Sunday 4 December 2022

Don't Buy Dehumidifier

Every Winter, when condensate started forming, people start talking about dehumidifiers.  We should only buy what is fit for purpose, and I can only think of a few domestic situation you would need a dehumidifier in England, if you live in the middle of the woods and the moisture is too high!

Even if that is the case, I would recommend buying a portable air conditioning unit instead, because they are the same thing, when you remove the heat to outside, you get air conditioning, if you keep the ejected heat, it is dehumidifying.

If you are drying your clothes in the house, and that is the reason of the moisture, then you should nip that in the bud, get a heat pump tumble dryer.

Even if your dehumidification is size for the whole room, rendering that room a dry larder, the moisture will will form condensate on the cold walls and window, which is the cause for moulding.  Get an appliance that does the job!  Ie, not a dehumidifier.

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