Monday 31 July 2023

McLaren In Real Life

 I was at the Motorist over the weekend, and I saw a McLaren in real life.  It is £150k worth of car!

Sunday 30 July 2023

Happy Valley Pride

I popped by the old haunt Hebden Bridge to check out the Happy Valley Pride.  It was very nice atmosphere, and I had a crepe for lunch. 

Saturday 29 July 2023

General Heath Advises

Coming out of the supermarket with a bag full of evil food, I saw the sign at the pharmacists' door saying Free Blood Pressure test, so I thought, might as well, I hasn't had one done for a year.

My readings were good, but I got a obligatory general health messages, beware of caffeine, hydration, beware of sodium and spices, exercises.

Friday 28 July 2023

New Bike in Town

My first outing with my newly acquired folding bike was straight into city centre!  I am not sure she should have a name, none of my bicycle had a name. 

Single gear is a bit hard work!


Thursday 27 July 2023

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Electric Scooters

I was walking around a trading estate waiting for my garage to open, and I came across Man Firth, a electric scooter shop.  Apparently some electric scooters can go up to 60 miles per hour.  Absolutely crazy!

Tuesday 25 July 2023

Keelham Ham Hock

I could not recommend Keelham as a cafe destination, their kiosks were chaotic.  Food service were not brilliant, there really is no reason to go for an overpriced sandwiches and sausage rolls there.

Their farm shop offerings were reasonable.  I picked up a ham hock, it was mild but nice.  It was on a small side, but I could believe it came from a happy pig.

Monday 24 July 2023

Photovoltaic System Batteries

There are actually three issues when it comes to a PV system batteries, most people only focus on their calculation on the batteries itself.

First of all, the additional wiring and the additional fire risks.

Second, you would need a hybrid inverter, which costs significantly more than a standard inverter.

Lastly, the batteries.  The calculation really hinges on the lifespan of the batteries.  The expected lifespan has goes from hundreds to some claims 4000s.  Even if we assume best case scenario having 4000 discharge cycle at 90% caps, it is less than 11 years assuming single full discharge nightly, will the battery be able to pay itself back within that time?

Sunday 23 July 2023

Cumberland Sausage Curl

We were adamant that we should get a proper curly Cumberland sausage. We got it from Plumgarths.  The longest one they do is 1.8kg!



Friday 21 July 2023

Gaia at Durham

We finally has the chance to look at Gaia.  I think we have been moon gazing for millennia,  the moon will always be more impressive. 

Thursday 20 July 2023

Dramatic Sycamore Gap

I think the weather is always dramatic in Northumberland.

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Microgreen Tricks

There was a stall selling microgreen in Garfeast.  I took the opportunity to pick their brain.  I cannot wait to try out their sprouting methods, namely in the dark.

Tuesday 18 July 2023

Incredible Edible Garforth

Incredible Edible Garforth was in Garfeast. I took the opportunity to compliment them on their produce.  I took some free seeds to have a go.

Monday 17 July 2023


The toy radios had work very well when we have limited phone signals.  Long may the toy lives.

Sunday 16 July 2023

Saturday 15 July 2023

Courgette Season Begins

We have already harvested 4 courgettes.  Let the courgette season begins!

We watched the video about end rot, it has to do with the bees not doing the job properly, we must not kick ourselves for the evenuality.

Friday 14 July 2023

Homemade Japanese Curry II

So I tried to make the curry using S&B, and their standard recipe, as a basis. I used a braising seasoned spiced broth in place of the stock.

It turns out well.   Lets the experiment continues! 

Thursday 13 July 2023

Homemade Japanese Curry I

We tried to make a Japanese style curry adapting for limited spice mix.

It was edible, there was a umami that reassemble it at time.  

We really need to try it with proper S&B spice. 

Wednesday 12 July 2023

Coop Membership

Unlike other supermarket loyalty scheme,  Coop loyalty is a membership with a subscription fee.  

Now Coop is one of my nearest supermarket,  I have been contamplating joining. 

I finally joined today,  and I already earn my membership fee back,  excellent!

Tuesday 11 July 2023

S&B Curry Powder

We have finished off the Japanese curry paste from Hong Kong.   Spurred on by the recent curry experience, instead of picking up another curry block,   I picked up some S&B curry powder to cook like a Japanese. Lets the experiment begins!

Monday 10 July 2023


As it turns out,  streaker also means something else.

I checked the dictionary,  running naked is further down the definition list than the normal meaning of streak. 

Sunday 9 July 2023

Streaker Snack

We got some posh snack called Streaker.  They are normally sold at posh places,  but we picked them up from a discount store.   They are quite nice. 

Saturday 8 July 2023

Farewell Cameras

After selling a camera to the camera shop.  I put the rest online.  It only took two days to sell one for the Fujicas.   Let's hope the rest sells well too.

Friday 7 July 2023

Chat Bot II

So the Chat Bot claims to know Chinese language.   Its command in Chinese is even worse.   Definitely a bot,  block and report. 

Thursday 6 July 2023

Chat Bot

I talked to a person online.  I suspect him/it being a chatbot, inconsistent, incoherent, repetitive, grammatic errors.  Or he is a person failing the Turin test... 

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Tuxford Blacksmith

We went to Tuxford for some flour, we were surprise how near the windmill was to A1, we could definitely try to make an effort to go more often.  In addition to the Granary we love, we bought a couple other ones, including Blacksmith.  We were told it will come out black, but it was more like a dark brown.  Anyway, it was an interesting flour.

Tuesday 4 July 2023

Hong Kong Barbeque

I did a Hong Kong BBQ for Samuel's family.  So I made a few Hong Kong style things, included a bag of frankfurters and a sweet potato.  Sweet potato was well received by the adult.  Frankfurters were well received by the kids.  Everything is nicer when honey coated.  But I have concluded all chicken franks are awful here...

Monday 3 July 2023

Temporary Carbon Capture

After listening to a seminar on decarbonisation, it talked about carbon capture, temporary and permanent.  Then I realise, I have a temporary carbon capture system in my house, aka garden with scrubs!  Only if I can quantify the carbon capture capability of it!

Sunday 2 July 2023

Reinventing The Curry

Someone showed me the recipe for "Japanese curry", which includes some liquidised vegetable to thicken it.  I was confused.  I do not know anyone who cooks Japanese curry without using a paste.  So I checked online, and I was right, everyone does use the paste.

Then looking up the history of Japanese curry, it evolved from the English curry a few hundred years ago, with the character of being thickened by flour.

Why do people like to reinvent the curry?  First fried meat imported from Europe into Japan came back as Katsu, and now curry imported from England into Japan comes back as Japanese curry...

Saturday 1 July 2023