022


We were taught chess as pasttime.  I have not played it for a while, because nobody I know around me plays chess.  I remember I had some success with the scrabble online, so I downloaded a chess app online.  I am not sure I have made much improvements since 30 years ago!

Friday 23 September 2022

Life in Hell - Akbar and Jeff

I remember reading a comic strip,  and found it funny,  something about if you would still love me when we all turned into neutrino.  I have always try to search for it but could not find it.   I finally found it,  it was a Life in Hell - Akbar and Jeff,  only to find they ceased publication 10 years ago!

Thursday 22 September 2022

Apple Tree Analogy - Hong Kong

Once upon a time, there was an unattended apple tree.  Everyone came to scrump, and nobody seemed to care.

One of these scrumped apple was so nice, so the pip was planted, and 150 years of tender loving care later, it has become a fruitful tree.

This is when the descendant of the owner of the original apple tree starting to claim this is their tree, since they had never given permission for the scrumped apples for a start. 

So now the apple tree is back in the original family's ownership, it is again unattended and left to decay.  The lucky apples will roll away and find fertile ground, some day there is a nice new apple tree; the rest will decay with the unattended tree.  Why wouldn't the owner look after the apple trees properly?  If they aren't,  just let someone that will. 

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Apple Tree Analogy - Solar Panel

We were chatting about system sizing for solar hot water and photovoltaic, that if you size it to meet peak demand in worse case scenario, you will have surplus.  Then seeing a fruiting apple tree, I made an analogy, there are only so much apple you can eat, even if you can put some in freezer, you will still have surplus that either yield very little or even cost money to export.  Should always be happy to feed the hungry neighbours. 

Tuesday 20 September 2022

Rivington Liverpool Castle

We went to Rivington Go Ape for the second time.  This time, the reservoir was so low!  And they have changed some of the safety line into a different buffer so you have to overreach to clip on.

For completeness sake, we went to see Liverpool Castle.  Apparently it was meant to be a replica of a castle in Liverpool, funded by Lever family, but it was never completed.

Monday 19 September 2022

Morecambe Glutton

We had a full English breakfast at the B&B, then went to Port of Lancaster Smokehouse for some lunch with the view of River Lune.  Then we went to Wallings, where we missed last time we were in the area, for some icecream, we never knew any icecream parlour actually fill the waffle cone, we were stuffed.

Lastly, we went to someone's house for dinner, they gave me a nice piece of fillet steak!

Sunday 18 September 2022

Isle of Man Reflection

When I got home, I checked the ferry price.  It looks like since we booked, they have out put better offers.  I am gutted!  Also despite it in mid season, a few things were shut or open very late, hence we had to skip Ramsey.

Saturday 17 September 2022

Isle of Man Day 3

Another long day on the island, we first went to the Ballaglass Glen, which has two streams containing a number of waterfalls.

Due to time constrain, we cut out Ramsey, we stopped at King Orry's grave then onto Laxey. The Laxey wheel was going when we arrived. We had a quick lunch at the train station, then we caught the electric train to Sneafell. It was fairly good weather and sunny in Laxey, but not so much at the top!

We had to warm up with a cup of tea whilst waiting for the return train.  Then I got a scoop of Davidson's icecream, it was not that impressive, maybe I should have got it from the parlour.

 We went onto Douglas at good time. The Manx museum was good. I got some cash out, but as it turns out, it was Manx money, I had to trade it for some English money.  We walked around town and go on the ferry.

Friday 16 September 2022

Isle of Man Tour Day 2

We first went to Glenmaye to look at a waterfall.

Then we went to Niarbyl bay, even though the cafe was not open. I was very battered by the wind.

Then we went onto Port Erin. Which their normal train service is a steam train!

We then went to Cregneash, it is like a small version of Beamish. We saw a demo Manx cat, and the demo Laughton sheep. Then we had lunch at the Sound. We had a crab sandwich and a seafood chowder. There were many seals off the Sound, I was battered even more.

Lastly, we went to Castletown to look at Rushen Castle. They has an old map, with very old spelling and was made before Hong Kong was founded. We picked up a Manx steak, a Castletown sausage, Manx potato and Manx brocolli then went home. The steak was nice, I wasn't so sure about the sausage.

Thursday 15 September 2022

Isle of Man Tour Day 1

We took the ferry to the Isle of Man from Liverpool.  We met a lady on the ferry, also came from Leeds.  She told us loads about the Isle of Man.

We went to Peel as soon as we disembarked.  The castle was already shut.  Peel is a nice little town, the House of Manannan was interesting.  We also missed the ice-cream parlour!

We went for a warm seafood platter at a local pub.  It was a good portion!  Supposedly Manx queen scallops, Manx crab, and I am not sure about the shrimps and the bass.

We went to Glen Mooar waterfall nearby.  The road turned into a green lane, which we met a couple motorcycles near the waterfalls.  They went on an unrated wooden bridge rather than the ford.

When we checked into the cottage, we have been reminded the mountain road has no speed limit and there maybe motorcycle travelling very fast so beware.

Wednesday 14 September 2022

Broken Hoover

I was going to do some cleaning, and the swivel head decided to fall to bits.  It is not even 8 years old.  It was only so much I could just use the tube.  I looking online, the branded part is half the cost of a new vacuum!!  I went for an oem generic one, let's hope it works. 

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Headingley Reminder

We drove thorough Headingley, a street full of people in fancy dress.  Is that return to normal? 

Monday 12 September 2022

IAM Overpriced Bike Club

As it turns out, IAM is just an overpriced bike club with very little to offer. 

Sunday 11 September 2022

Sheep Village

Stressed sheep in sheep village.  Only if the wolves can be rehibiliated.

Saturday 10 September 2022

Why We Plan

We plan in advance so that we don't have to make a choice when we are tired.  Default choice is fine, expect when the default is bad.  We plan in advance so that information is made known prior to event, even if a decision is not made in advance, the information will be available when the decision is made.

Friday 9 September 2022

Bubble Tea History

Apparently we have missed the International Bubble Tea Day, but it is always good to learn the history. 

Thursday 8 September 2022

Mushroom Crisps

I bought some mushroom crisps. They tasted fairly inoffensive at first,  then the flavour builds up.  I remember why I went off skiitake when I was small.  I must prevent overdoing them. 

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Happy Hour Cocktails

We went for a happy hour drink.  Something I haven't done for years!  The cosmo tastes a little different from what I remember. 

Tuesday 6 September 2022

Back to School Traffic

I opted to take a train on the Monday instead of driving on M62 during rush hour Monday,  back to school Monday.  I didn't have time to look at the traffic before I had to sort out the rail disription instead! 

Monday 5 September 2022

ELOR Completion

We have already been on the ELOR, but not all sections.  We finally completed all aection this weekend.  Some of the roundabouts are so big,  it was quite confusing. 

Sunday 4 September 2022

Garforth Show

We went to this year's Garforth show.   There are large vegetables,  flower display, wonky vegetable the usual.   But unbeknownst to me,  they sometimes auction out the vegetables at the end,  interesting. 

Saturday 3 September 2022

"Fibre" Broadband

I got given a new router.  Strangely, it is called "fibre" even though it plugs onto the telephone.  It still looks like ADSL to me.  The speed test suggests it is faster, I am not convinced.

Friday 2 September 2022

Thirsty Rye

I have been trying to use up the rye flour I got.  I tried the normal recipe, but it never looks right.  I recall somewhere someone said rye is very thirsty, so I added extra water.  I need to remember any rye recipe will require a higher hydration, even the fine ground one, if not more so.

Thursday 1 September 2022

2lb Bread

I was reading the recipes and it always refer to a 2lb bread, 900g bread, when the recipe clearly does not add up to 900g in weight.  It suddenly dawned on it, it are referring to the size of the loaf tin.  What a stupid way to call/size that loaf tin!  What was ever 2lb in that tin?  Meatloaf?